Lupinus albifrons var. douglasii

  • Lupinus albifrons var. douglasii  Douglas' silver bush lupine
  • Lupinus albifrons var. douglasii  Douglas' silver bush lupine
Douglas' silver bush lupine

This variety of the popular silver bush lupine has the same wonderful wands of blue-purple flowers in spring and summer but also features larger, silvery leaves covered with fine hairs. The plant itself is also larger, reaching 3 – 5 feet in height. This variety grows from Marin County down to the Channel Islands. Plant in full sun with excellent drainage and little to no summer water once established. A nectar species for native bumblebees and hummingbirds. This is a butterfly host plant for several blues, hairstreaks and the northern cloudy-wing. Deer resistant.

Call to confirm current supply. Availability as of February 27, 2025:
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