Lewisia longipetala 'Little Peach'

  • Lewisia longipetala 'Little Peach' cliff maids
cliff maids

Large flowers with long petals colored peachy apricot make this selection of our native cliff maids a knockout in the garden. Round clusters of narrow, succulent leaves form patches up to about 8 inches wide. The irresistible flowers emerge en masse from between the leaves on slender stalks up to about 10 inches high. A very long bloomer, beginning in spring and often re-blooming in summer. Works really well in a container with lean, fast draining soil, placed in bright partial shade. Water sparingly. For best results, mulch with granite chips and fertilize occasionally. Lewisias are native to the mountains of California and beyond, where they grow in rock cliffs. An excellent choice for the rock garden. 

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