Lomatium dasycarpum

  • Lomatium dasycarpum  lace parsnip
  • Lomatium dasycarpum  lace parsnip
  • Lomatium dasycarpum  lace parsnip
lace parsnip

Native to chaparral, grassland and open woodland throughout much of California, this dainty little member of the carrot family produces flat-topped clusters of fuzzy flowers, yellow in bud and creamy-white when open. The fern-like leaves are gray-green and hairy. Blooms in early spring. A larval food source for the Anise Swallowtail butterfly. Needs well-drained soil and full sun to part shade. Do not water once established. Summer dormant.

Call to confirm current supply. Availability as of February 27, 2025:
We do not ship.

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