Winter clean up is behind us now. Every plant in the nursery was lifted, cleaned of leaves both in the pot and on the ground, and fertilized.
New crops are being put out every week.
Propagation continues. Seedlings are being transplanted. Perennials and grasses divided. Cuttings are being stuck. It is an exciting time of year and we invite you to come by and see what is new. We are now open 7 days a week. Spring hours.
Along with our own propagation we have brought in Pacific Coast Hybrid Iris from Suncrest Nursery again this year. We have a wide range of flower colors with interesting veining and ruffles. They are very full one gallons, most in bud and bloom for $10.00.
Native Currants
Flowering currants are adaptable shrubs valued for their early flowering. Vase shaped shrubs bloom before leafing out with lovely displays of pendulous flower clusters adored by hummingbirds. Flower color ranges from white through soft to deep pinks. The resinous leaves have a pungent fragrance and the fruits that follow are enjoyed by birds. We have a good supply of the popular cultivar 'Claremont', a Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden introduction. Nice long racemes of soft pink, darken as they age. 'Tranquillon Ridge' is an especially tall form, with rose pink flower clusters. Our own introduction, selected by Phil, hails from western Marin County. 'Heart's Delight' has dark pink flowers. Currants grow best with part shade, unless right along the coast and moderate watering.
We also have a good supply of golden currant, Ribes aureum. A large, spreading shrub with small glossy green leaves and golden-yellow flower clusters. The translucent yellow to red berries that follow are handsome and attract birds. Adaptable, growing in sun to light shade. Tolerant of watering regimes of regular to little summer watering.
Native Umbels
We have featured members of the Apiacea family in past newsletters. Their striking and architectural umbrella shaped flower heads are particularly attractive to beneficial insects. Looking particularly fresh and beautiful this time of year is Lomatium californicum. Forms clumps of blue-green foliage to about a foot tall topped with striking umbels made up of tiny chartreuse blossoms. Plant in lightly shaded areas where it can go summer dry once established. Larvel food source for the anise swallowtail butterfly. Now available in four inch and gallons.
Another wonderful umbel we have in stock now is Angelica tomentosa, the foothill angelica. An inland species from moist and lightly shaded places is usually found on serpentine. Easy to grow with handsome gray green foliage and flower stems of white umbels 2-3 ft. tall. A bold and beautiful addition to the garden with an interesting history of medicinal and shamanistic uses by the Pomo. Available in four inch pots and one gallons
Easy to grow native annuals favoring moist areas and providing a profusion of fragrant flowers on low growing foliage. An excellent choice for winter wet areas, swale, retention basin or seasonally dry streambed. Super easy container plant too. The abundant blossoms attract pollinators and beneficial insects. Ours are in four inch pots and we have three varieties. Meadowfoam has cup shaped, bright yellow flowers with white tips, snowy meadowfoam has white flowers with purple-pink veins and Point Reyes meadowfoam has pure yellow flowers.
California Poppies
Everyone loves California poppies. Many are annual and happily reseed. This year we have a coastal form which is perennial with low and spreading beautiful finely cut blue-gray foliage. The flowers are golden-yellow with orange centers, blooming over a long period. Highly attractive to native pollinators such as bumble bees. Will seed around when happy. Ours are available in four inch pots.
Coming Attractions
Some favorites will becoming available over the next month. Already put out and coming along are the popular monkeyflowers, Mimulus aurantiacus and hybrids, coyote mint (Monardella villosa), Penstemon and native sages are nearly ready. We have three cultivars of California fuchsia in four inch pots ready now with more on their way. You can find Epilobium canum 'Everett's Choice', E. 'Calistoga' and E. 'Schefflin's Choice' available now.