Sequoia sempervirens 'Kelly's Prostrate'

  • Sequoia  sempervirens 'Kelly's Prostrate' Kelly's prostrate coast redwood
  • Sequoia  sempervirens 'Kelly's Prostrate' Kelly's prostrate coast redwood
Kelly's prostrate coast redwood

A low growing form of the coast redwood with a flat, spreading habit.  Exceptionally low growing, we have never seen any upright growth in this form.  The flat sprays of foliage are deep green with light green new growth and spreading to five foot wide or more.  Best in moist, well drained soils with light shade. Use where the unique form can be shown off.  Makes an excellent container subject.

Call to confirm current supply. Availability as of February 27, 2025:
We do not ship.

Sorry; this plant is out of stock at present.