Large shrub or small, multitrunked, evergreen tree, 6 - 30 ft. tall, native to arid mountains of the western US. Often takes on a gnarled, picturesque form depending on the conditions it is growing in. Adapted to dry, rocky slopes where it weathers drought, extreme heat and cold, wind and snow. Slow growing, densely branching, with dark green, leathery leaves with curled under edges and silvery undersides. Trunks develop beautiful, red-brown bark with silvery new growth. The flowers are similar to our local mt. mahogany species, small, greenish- yellow, smelling of honey, and attractive to pollinators. The fruits are long, silvery, plumes that glow when back lit. Plant in full sun to light shade with good drainage where it will blend well with other dryland shrubs and perennials and requires little input. Fixes nitrogen. Interesting container or bonsai subject.
Cercocarpus ledifolius
curl-leaf mountain mahogany
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