Festuca californica 'Scott Mountain'

  • Festuca californica 'Scott Mountain' California fescue
  • Festuca californica 'Scott Mountain' California fescue
California fescue

A Native Sons Nursery selection from Siskiyou County.  A good choice for gardens with limited space where the typical California fescue may prove too large.  Smaller, stiff. blue-green blades to 1 foot tall with airy flower stems rising to 3 ft. tall.  Will accept full sun along the coast but best with light shade.  Wonderful understory grass among trees and shrubs or other partly shaded areas.  Can stand alone or use in drifts for a wonderful textural effect.  Drought tolerant but appreciates a little supplemental summer water.  Deer resistant.

Call to confirm current supply. Availability as of February 27, 2025:
We do not ship.

Sorry; this plant is out of stock at present.