Sporobolus airoides

  • Sporobolus airoides  dropseed sacaton
  • Sporobolus airoides  dropseed sacaton
  • Sporobolus airoides  dropseed sacaton
  • Sporobolus airoides  dropseed sacaton
  • Sporobolus airoides  dropseed sacaton
dropseed sacaton

A robust, warm season bunchgrass, which was common in California’s Central Valley prior to agricultural conversion. This western native is found in the Sierra foothills, South Coast Ranges as well as deserts from eastern Washington to Mexico. Forms a dense bunch of fine textured, grey-green blades, 1 to 3 foot tall and wide. Graceful flowering stems carry airy, pinkish flower heads that produce a pink-hued haze, which age to tan. The abundant seeds are relished by birds, but do not tend to reseed in gardens. Tolerant of many soil types and water regimes. Best with full sun to light shade. This grass will be drought tolerant, but does best with some summer water in dryer inland sites. Leaves turn butter-yellow in autumn prior to winter dormancy. Deer resistant.

Call to confirm current supply. Availability as of February 27, 2025:
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