Arctostaphylos x media 'Bokeya Pomo'

  • Arctostaphylos x media 'Bokeya Pomo' manzanita

From the rugged Mendocino coast comes this distinctive manzanita groundcover. Similar to the selection ‘Peter Ehrlich’ with its large, rounded, grey-green leaves but with a slightly more upright, sculptural form which is not quite as dense. Even though it will reach a width of at least 6 ft. over time and height of 2ft., it may take several years to do so.  Urn-shaped white flowers appear in the winter and are followed by round, green fruits in the spring.  Provide full sun to light shade and moderate to occasional irrigation once established.  Should be fairly drought tolerant once established.

Call to confirm current supply. Availability as of December 5, 2024:
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