Eriogonum elongatum |
longstem buckwheat |
SALE area only: 50% off |
Y |
2 @ $6.00 |
7 @ $12.00 |
Eriogonum fasciculatum |
California buckwheat |
Y |
7 @ $6.00 |
Eriogonum giganteum |
St. Catherine’s lace |
young |
Y |
21 @ $6.00 |
Eriogonum grande var. rubescens |
red buckwheat |
young |
Y |
16 @ $6.00 |
Eriogonum latifolium |
coastal bluff buckwheat |
young |
Y |
8 @ $6.00 |
Eriogonum umbellatum |
sulphur flower buckwheat |
young |
Y |
7 @ $13.50 |
Eriophyllum lanatum 'Siskiyou' |
woolly sunflower |
Y |
140 @ $6.00 |
Eriophyllum staechadifolium |
lizard tail |
Y |
28 @ $6.00 |
28 @ $12.00 |
Erythranthe (Mimulus) dentata |
coastal monkeyflower |
Y |
27 @ $12.00 |
Erythronium 'Pagoda' |
fawn lily |
young; dormant |
Y |
40 @ $6.50 |
Erythronium revolutum 'White Beauty' |
fawn lily |
young; dormant |
Y |
40 @ $6.50 |
Erythronium tuolumnense |
Tuolumne fawn lily |
young; dormant |
Y |
4 @ $6.50 |
Festuca 'Beyond Blue' |
blue fescue |
N |
83 @ $6.00 |
Festuca 'Siskiyou Blue' |
blue fescue |
N |
3 @ $13.50 |
Festuca californica |
California fescue |
Sonoma County |
Y |
34 @ $6.00 |
39 @ $12.00 |
Festuca californica 'Phil's Silver' |
California fescue |
Y |
32 @ $13.50 |
Festuca idahoensis |
Idaho fescue |
Y |
32 @ $6.00 |
Festuca idahoensis 'Tomales Bay' |
Idaho fescue |
Y |
15 @ $13.50 |
Festuca rubra - Molate strain |
red fescue |
Y |
42 @ $6.00 |
Fraxinus latifolia |
Oregon ash |
Y |
35 @ $13.00 |
Fritillaria affinis |
checker lily |
young; dormant |
Y |
162 @ $6.50 |
Garrya elliptica 'Evie' |
coast silktassel |
Y |
6 @ $14.50 |
Garrya elliptica 'James Roof' |
coast silktassel |
Y |
17 @ $14.50 |
Gaultheria shallon |
salal |
young |
Y |
52 @ $14.50 |
Grindelia camporum |
Great Valley gum plant |
gallons young |
Y |
30 @ $6.00 |
49 @ $12.00 |
Grindelia stricta var. platyphylla 'Mendocino' |
spreading gum plant |
gallons young |
Y |
18 @ $6.00 |
10 @ $12.00 |
Helenium puberulum |
rosilla |
SALE: 50% off 1g |
Y |
32 @ $6.00 |
102 @ $12.00 |
Helianthus californicus |
California sunflower |
going dormant |
Y |
28 @ $12.00 |
Heracleum lanatum |
cow parsnip |
Y |
30 @ $6.00 |
38 @ $12.00 |
Hesperocyparis abramsiana |
Santa Cruz cypress |
Y |
10 @ $13.00 |
Hesperocyparis forbesii |
Tecate cypress |
young |
Y |
48 @ $13.00 |
Hesperocyparis macnabiana |
Macnab cypress |
Y |
33 @ $13.00 |
Hesperocyparis sargentii |
Sargent cypress |
Y |
42 @ $13.00 |
Heteromeles arbutifolia |
toyon |
seed grown; Sonoma County |
Y |
58 @ $14.50 |
Heuchera 'Canyon Duet' |
coral bells |
Y |
24 @ $6.50 |
Heuchera maxima |
island alum root |
Y |
4 @ $13.50 |
Heuchera micrantha 'Martha Roderick' |
pink alum root |
Y |
23 @ $13.50 |
Hierochloe (Anthoxanthum) occidentalis |
vanilla grass |
going dormant; young |
Y |
12 @ $6.00 |
Iris douglasiana |
Douglas iris |
Y |
3 @ $6.50 |
25 @ $13.50 |
Iris douglasiana 'Canyon Snow' |
Pacific Coast hybrid iris |
young |
Y |
27 @ $13.50 |
Iris douglasiana - robust form |
Douglas iris |
Y |
36 @ $13.50 |
Iris douglasiana v. major |
Douglas iris |
shades of yellow, cream, purple and blue |
Y |
32 @ $13.50 |
Iris Pacific Coast hybrid - yellow |
yellow Pacific Coast hybrid iris |
Y |
6 @ $13.50 |
Juncus effusus |
soft rush |
young |
Y |
58 @ $6.00 |
2 @ $12.00 |
Juncus patens 'Carman's Grey' |
California grey rush |
Y |
49 @ $6.00 |
26 @ $13.50 |
Koeleria macrantha |
June grass |
Y |
4 @ $6.00 |
Lavatera (Malva) assurgentiflora |
island mallow |
Y |
10 @ $13.00 |
Lepechinia calycina |
pitcher sage |
young |
Y |
2 @ $13.00 |
Lepechinia fragrans 'El Tigre' |
fragrant pitcher sage |
Y |
3 @ $14.50 |
Lilium pardalinum |
leopard lily |
upper Santa Rosa Creek; dormant |
Y |
9 @ $6.50 |