Diplacus (Mimulus) 'Trish'

  • Diplacus (Mimulus)  'Trish' monkeyflower
  • Diplacus (Mimulus)  'Trish' monkeyflower

Large rosy-pink flowers are the hallmark of this hybrid monkeyflower developed by Richard Persoff. Monkeyflowers are evergreen, drought tolerant sub-shrubs with attractive tubular flowers. This is a restrained form at 1 - 2 ft. tall and wide. Best with good drainage, light shade and careful watering. Give it occasional deep soaks in the summer and pinch the stems to create a good support for the abundant flowers. Bees, butterflies and hummingbirds work the flowers and painted lady and checkerspot butterflies use it as a larval food source. Deer resistant.



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