Current Availability

Plants have been selling very rapidly. Please call ahead to check availability. Plants can be purchased before they are ready.

We take a field inventory every few weeks from February through December. We last updated our inventory on August 29, 2024. Availability fluctuates wildly in our small nursery; it's always best to call to check current supply. Prices subject to change.

Please Note: We do not do mail order and we do not ship plants.

This list reflects retail prices. Landscape and Nursery professionals will need to establish their wholesale status with us to purchase at wholesale prices.


Botanical name Common Name Notes Native 4in 1g TTP
Fremontodendron 'California Glory' flannel bush Y 1 @ $14.50 2 @ $15.00
Fremontodendron 'Ken Taylor' flannel bush Y 90 @ $14.50
Fremontodendron 'Pacific Sunset' flannel bush Y 74 @ $15.00
Garrya elliptica coast silktassel seed grown Y 24 @ $14.50
Garrya elliptica 'Evie' coast silktassel Y 96 @ $14.50
Garrya elliptica 'James Roof' coast silktassel young Y 100 @ $14.50
Garrya fremontii Fremont’s silktassel male clone; young Y 13 @ $14.50
Gaultheria shallon salal Y 13 @ $14.50
Grindelia camporum Great Valley gum plant Y 99 @ $6.00 42 @ $12.00
Helenium puberulum rosilla Y 10 @ $12.00
Helianthus californicus California sunflower Y 32 @ $12.00
Heracleum lanatum cow parsnip Y 44 @ $12.00
Hesperocyparis abramsiana Santa Cruz cypress Y 39 @ $13.00
Hesperocyparis macnabiana Macnab cypress Y 52 @ $13.00
Hesperocyparis sargentii Sargent cypress Y 1 @ $13.00
Heteromeles arbutifolia toyon Y 283 @ $14.50
Heteromeles arbutifolia 'Davis Gold' gold fruited toyon Y 58 @ $14.50
Heterotheca sessiliflora ssp. bolanderi 'San Bruno Mountain' hairy false goldenaster gallons young Y 5 @ $6.00 56 @ $12.00
Heuchera 'Canyon Duet' coral bells Y 154 @ $6.50
Heuchera maxima island alum root Y 80 @ $13.50
Heuchera micrantha alum root Y 24 @ $6.50 39 @ $12.00
Heuchera micrantha 'Martha Roderick' pink alum root Y 63 @ $13.50
Hibiscus lasiocarpos var. occidentalis (californicus) California hibiscus Y 30 @ $12.00
Holodiscus discolor cream bush, ocean spray young Y 9 @ $14.50
Iris douglasiana Douglas iris giant form; young Y 25 @ $6.50
Iris douglasiana Douglas iris young Y 41 @ $6.50 80 @ $13.50
Iris douglasiana 'Canyon Snow' Pacific Coast hybrid iris young Y 202 @ $13.50
Iris fernaldii Fernald’s iris Y 53 @ $13.50
Iris macrosiphon long tube iris Y 7 @ $13.50
Iris Pacific Coast hybrid Pacific Coast hybrid iris assorted colors; young Y 45 @ $13.50
Iris Pacific Coast hybrid 'Canyon Sunshine' Pacific Coast hybrid iris Y 44 @ $13.50
Iris Pacific Coast hybrid - yellow yellow Pacific Coast hybrid iris Y 44 @ $13.50
Juglans hindsii California black walnut young Y 2 @ $13.00
Juncus effusus soft rush young Y 57 @ $6.00 90 @ $12.00
Juncus patens California grey rush Y 105 @ $6.00 72 @ $12.00
Keckiella cordifolia orange heartleaf keckiella orange flowered form Y 17 @ $6.00
Lathyrus vestitus Pacific pea Y 4 @ $13.00
Lavandula angustifolia 'Alba' white English lavender N 16 @ $6.00
Lavandula x intermedia 'Grosso' lavender gallons young N 25 @ $6.00 24 @ $12.00
Lavatera (Malva) assurgentiflora island mallow Y 60 @ $13.00
Lepechinia calycina pitcher sage Freezeout Creek, Sonoma Co. Y 48 @ $13.00
Lepechinia fragrans fragrant pitcher sage Y 75 @ $6.50
Lepechinia fragrans 'El Tigre' fragrant pitcher sage Y 41 @ $14.50
Lessingia (Corethrogyne) filaginifolia 'Silver Carpet' common sandaster young Y 46 @ $6.00
Lewisia cotyledon 'Sunset Strain' cliff maids Y 6 @ $6.50
Lewisia longipetala 'Little Peach' cliff maids Y 83 @ $6.50
Lilium pardalinum leopard lily upper Santa Rosa Creek Y 50 @ $6.50
Lilium pardalinum leopard lily Hood Mt. Y 52 @ $6.50 40 @ $13.50
Lilium parvum alpine lily Y 17 @ $8.00
Linum lewisii blue flax Y 1 @ $12.00
