November News

Thank you to all who made our end of season sale a huge success. Our customers are focused on fall planting with low water using plants. Many popular items are sold out, but we still have a nice selection of plants for your consideration. Check out our latest inventory for current availability. Beginning November 1st we will close on Sundays and our New Business Hours will be Monday - Saturday 10 - 4. We will keep these hours through Saturday December 19, 2015 before we close for our winter break.

We have a good supply of woodland plants for different shades of shade. Redwood sorrel, wild ginger and sword ferns are denizens of the redwood forest and thrive in shady locations. 

There are southern maidenhair ferns, giant chain ferns and a few nice five gallon specimens of deer fern.

Alum root and fringe cups are perennials that tolerate dryer lightly shaded areas as do the shrubby hazelnuts and cream bush.

We have flowering currants for light or part shade, both pink and white forms as well as the cheerful golden currant. These vase-shaped shrubs will reward you with dangling clusters of flowers in early spring and are highly attractive to hummingbirds. Another hummingbird favorite is the spiny fuchsia-flowered gooseberry, which often begins blooming in winter with dangling crimson blossoms.

For a grass-like groundcover we have Carex pansa and Carex praegracilis available in four inch pots. Spreading by underground runners, these sedges will form a solid carpet of dark green blades. Useful in many landscape applications these sturdy perennials will hold soil, tolerate winter inundation as well as some summer drought. Becoming popular for retention basins, as a lawn replacement, unmowed meadow, and even for dog yards and runs. A friend installed this patch of Carex pansa for her chocolate lab, a solid tank of a dog who rolls and romps in the thick bed of deep green foliage.

We love manzanitas and grow many varieties. These drought tolerant shrubs have been extremely popular this year and our offerings are limited now. We do have a good supply of the well known ground cover Arctostaphylos 'Emerald Carpet' and the upright 'Howard McMinn'. Another upright manzanita that is as adaptable and easy to grow is Artostaphylos 'Sunset' which we have in both one and five gallon pots.

There is some good tree availability perfect for fall planting. California buckeye is a fast growing and well adapted tree, beautiful in all its seasons. They are available in tree pots, five and seven gallon containers. Another fast growing deciduous tree is big leaf maple, which provides some nice yellow fall color in it's turning leaves. Looking for evergreens? We have one gallon incense cedar, bishop pine and foothill pines. Native oaks are beautiful long lived trees. Where space allows they are the ultimate habitat plant offering food and shelter for wildlife. We have some really nice tree pots of the evergreen coast live oak and the deciduous valley oak. Also available in 14 inch tree pots are canyon live oak, black oak and the Mediterranean cork oak.

The best time to plant is in the fall. The cooler temperatures and winter rains help plants develop a healthy root system to get plantings through the dry season with less watering. Hopefully we'll have a drenching rainy season ahead to get your fall plantings settled in and on their way.