Holodiscus dumosus var. cedrorus

  • Holodiscus dumosus var. cedrorus  Cedars cream bush
Cedars cream bush

A recently described endemic shrub discovered by the extraordinary plantsmen Roger Raiche, growing on serpentine soils of the Cedars in northwestern Sonoma County. An open deciduous shrub, approximately 3 ft. x 3 ft. with wiry ruby-red stems and elegant small, shiny, dark green to bronze leaves. Early summer brings erect panicles of cream colored flowers that are suffused in light wine-red or pink coloration. Seems to tolerate a wide range of conditions from full sun to deep shade. Once established has proven durable and drought tolerant. This lovely small creambush is perfect for those who want something completely new and different. It does well in containers and should be interesting to experiment with in different applications and settings.



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