Agrostis pallens

  • Agrostis pallens  California bentgrass
  • Agrostis pallens  California bentgrass
  • Agrostis pallens  California bentgrass
  • Agrostis pallens  California bentgrass
  • Agrostis pallens  California bentgrass
California bentgrass

A fine textured, drought tolerant, spreading, perennial grass that forms an undulating, naturalistic, meadow look, or can be mowed and used as a lawn substitute. Native to meadows, open woodlands and forests in many plant communities in California north to British Columbia. Grows 1 -2 ft. tall with airy flower stems in late spring to early summer. May be shy to flower in shady areas. Plant in sun to light shade, with decent drainage, where it will accept both water and drought. Will go dormant in summer without irrigation. If using as a lawn substitute, it will need summer irrigation, though requiring far less than a traditional lawn. Excellent understory among trees or shrubs, for rain gardens, bio-swales, meadows or mowed as a lawn substitute. Host plant for a number of butterflies. Deer resistant.

Call to confirm current supply. Availability as of February 27, 2025:
We do not ship.

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