Arctostaphylos x media - Point Arena forms

  • Arctostaphylos x media - Point Arena forms  manzanita
  • Arctostaphylos x media - Point Arena forms  manzanita

This special and diverse group of manzanitas come from Point Arena on the southern Mendocino Coast. These naturally occurring hybrids involve at least two species: A. uva-ursi, A. columbiana and sometimes A. nummularia. The resulting offspring have wonderfully varying features. The leaves range from large, light-green, and fuzzy to small, dark-green and glossy. The plants can form a mounding habit reaching up to 4 feet tall or hug the ground to form dense mats. Plant in full sun to light shade and give moderate to infrequent irrigation once established. Plants grown in hot areas will benefit from extra irrigation and some afternoon shade.

Call to confirm current supply. Availability as of February 27, 2025:
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