Mimulus (Diplacus) 'Peach Hybrid'

  • Mimulus (Diplacus)  'Peach Hybrid' monkeyflower

This dependable Mimulus hybrid is one of the oldest in our collection.  It has large orange frilly blossoms.  Grows 2-3 ft. tall and blooms profusely in the spring and summer often into autumn. Drought tolerant shrub which can grow in sun to light shade and benefit from pinching back to form a strong framework for floral display and to keep compact. They require good drainage and respond to occasional watering, but resent drip irrigation systems that deliver water on a regular basis.  Deer resistant.  Larval food source for painted lady and checkerspot butterfly.

Call to confirm current supply. Availability as of December 5, 2024:
We do not ship.

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