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Notholithocarpus densiflorus var. densiflorus  tanoak
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Notholithocarpus densiflorus var. densiflorus


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Notholithocarpus densiflorus var. echinoides  dwarf tanoak
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Notholithocarpus densiflorus var. echinoides

(dwarf tanoak)

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Oemleria cerasiformis  oso berry
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Oemleria cerasiformis

(oso berry)

A charming native shrub which grows in moist areas along the coast or when inland on forest edges. Blooms in early spring just as the new leaves are beginning to expand with drooping clusters of fragrant white flowers. Male and female plants are separate and you'll need both to get the small blue-black fruits that birds enjoy. A suckering shrub growing 5 - 6 ft. tall or more. Plant in part shade with regular to occasional water. Can grow in cool full sun such as you find along the coast.
Oenothera californica  California primrose
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Oenothera californica

(California primrose)

California primrose forms low mats of gorgeous, grey foliage, up to 2 to 3 ft. across. The soft leaves, covered with dense hairs, becomes nearly hidden by large, white, sweetly fragrant flowers. The long succession of blooms pop open in early evening from drooping flower buds and last just one night, becoming pink with age. Native to sandy or gravely soils of southern California, southwestern U.S. and Baja, where it can be found in chaparral, high elevation deserts and open woodland habitats. Perfect for the dry garden with well draining soils in full sun to very light shade. The luscious flower display can last from late spring into early summer. Goes completely dormant by mid-summer, returning the next winter. Pollinated by a number of interesting moth species including the Sphinx moth.
Origanum  'Barbara Tingey' ornamental oregano
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Origanum 'Barbara Tingey'

(ornamental oregano)

An uncommon hybrid ornamental oregano, excellent for spilling over walls or containers. Arching habit to 8 inches tall with long, dangling flower stems made up of papery bracts which start out apple-green aging to deep pink. Tiny pink flowers peek out from between the bracts and last most of the summer. Good dried flowers too. Plant in sun to light shade, with good drainage, and moderate watering. Oregano's are bee favorites and deer resistant.  
Origanum  'Kent Beauty' ornamental oregano
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Origanum 'Kent Beauty'

(ornamental oregano)

A beautiful ornamental oregano with showy arching sprays of papery pink bracts shaped somewhat like the flowers of a hop plant. Looks wonderful cascading over walls, in pots, and in rock gardens. Full sun to light shade, moderate water and good drainage. Flowering oregano is a bee favorite. Deer tolerant.
Origanum majorana 'Betty Rollins' dwarf culinary oregano
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Origanum majorana 'Betty Rollins'

(dwarf culinary oregano)

A wonderful low growing form of oregano, with dark green, deliciously fragrant foliage. Clusters of pink flowers decorate the tips in summer. Forms a dense mat 6 inches tall and spreading. Nice small scale groundcover or plant between stepping stones. Sun to very light shade with moderate to occasional summer water. Flowering oregano is a bee favorite. Deer resistant.
Oxalis oregana  redwood sorrel
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Oxalis oregana

(redwood sorrel)

A natural companion of coast redwoods where it forms low carpets of clover-like foliage. Useful ground cover for the woodland garden where it competes well with tree roots and thrives in partial to deep shade. Low and spreading with spring flowers that can range from white through dark pink . Best with humus in the soil and some summer moisture, though it is drought tolerant in coastal zones. Deer resistant.
Oxalis oregana 'American Beauty' redwood sorrel
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Oxalis oregana 'American Beauty'

(redwood sorrel)

This remarkable selection of our native redwood sorrel has perhaps the largest flowers of any of the forms we've seen. The big pink blooms appear in spring above the lush, green, clover-like foliage. This ground cover competes well with tree roots and thrives in even the shadiest spots. Best with humus in soil and some moisture, though it is drought tolerant in coastal zones. Deer resistant.
Oxalis oregana 'Damme Pink' redwood sorrel
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Oxalis oregana 'Damme Pink'

(redwood sorrel)

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Oxalis oregana 'Freezeout White' white redwood sorrel
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Oxalis oregana 'Freezeout White'

(white redwood sorrel)

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Oxalis  oregana 'Klamath Ruby' redwood sorrel
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Oxalis oregana 'Klamath Ruby'

(redwood sorrel)

Low spreading groundcover which thrives in the shady conditions of Douglas fir and redwood forests. The cultivar ‘Klamath Ruby’ offers dark green clover-like foliage with beautiful burgundy backed leaves. White flowers with pale pink veining on the petals bloom in the spring. A lovely groundcover for a shady garden with some summer water, though it is drought tolerant in coastal zones, once established. Deer resistant.
Oxalis oregana 'Smith River White' white redwood sorrel
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Oxalis oregana 'Smith River White'

(white redwood sorrel)

This Cal Flora selection carries white flowers with thin pink lines on the petals held up above the foliage, thus creating an effect somewhat reminiscent of our small native anemones. The foliage is handsome with dark olive green tops and purple-red undersides to the leaves. The perfect ground cover for deep to moderate shade with some summer moisture. Drought tolerant when grown in more coastal areas. Rampant when its needs are met, it competes well with tree roots and is the perfect companion to other redwood forest understory plants. Deer resistant.      
Pectiantia ovalis  coastal miterwort
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Pectiantia ovalis

(coastal miterwort)

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Penstemon  'Catherine de la Mare' penstemon
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Penstemon 'Catherine de la Mare'


Beautiful electric blue tubular flowers blush purple as they age. Low (12 -18 inches tall) plant with a loose, open habit. Blooming begins in May and continues for a month or two. An easy and hardy penstemon requiring moderate water and sun to light shade. Wonderful for the front of borders. Adored by hummingbirds and bees.
Penstemon 'Chiapas'
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Penstemon 'Chiapas'

This Penstemon offers a unique growth habit, with strong erect stems rising to 4 or 5 ft. tall. No flopping here, this perennial forms a vertical tower of apple green, triangular leaves that are slightly sticky. Chubby, purple, open mouth flowers bloom along each stem tip in mid summer. Plant in full sun with moderate summer water. Bees, butterflies and hummingbirds are all attracted to its flowers. Deer resistant.  
Penstemon azureus  azure penstemon
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Penstemon azureus

(azure penstemon)

Native to the mountains of California and Oregon where it grows in woodland and chaparral plant communities. Forms a tidy mound of bluish-green leaves 1-2 ft. tall and wide with bright blue tubular flowers late spring into summer. Requires good drainage and sun to light shade. This species is drought tolerant but prefers occasional summer water and is more garden tolerant than most native Penstemons. Attractive to bees and hummingbirds.

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Penstemon barbatus

(southwest penstemon)

Native to sunny, hot, rocky slopes from Utah and Colorado to Texas and Mexico, this striking penstemon is a willing grower. Forms a low mound of lush foliage, topped with 4 ft. tall, erect flower spikes of brilliant, scarlet, tubular blossoms, providing a bold splash of color in beds, borders, rock garden or meadow planting. Plant in full sun with good drainage where it will be drought tolerant once established. Flowers adored by hummingbirds and butterflies. Deer resistant.
Penstemon barbatus 'Coral Baby' southwest penstemon
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Penstemon barbatus 'Coral Baby'

(southwest penstemon)

This dazzling selection of Penstemon is from the Plant Select program of Colorado. Forms a tidy, compact mound of bright green foliage to around 15 inches tall by 12 inches or so wide. Late spring brings upright spikes of eye catching coral-pink tubular flowers which attract bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Full sun with good drainage and moderate to occasional summer water.
Penstemon barbatus 'Riding Hood Red' southwest penstemon
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Penstemon barbatus 'Riding Hood Red'

(southwest penstemon)

Trumpet-shaped blossoms of coral-red arise on thick stems up to 2 ft. high on this Dutch selection of the beardlip penstemon. Originating from the American Southwest, this superlative species offers flowers from late spring to the end of summer, enticing hummingbirds, bees and butterflies into the garden. Light green, lanceolate leaves grow densely at the base and climb up the stout stalks. This selection has proven to be very garden tolerant, liking full sun and moderate to infrequent irrigation. 
Penstemon centranthifolius  scarlet buglar
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Penstemon centranthifolius

(scarlet buglar)

  Custom made for hummingbirds, this Penstemon sports an abundance of bright-red to orange-red tubular flowers from late spring into summer. Native to dry habitats in the North Coast Ranges south to Mexico and east to the Southern Sierra, growing in chaparral and openings in woodlands below 6000 ft. Thick, blue-green leaves form a rosette 1 – 2 ft. tall and wide. Long flower spikes rise 2 – 4 ft. above the waxy leaves with many narrow, tubular, scarlet blossoms. Likes full sun, lean soils and good drainage. Drought and cold tolerant. Hummingbird and butterfly favorite.
Penstemon davidsonii  Davidson's penstemon
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Penstemon davidsonii

(Davidson's penstemon)

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Penstemon eatonii  firecracker penstemon
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Penstemon eatonii

(firecracker penstemon)

Adaptable and beautiful perennial native to the western United States including southeastern California. Narrow, leathery leaves form an evergreen rosette of foliage. Flower stalks rise 2-3 ft above the foliage. This form has brilliant red tubular flowers lining the erect stems in early summer. Requires good drainage, full sun to light shade and occasional to little summer water. Tolerates winter cold to 18 degrees and drought once established. Hummingbird favorite.
Penstemon fruticosus  shrubby penstemon
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Penstemon fruticosus

(shrubby penstemon)

Blue-purple, trumpet-shaped flowers with curvy, flared lips cover this diminutive mountain species with a showy display in spring or early summer. Truly a delightful and easy to grow mountain penstemon, only reaching about 12 inches high and spreading to about 1.5 ft, covered in dense, narrow leaves. Perfect for a container or in a rock garden with good drainage. Enjoys full sun to light shade and occasional to infrequent irrigation. Native to the Pacific Northwest and the Northern Rockies, almost making it into California. A favorite of hummingbirds and enjoyed by bees.
Penstemon heterophyllus  foothill penstemon
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Penstemon heterophyllus

(foothill penstemon)

Iridescent blue-purple tubular flowers in short spikes put on a good show over a long period in spring and early summer. The spent flower spikes should be cut off to encourage more blooming, better form, and longer life. Best in full sun with well drained soils and moderate to little water once established.  Hummingbird favorite.


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