Diplacus (Mimulus) 'Peach Hybrid'

  • Diplacus (Mimulus)  'Peach Hybrid' monkeyflower

This dependable monkeyflower hybrid is one of the oldest in our collection. The large, frilly blossoms are a rich peachy-orange and bloom profusely from spring through autumn. Grows 2-3 ft. tall, but benefits from pinching back to keep compact. A drought tolerant shrub that can grow in full sun on the coast to part shade inland. Monkeyflowers require good drainage and respond to occasional watering, but resent drip irrigation systems that deliver water on a regular basis. A larval food source for painted lady and checkerspot butterflies. Deer resistant.

Call to confirm current supply. Availability as of February 27, 2025:
We do not ship.

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