We invite you to visit our nursery at 2990 Somers Street, Fulton, CA to see our great selection of California native and habitat-friendly plants. We do not ship or mail order.
Winter Business Hours:
Everyday: 10am - 4pm
California Flora Nursery is located at 2990 Somers St., in Fulton, CA 95439, Sonoma County, California, 60 miles north of San Francisco. Phone: (707) 528-8813.
From the North: South on Highway 101 take the River Road exit. Turn right onto River Road and head west. Just past Aaction Rents and before the intersection of Fulton and River Roads, turn left on Somers Street & go four blocks south. We are on the left.
From the South: North on Highway 101 take the River Road exit (it is the first exit north of Santa Rosa) and head west (left) on River Road. Approximately one mile from the freeway and before the Fulton Street traffic light, turn left on Somers Street (just past Aaction Rents). Go three blocks and you'll see us on the left.