Sphaeralcea ambigua

  • Sphaeralcea ambigua  apricot mallow
  • Sphaeralcea ambigua  apricot mallow
  • Sphaeralcea ambigua  apricot mallow
  • Sphaeralcea ambigua  apricot mallow
apricot mallow

Native to desert plant communities, apricot mallow is a showy evergreen shrublet growing 2-4 foot tall and wide. Soft-green, woolly, scalloped leaves provide the foil for long wands with an abundance of small hollyhock-like flowers in delicious shades of orange. Plant in full sun with good drainage and occasional summer water. Adaptable, tolerating cold, dry conditions but not heavy wet soils. When happy can bloom for months- trim back flowering stems after bloom for repeat performance. A beautiful addition to the dry sunny garden, ideal for inland gardens. Relatively short lived but grows rapidly and occasionally reseeds. Honeybees, native bees and hummingbirds are attracted to it's flowers.


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