Ligusticum apiifolium

  • Ligusticum apiifolium  celeryleaf licorice root
  • Ligusticum apiifolium  celeryleaf licorice root
celeryleaf licorice root

We love members of the carrot family, with their flat-topped clusters of star-like flowers and excellent habitat value. This species is no exception, though it is rarely grown in nurseries. In spring the clear-white flowers appear in delicate umbels on slender stalks 2 - 4 ft. high. The ferny, bright-green foliage stays close to the ground, rarely reaching more than a foot tall. Occurs in the Coast Range from the San Francisco Bay Area northwards. You may find this species in full sun near the coast or in bright woodlands further inland. Needs decent drainage and occasional to infrequent summer water. 

Call to confirm current supply. Availability as of January 30, 2025:
We do not ship.

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