Diplacus (Mimulus) 'Jelly Bean Gold'

  • Diplacus (Mimulus)  'Jelly Bean Gold' monkeyflower

This cheerful monkeyflower boasts impressive displays of sunny yellow flowers throughout most of the year. One of Richard Persoff’s hybrid selections known for their vibrant color and profuse, long-lasting blooms. The lush, evergreen foliage is a compact 2-feet tall and wide, and with periodic pinching back of stems, stays dense and bushy. Monkeyflowers are drought tolerant, but provide them with afternoon shade and occasional summer water to extend the blooming season. Grows even in poor soils so long as it has good drainage. A favorite nectar plant for hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies. The painted lady and checkerspot butterflies use it as a larval food source.

Call to confirm current supply. Availability as of February 27, 2025:
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