Cucurbita foetidissima

  • Cucurbita foetidissima  buffalo gourd
  • Cucurbita foetidissima  buffalo gourd
  • Cucurbita foetidissima  buffalo gourd
buffalo gourd

Found in valley grasslands and coastal scrub environments of Central and Southern California, the buffalo gourd is a deciduous perennial ground cover or vine that is sure to grab attention. In late winter and early spring, this vigorously spreading gourd emerges from a tuberous root, potentially spreading to 20’ feet or more, producing big, triangular, gray-green fuzzy leaves, followed by large, showy, orange-yellow, bell-shaped flowers in summer which attract bees. The round fruits, about 4 inches across, are green-striped when young, maturing to yellow. As the fruit matures, it is too bitter for humans to eat. The mature fruit is used by native peoples for decorative purposes or for making musical rattles. Plant in full sun. Drought-tolerant once established.

Call to confirm current supply. Availability as of February 27, 2025:
We do not ship.

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