Wyethia helenioides

  • Wyethia helenioides  gray mule ears
gray mule ears

One of our less common native Wyethia, gray mule ears is a special find in nurseries. Strikingly large, upright leaves frame flower stalks that resemble little sunflowers with their wide golden discs and halo of yellow ray petals. Endemic to California, this radiant perennial wildflower is a welcome sight in woodland meadows of the Northern and Central Coast Ranges. A covering of silvery hairs on the broad, erect leaves gives the species its name. Lush, gray-green foliage emerges mid-winter followed by a spring floral display typically lasting from March through early summer. Low-growing at up-to 2 feet tall and wide, it makes an impression greater than its stature. Eventually goes dormant as fall approaches. Does well in the garden if given decent drainage, good light, and minimal water once established. Bees and butterflies adore the flowers.

Call to confirm current supply. Availability as of February 27, 2025:
We do not ship.

Notes 5in 1g
gallons young 40 @
19 @