Current Availability
Plants have been selling very rapidly. Please call ahead to check availability. Plants can be purchased before they are ready.
We take a field inventory every few weeks from February through December. We last updated our inventory on January 30, 2025. Availability fluctuates wildly in our small nursery; it's always best to call to check current supply. Prices subject to change.
Please Note: We do not do mail order and we do not ship plants.
This list reflects retail prices. Landscape and Nursery professionals will need to establish their wholesale status with us to purchase at wholesale prices.
Botanical name | Common Name | Notes | Native | 4in | 1g |
Festuca 'Beyond Blue' | blue fescue | N | 91 @ $6.00 | ||
Festuca 'Siskiyou Blue' | blue fescue | N | 3 @ $13.50 | ||
Festuca californica | California fescue | Sonoma County | Y | 2 @ $12.00 | |
Festuca californica | California fescue | Bogg’s' Mt.; young | Y | 53 @ $6.00 | |
Festuca idahoensis 'Tomales Bay' | Idaho fescue | Y | 32 @ $6.00 | ||
Festuca rubra 'Patrick's Point' | red fescue | Y | 46 @ $13.50 | ||
Fraxinus latifolia | Oregon ash | young | Y | 22 @ $13.00 | |
Fritillaria affinis | checker lily | dormant | Y | 127 @ $6.50 | 15 @ $14.50 |
Garrya elliptica | coast silktassel | Y | 1 @ $14.50 | ||
Garrya elliptica 'Evie' | coast silktassel | young | Y | 50 @ $14.50 | |
Gaultheria shallon | salal | Y | 44 @ $14.50 | ||
Grindelia camporum | Great Valley gum plant | Y | 100 @ $6.00 | ||
Helenium puberulum | rosilla | SALE: 50% off gallons | Y | 29 @ $6.00 | 52 @ $12.00 |
Helianthella californica | California helianthella | young | Y | 48 @ $12.00 | |
Heracleum lanatum | cow parsnip | Y | 13 @ $6.00 | 24 @ $12.00 | |
Hesperocyparis abramsiana | Santa Cruz cypress | Y | 44 @ $13.00 | ||
Hesperocyparis forbesii | Tecate cypress | Y | 48 @ $13.00 | ||
Hesperocyparis macnabiana | Macnab cypress | Y | 28 @ $13.00 | ||
Hesperocyparis sargentii | Sargent cypress | Y | 27 @ $13.00 | ||
Heteromeles arbutifolia | toyon | seed grown; Sonoma County | Y | 17 @ $14.50 | |
Heuchera 'Canyon Duet' | coral bells | 72 young | Y | 132 @ $6.50 | |
Heuchera micrantha 'Martha Roderick' | pink alum root | Y | 3 @ $13.50 | ||
Iris douglasiana 'Canyon Snow' | Pacific Coast hybrid iris | young | Y | 102 @ $13.50 | |
Iris douglasiana - robust form | Douglas iris | Y | 1 @ $13.50 | ||
Iris douglasiana v. major | Douglas iris | shades of yellow, cream, purple and blue; young | Y | 56 @ $13.50 | |
Iris fernaldii | Fernald’s iris | young | Y | 71 @ $13.50 | |
Iris macrosiphon | long tube iris | young | Y | 125 @ $13.50 | |
Iris Pacific Coast hybrid 'Native Warrior' | Pacific Coast hybrid iris | Y | 50 @ $13.50 | ||
Iris Pacific Coast hybrid - yellow | yellow Pacific Coast hybrid iris | Y | 5 @ $13.50 | ||
Juncus effusus | soft rush | Y | 75 @ $6.00 | ||
Juncus patens | California grey rush | Y | 47 @ $12.00 | ||
Lepechinia calycina | pitcher sage | Y | 1 @ $13.00 | ||
Lilium pardalinum ssp. vollmeri | Vollmer’s lily | young | Y | 75 @ $13.50 | |
Lomatium californicum | California lomatium | young | Y | 109 @ $6.00 | |
Lomatium dissectum | fernleaf biscuitroot | young | Y | 48 @ $12.00 | |
Lonicera hispidula | California honeysuckle | young | Y | 69 @ $13.00 | |
Lonicera involucrata | twinberry | young | Y | 48 @ $13.00 | |
Lupinus polyphyllus | bog lupine | dormant; young | Y | 4 @ $6.50 | |
Maianthemum (Smilacina) stellatum | slim false Solomon’s seal | Glen Ellen; young | Y | 25 @ $13.50 | |
Maianthemum (Smilacina) stellatum | slim false Solomon’s seal | Trinity Mountains form; young | Y | 16 @ $13.50 | |
Maianthemum (Smilacina) stellatum | slim false Solomon’s seal | Steward’s Point; young | Y | 16 @ $13.50 | |
Maianthemum (Smilacina) stellatum | slim false Solomon’s seal | Freezeout Creek, Sonoma Co.; young | Y | 24 @ $13.50 | |
Maianthemum (Smilacina) stellatum | slim false Solomon’s seal | Willow Creek; young | Y | 41 @ $13.50 | |
Melica geyeri | Geyer’s onion grass | Y | 27 @ $6.00 | ||
Melica harfordii | woodland melic | Y | 48 @ $6.00 | ||
Monardella villosa ssp. franciscana 'Pomo Canyon' | coyote mint | young | Y | 53 @ $6.00 | |
Monardella villosa ssp. franciscana 'Russian River' | coyote mint | 72 young | Y | 104 @ $6.00 | |
Muhlenbergia rigens | deer grass | Y | 96 @ $6.00 | ||
Oemleria cerasiformis | oso berry | young | Y | 45 @ $13.00 | |
Penstemon 'Catherine de la Mare' | penstemon | N | 22 @ $12.00 |