Current Availability

Plants have been selling very rapidly. Please call ahead to check availability. Plants can be purchased before they are ready.

We take a field inventory every few weeks from February through December. We last updated our inventory on August 29, 2024. Availability fluctuates wildly in our small nursery; it's always best to call to check current supply. Prices subject to change.

Please Note: We do not do mail order and we do not ship plants.

This list reflects retail prices. Landscape and Nursery professionals will need to establish their wholesale status with us to purchase at wholesale prices.


Botanical name Common Name Notes Native 4in 1g
Cirsium occidentale cobweb thistle coastal pink flower Y 52 @ $6.00
Cirsium occidentale var. venustum venus thistle Geyserville Y 49 @ $6.00
Clematis ligusticifolia virgin’s bower young Y 50 @ $13.00
Cornus nuttallii Pacific dogwood Y 65 @ $14.50
Cornus sericea western redtwig dogwood young Y 82 @ $13.00
Crataegus gaylussacia Klamath hawthorn Y 9 @ $13.00
Cucurbita foetidissima buffalo gourd Y 48 @ $6.00 42 @ $12.00
Danthonia californica California oatgrass Y 27 @ $6.00
Deschampsia cespitosa ssp. holciformis coastal hairgrass Sale area only: 1/2 off Y 17 @ $6.00 2 @ $12.00
Dryopteris filix-mas male fern Y 64 @ $6.50
Dudleya 'Frank Reinelt' liveforever very young Y 86 @ $13.50
Dudleya brittonii giant chalk dudleya Y 22 @ $6.50
Dudleya cymosa canyon liveforever Mount Baldy small form; young Y 11 @ $6.50
Dudleya farinosa bluff lettuce Y 48 @ $6.50
Dudleya palmeri Palmer’s dudleya Y 41 @ $6.50
Epilobium 'Schieffelin's Choice' California fuchsia Y 116 @ $6.00 15 @ $12.00
Epilobium canum California fuchsia Y 24 @ $6.00
Epilobium canum 'Calistoga' California fuchsia Y 62 @ $6.00 61 @ $12.00
Epilobium canum 'Coral Canyon' pink California fuchsia Y 82 @ $6.00
Epilobium canum 'Everett's Choice' California fuchsia 4” young; SALE area only: gallons 1/2 off Y 211 @ $6.00 12 @ $12.00
Epilobium canum 'Marin Pink' pink California fuchsia Y 133 @ $6.00 16 @ $12.00
Epilobium canum 'Sierra Salmon' California fuchsia Y 11 @ $6.00 24 @ $12.00
Epilobium canum 'Summer Snow' white California fuchsia 4” young Y 48 @ $6.00
Erigeron 'W.R.' seaside daisy Y 63 @ $6.00
Erigeron glaucus 'Bountiful' seaside daisy Y 2 @ $12.00
Erigeron glaucus 'Cape Sebastian' seaside daisy 4” young Y 48 @ $6.00 7 @ $13.50
Erigeron glaucus 'Ron's Pink' seaside daisy Y 5 @ $12.00
Eriodictyon californicum Yerba Santa Y 9 @ $13.50
Eriogonum arborescens Santa Cruz Island buckwheat Y 1 @ $12.00
Eriogonum crocatum saffron buckwheat Y 7 @ $12.00
Eriogonum elongatum longstem buckwheat Y 92 @ $6.00 46 @ $12.00
Eriogonum fasciculatum California buckwheat Y 75 @ $6.00 18 @ $12.00
Eriogonum fasciculatum 'Warriner Lytle' California buckwheat SALE area only: gallons 1/2 off Y 71 @ $6.00 25 @ $12.00
Eriogonum giganteum St. Catherine’s lace Y 30 @ $6.00 16 @ $12.00
Eriogonum nudum 'Ella Nelson's Yellow' naked buckwheat Y 45 @ $6.00 67 @ $12.00
Eriogonum nudum - robust form naked buckwheat Y 21 @ $6.00 67 @ $12.00
Eriogonum umbellatum var. aureum 'Kannah Creek' golden sulphur flower buckwheat gallons young Y 155 @ $6.50 42 @ $13.50
Eriogonum umbellatum var. porteri Porter’s sulphur buckwheat Y 50 @ $13.50
Eriophyllum lanatum woolly sunflower seed grown Y 19 @ $6.00
Eriophyllum lanatum 'Siskiyou' woolly sunflower gallons young Y 116 @ $6.00 34 @ $12.00
Eriophyllum staechadifolium lizard tail Y 36 @ $12.00
Erythranthe (Mimulus) dentata coastal monkeyflower Y 30 @ $14.50
Festuca 'Beyond Blue' blue fescue N 168 @ $6.00
Festuca 'Siskiyou Blue' blue fescue N 87 @ $13.50
Festuca californica California fescue Y 8 @ $6.00 61 @ $12.00
Festuca californica 'Scott Mountain' California fescue Y 13 @ $13.50
Festuca idahoensis Idaho fescue young Y 48 @ $6.00
Festuca rubra - Molate strain red fescue 4” young; SALE area only: gallons 1/2 off Y 52 @ $6.00 4 @ $12.00
Fragaria vesca woodland strawberry Y 86 @ $6.00
Fragaria vesca 'Montana de Oro' woodland strawberry Y 75 @ $6.00
