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Darmera peltata - dwarf form(umbrella plant, indian rhubarb)This is a surprising dwarf form of the moisture loving umbrella plant. The normally large round leaves of this species are dramatically reduced in height and width in this novel selection. Only about 1 1/2 ft. tall with leaves 8 - 10 inches wide. Deep pink flower clusters, unusually dark for the species, emerge on slender stems in spring and are soon followed by the bright green leaves. The foliage turns yellow in the fall and dies back to chunky rhizomes in the winter. A nice compact alternative for the smaller garden with part shade and regular moisture. Does well in containers.
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Delphinium nudicaule(red larkspur)In late winter and spring, scarlet flowers with elongated tails perch on upright stalks, usually not more than 3 ft tall. The green, lobed leaves which form a low mound above the ground have a distinctive pale patch in their centers. This native makes its home on summer-dry slopes throughout much of Northern California and parts of Central Ca., inhabiting bright, open woodlands and rocky road cuts. Needs good drainage and little to no irrigation in the summer. While it can grow in a fair amount of shade, it blooms best under a bright, dappled canopy. A favorite of hummingbirds and butterflies. All parts are poisonous if ingested.
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Delphinium trolliifolium(Columbian larkspur)Towers of dense, blue purple flowers reaching up to 4 ft high make this one of our most striking native larkspur. The robust stalks rise above elegantly cut leaves featuring an appealing matte finish. The new leaves emerge in winter after a summer/fall dormancy, followed by the stunning floral display in early spring. Native to the northwest corner of our state, where it grows in oak woodlands, bright, coniferous forests and coast chaparral. Enjoys moisture in the winter and spring, but should be allowed to go somewhat dry in the summer when dormant. Provide light shade away from the coast. Attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds. All parts are poisonous if ingested.
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Dendromecon harfordii(island bush poppy)A beautiful and much sought after shrub native to California’s Channel Islands. Growing 6 - 10 ft. tall with bluish-gray foliage and a showy display of brilliant yellow poppy blossoms - spring into early summer, with scattered flowers throughout the year in mild climates. Requires full sun, good drainage, and little to no irrigation once established.
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Dendromecon rigida(bush poppy)This is our local bush poppy, growing 4 - 8 ft. tall with bluish-gray foliage and a showy display of brilliant yellow poppy blossoms from spring into early summer. Scattered flowers may be seen throughout the year in mild climates. The leaves are narrower than those of the island bush poppy and the plant has a more open form. Requires full sun, good drainage, and little to no irrigation once established.
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Deschampsia cespitosa ssp. cespitosa(tufted hairgrass)Tufted hairgrass has a large natural distribution, in both the northern and southern hemispheres, in high elevation mountains as well as lower elevations along the coast. The seed for this crop is from coastal Sonoma County, a good choice for low elevation gardens. Forms a deep-green bunch of finely textured blades up to one foot tall with airy flower panicles extending two foot or more above the foilage. Useful framework among wildflowers or with perennials and shrubs. Sun to light shade and a little summer water. Deer resistant.
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Deschampsia cespitosa ssp. holciformis(coastal hairgrass)This native bunchgrass makes its home on windswept coastal bluffs from Central CA north to British Columbia. The tidy, evergreen clumps of foliage reach 6 – 12 inches tall and get at least as wide. Stiff, green leaf blades can give plants a spiky appearance, but also make this variety look more symmetrical than many native grasses. The narrow Inflorescences can reach up to 2 ft tall. Does best with full sun near the coast, but enjoys some afternoon shade in hotter areas, where moderate irrigation is recommended. Grows well with iris, seaside daisies and other coastal species. Deer resistant.
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Deschampsia cespitosa ssp. holciformis - Jughandle(coastal hairgrass)This form of tufted hairgrass from the Mendocino Coast has a different look than those farther south. The bright green blades are relatively broad and stiff. The flower stalks are 1 1/2 to 2 ft. tall with panicles which emerge greenish then turn golden. A natural for along the coast, a little shade and moisture inland. Deer resistant.
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Deschampsia elongata(slender hairgrass)Graceful fine-textured perennial bunch grass, native to partly shaded, seasonally moist areas in California. Features bright green blades and gently arching flower stalks 12-18 inches tall. Yellowish-green in spring, turns soft gold in summer. Deer resistant.
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Dicentra formosa(western bleeding heart)Ferny foliage makes a lacy groundcover in shady areas. Clusters of pendulous, pink, heart-shaped flowers in spring and into summer. Will spread rapidly when happy, enjoying moist but not soggy woodland conditions. Tolerates dry shade where it goes dormant with drought. Early nectar source for hummingbirds and bumble bees. Deer resistant.
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Dichelostemma congestum(ookow)Description coming soon!
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Dichelostemma ida-maia(firecracker flower)Blooming firecracker flowers are a sight to behold. Native to grassy slopes and woodland edges from Mendocino County to Southern Oregon, this distinctive native bulb is truly unique. Long, strap-shaped leaves give rise to tall, naked stems, 20 - 25 inches in height. Generous clusters of pendulous, one inch floral tubes of striking crimson with reflexed green tips reveal protruding little fringes of white. Bloom in late spring to early summer. Prefers lightly shaded areas that will go dry in summer after flowering. Does well in containers, as long as it is allowed to go dry once dormant. Flowers are custom built for hummingbirds and butterflies.
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Dichelostemma ida-maia x multiflorum 'Pink Diamond'(pink firecracker flower)A natural occurring hybrid involving the red firecracker flower and a blue flowering species, producing bright, magenta-pink tubular flowers with charming reflexed tips like it's firecracker parent. Strap shaped leaves emerge in the spring with leafless flower stems following, 8-20 inches tall. The umbels of deep pink flowers are favored by hummingbirds and butterflies. Tolerant of different soil types in full sun to light shade. Dry conditions once it goes dormant is a must. Good container plant.
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Dichondra donelliana(California ponysfoot)Dichondra is a small genus of flowering plants in the morning glory family that form a thick, mat-like ground cover of rounded leaves, once popular as lawn substitutes. This native species is uncommon in the nursery trade and in gardens, but has potential worth exploring. Native to California coastal plant communities on open slopes and moist grasslands, it forms a flat, perennial ground cover with tidy, rounded leaves, densely packed along creeping stems. The flowers are tiny and greenish-white, not real showy but interesting. An obvious application would be a small scale ground cover or meadow planting in areas with some moisture. Could be a candidate for green roofs or walls, where a low and spreading plant is the ticket. Plant in full sun on the immediate coast, otherwise light shade is necessary. Moderate summer water.
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Diplacus (Mimulus) 'Butter Yellow'(monkeyflower)Description coming soon!
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Diplacus (Mimulus) 'Changeling'(monkeyflower)This charming hybrid monkeyflower offers a beautiful blend of soft orange, red, and cream hues on ruffly-edged, trumpet-shaped blossoms. As the mottled colors mellow with age, each bloom looks a little different from the next, adding to the appealing "changeling" effect. Foliage is evergreen and grows to 3 ft. tall and wide. Plant in full sun on the coast to light shade inland and give it well drained soil. Drought tolerant once established, but some occasional summer water is helpful. Bees, butterflies and hummingbirds work the flowers and the painted lady and checkerspot butterflies use it as a larval food source. Deer resistant.
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Diplacus (Mimulus) 'Creamsicle'(monkeyflower)The trumpet-shaped blossoms of the 'Creamsicle' monkeyflower are a beautiful shade of pastel orange with a white throat and dark orange nectar guides, giving it a two-toned affect. This is one of Phil's first hybrids using Diplacus (formerly Mimulus) bifidus from Bowman Lake in the Sierra Nevada (thanks to Ted Kipping). It has proved long lived in both Fulton and Sebastopol and has the useful characteristic of sprouting new growth from the base so that old growth can be pruned away. Evergreen foliage grows 2-3 feet tall and wide. Best with light shade and good drainage. Provide occasional deep soaks, but keep the soil on the dry side in summer.
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Diplacus (Mimulus) 'Eleanor'(monkeyflower)The ‘Eleanor’ monkeyflower selection, introduced by Yerba Buena Nursery, offers an abundance of soft citrusy-yellow blossoms edged in white. Monkeyflowers are evergreen, floriferous subshrubs that bloom spring through the summer. This hybrid form grows to around 3-foot tall and wide. Best with good drainage, light shade, an occasional deep watering once established. Avoid drip irrigation. Pinching older stems helps produce a fresh, dense habit for these profusely blooming plants. Monkeyflowers are deer resistant, and are a larval food source for the painted lady and checkerspot butterflies.
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Diplacus (Mimulus) 'Fiesta Marigold'(monkeyflower)Selected for its large, frilly, brick-red blossoms with orange edging, this striking monkeyflower hybrid comes from horticulturalist Richard Persoff. It is also a relatively compact form at 18 inches to 2 feet tall and wide. Valued for their long bloom season, monkeyflowers perform best with good drainage and sun to light shade. Drought tolerant, but some occasional summer water is helpful. Monkeyflowers benefit from pinching to produce a nice shape and strong structure to hold the abundant blossoms. Highly attractive to bees and hummingbirds. Deer resistant.
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Diplacus (Mimulus) 'Georgie Red'(monkeyflower)This hybrid monkey flower has large, brick-red flowers that have an apricot edge to the frilly petals. The result of a breeding program by Ball Horticultural Co. using both wild and commercial material, it has a compact habit, growing 1-2 ft. tall and wide . Monkeyflowers prefer good drainage in sun to light shade with occasional deep watering. Humming bird favorites and deer resistant.
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Diplacus (Mimulus) 'Grape'(monkeyflower)Large, open-mouthed flowers in a fruity purple with white throats and edging make the 'Grape' monkeyflower vibrant and showy. The lush, deep-green foliage stays a compact 2-foot or more tall and wide. This unique selection comes from Bay Area horticulturalist and teacher, Kathy Echols. Plant in sun to light shade with good drainage. Best with occasional summer watering and pinching to keep good form. A favorite of hummingbirds and other pollinators. Checkerspot and buckeye butterfly larval food source. Deer resistant.
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Diplacus (Mimulus) 'Jelly Bean Dark Pink'(monkeyflower)This fine selection by monkeyflower breeder Richard Persoff has large, showy flowers in a dark rosy-pink with orange throats and white edging. As the flowers age, their color becomes paler, creating a dramatic contrast between new and old flowers. Selected for its attractive foliage, floriferousness, and compact habit, it grows to 2 ft. tall and wide. Monkeyflowers are dought tolerant once established, but need good drainage and occasional deep watering to keep the flowers coming. Plant in full sun along the coast and light shade inland. A favorite of hummingbirds and butterflies. Deer resistant.
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Diplacus (Mimulus) 'Jelly Bean Gold'(monkeyflower)This cheerful monkeyflower boasts impressive displays of sunny yellow flowers throughout most of the year. One of Richard Persoff’s hybrid selections known for their vibrant color and profuse, long-lasting blooms. The lush evergreen foliage is a compact 2-feet tall and wide, and with periodic pinching back of stems, stays dense and bushy. Monkeyflowers are drought tolerant, but provide them with afternoon shade and occasional summer water to extend the blooming season. Grows even in poor soils so long as it has good drainage. Formerly: Mimulus 'Jelly Bean Gold'.
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Diplacus (Mimulus) 'Jelly Bean Lemon'(monkeyflower)A selection from the Jelly Bean series of hybrid monkeyflowers with glowing, lemon-yellow, frilly flowers that decorate the branch tips over a long period. Dark green compact foliage grows 18 inches to 2 ft. tall and wide. Valued for their long bloom period, monkeyflowers perform best with good drainage and sun to light shade. Drought tolerant, but some occasional summer water is helpful. Benefits from pinching to produce a nice shape and strong structure to hold the abundant blossoms. Nice in containers too. Highly attractive to bees and hummingbirds. Deer resistant. Formerly: Mimulus 'Jelly Bean Lemon.'
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Diplacus (Mimulus) 'Jelly Bean Orange'(monkeyflower)This bright and multi-toned orange selection from the Jelly Bean Series of hybrid monkeyflowers was chosen for its compact habit and heavy display of frilly blossoms. Monkeyflowers are a useful group of free-flowering, drought-tolerant, native sub-shrubs that bloom spring through summer. Provide good drainage, light shade and careful watering. Monkeyflowers do best with an occasional deep watering in the summer and pinching to form good support for the profuse blossoms. Bees, butterflies and hummingbirds work the flowers and the painted lady and checkerspot butterflies use it as a larval food source. Deer resistant.