Ceanothus 'Frosty Blue'

  • Ceanothus  'Frosty Blue' California lilac
  • Ceanothus  'Frosty Blue' California lilac
California lilac

A Rancho Santa Ana introduction from the mid 1970's. This upright evergreen shrub reaches 8 to 12 feet tall and 10 to 15 feet wide with glossy green, textured foliage.  Flowers in late spring with 2-4 inch panicles of beautiful blue flowers with a frosted appearance due to the white bracts on the buds.  Useful as a specimen or screen due to its rapid growth. Amenable to pruning and can be trained into a small tree or espaliered subject. This reliable cultivar tolerates heavy soils better than most upright Ceanothus. Does best in full sun and will be drought tolerant once established. California lilac are valuable additions to the habitat garden. 

Ceanothus are valuable additions to the habitat garden where they provide food and cover to a wide array of pollinators, predatory insects and birds.

Call to confirm current supply. Availability as of February 27, 2025:
We do not ship.

Notes 1g 5g
gallons young 39 @
7 @