Salvia sonomensis 'Hobbit Toes'

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  • Salvia sonomensis 'Hobbit Toes' Sonoma sage
  • Salvia sonomensis 'Hobbit Toes' Sonoma sage
Sonoma sage

An interesting selection of Sonoma sage from the Cuesta Grade in San Luis Obispo County.  A compact grower forming a flat mat of gray leaves covered with soft white hairs. The blue-violet flowers spikes are darker than many of our local forms and make a beautiful display in late spring, a favorite of bees and hummingbirds. This fragrant ground cover tolerates heat and drought and requires good drainage with only occasional to no summer watering once established. Will grow in a variety of exposures but often seems happiest with a bit of light shade. Deer resistant.

Call to confirm current supply. Availability as of February 27, 2025:
We do not ship.

Sorry; this plant is out of stock at present.