Epilobium canum 'Calistoga'

  • Epilobium canum 'Calistoga' California fuchsia
  • Epilobium canum 'Calistoga' California fuchsia
  • Epilobium canum 'Calistoga' California fuchsia
  • Epilobium canum 'Calistoga' California fuchsia
California fuchsia

Phil Van Soelen’s selection of California fuchsia from the Palisades east of Calistoga. Forms a spreading mat of unusually wide, fuzzy, gray leaves. The flowers are the typical hummingbird attracting orange-red trumpet shape and appear on stalks reaching up to 18 inches high. For sunny areas. Flowers best with occasional deep watering. Pruning plants down to a few inches in late autumn helps to rejuvenate them for the following year.

Baby juncos nest in Epilobium 'Calistoga'. A.K.A Zauschneria

Call to confirm current supply. Availability as of February 27, 2025:
We do not ship.

Sorry; this plant is out of stock at present.