Romneya coulteri

  • Romneya coulteri  matilija poppy
  • Romneya coulteri  matilija poppy
  • Romneya coulteri  matilija poppy
  • Romneya coulteri  matilija poppy
matilija poppy

A much admired, spectacular, shrub-like perennial, with a long history in cultivation. Can be both finicky to get going and extremely vigorous once established. The large flowers are made up of crinkly, crape paper-like, white petals with a shaft of yellow stamens in the center, at the top of long, gray-foliaged stems. Plant where its size and spreading won't be a problem and prune severely in winter. Height 4 -8 feet. Full sun. Drought and deer tolerant.

We've heard mixed reports on Romneya's deer resistance. Deer have been known to eat it.

Call to confirm current supply. Availability as of February 27, 2025:
We do not ship.

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