Our Plants
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Ceanothus rigidus 'Snowball'(Monterey lilac)A good selection for a dry sunny hillside or as a cascading plant for a wall. A densely mounding shrub 3 - 5 feet tall and wide. Covered with ball-like clusters of white flowers in late winter. Plant in full sun with occasional to no summer water once established. Ceanothus are great additions to the habitat garden offering food and cover for birds and nectar for bees and butterflies. Deer resistant.
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Ceanothus thyrsiflorus(blue blossom)One of the larger ceanothus, forming a good sized shrub or small tree 6-25 ft. tall. Shiny, bright green leaves and good sized clusters of flowers which can range from pure white to pale blue, sky blue through rich darker shades of blue in the spring. Easy, fast growing. Can be trained into a single trunk if desired. Useful as a specimen tree, background shrub or informal hedge. Drought tolerant when established. Ceanothus are fantastic habitat plants providing food and cover for a wide range of creatures. Bees and other pollinators frequent the flowers as do butterflies. Several butterflies and moths use it as a larvel food source. Bushtits, mockingbirds, quail and finches eat the seeds.
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Ceanothus thyrsiflorus 'El Dorado'(variegated blue blossom)Fast growing upright evergreen shrub 6 - 10 ft. tall and wide. Dark green foliage with golden yellow variegation is a nice foil for the medium blue flowers in spring. Plant in full sun along the coast, some shade for hot interior sites. Drought tolerant once established. Occasional summer irrigation can be helpful, but allow soil to dry between waterings. Good for an informal hedge. An excellent habitat plant.
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Ceanothus thyrsiflorus 'Oregon Mist'(blue blossom)Blue blossom ceanothus grows in chaparral and woodland plant communities of the outer coast ranges, from Santa Barbara, California to southern Oregon. Selected by Xera Plants, 'Oregon Mist' hails from the northern most part of its range, suggesting superior cold hardiness. Growing 8 - 15 ft. tall and wide with deep-green shiny leaves and baby-blue flowers in narrow clusters, blooming in mid to late spring. This fast growing evergreen makes a fine stand alone specimen or as part of a shrubby border or screen, where its particularly dense form can be used to great effect. Plant in sun to light shade where it will be drought tolerant once established. An excellent addition to the habitat garden where it provides food and cover for a wide array of insects and birds.
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Ceanothus thyrsiflorus 'Skylark'(California lilac)Valued for its compact habit and late flowering, this selection offers clusters of dark blue flowers on short stems appearing just as other ceanothus are finishing their show. 4 - 5 ft. tall and 6 - 7 ft. wide with shiny evergreen foliage. This would be a ceanothus to try in hot areas. 'Skylark' is believed to be a cross between Ceanothus thyrsiflorus and C. velutinus. Shrubby ceanothus provide seeds eaten by bushtits, mockingbirds, quail and finches, as well as cover for birds.
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Ceanothus thyrsiflorus 'Snow Flurry'(California lilac)A beautiful large shrub or small tree 12 ft. (or more) tall and wide. Rich deep green foliage and profuse clusters of radiant pure white flowers in the spring. Adaptable, dependable and garden tolerant. Does well in coastal and inland situations. Best in full sun. 'Snow Flurry' is drought tolerant, but would appreciate a little summer water in hot regions. Not tolerant of very cold winter conditions. Selected from the Big Sur coast. Shrubby ceanothus provide seeds eaten by bushtits, mockingbirds, quail and finches, as well as cover for birds.
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Ceanothus velutinus(tobacco bush)Found primarily in the northern half of the state in the Coast Ranges, Sierras, Klamath and Modoc regions, in coniferous forests, chaparral, and various woodland environments up to 11,000 ft in elevation, the resinous floral scent and plumes of soft white flowers from spring to early summer make tobacco brush a choice evergreen shrub for dry, sunny to part-shade garden sites that drain well. Grows to 6-10 ft tall, and has large, sticky dark-green, aromatic, leathery foliage. A larval host for many native butterfly species such as the ceanothus silk moth, California tortoiseshell butterfly, and the hedgerow hairstreak butterfly. The flowers are also attractive to native bee and butterfly pollinators. Drought-tolerant once established.
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Cephalanthus occidentalis(button willow)Button willow is a large deciduous shrub, at times becoming treelike, growing 6-12 ft. (infrequently as much as 20 ft.) tall and wide. It lines waterways in foothills and warm interior valleys. Smooth, glossy bright- green leaves clothe this shrub during the growing season, turning yellow in the autumn. Creamy white flowers are arranged in spherical heads with protruding styles which give the flowers a pincushion-like appearance. The summer blooming, fragrant flowers are extremely rich in nectar and attract bees, butterflies and other pollinators. The globe-like fruits persists into winter and attract birds. Plant in sun to light shade with regular summer water or continuously moist or wet soils. An excellent habitat plant offering food and cover for a wide array of insects and birds.
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Cercis occidentalis(western redbud)Beautiful in all its seasons, the native redbud is well worth growing. Highly ornamental multi-trunked shrub or small tree 6 - 20 ft. tall and wide. Masses of brilliant rose-purple blossoms in early spring followed by conspicuous long seed pods that start out lime green and age to purple-brown. The rounded heart-shaped leaves emerge apple green and develop to bluish-green. In colder areas, the leaves take a nice fall color of yellow or red. The smooth silvery-gray branches are picturesque in the winter landscape. Plant in full sun to light shade with good drainage. Drought tolerant. Important nectar and pollen source for bees. Attracts hummingbirds too.
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Cercocarpus betuloides(mountain mahogany)Mountain mahogany is an adaptable, semi-evergreen native shrub (8 to 12 ft. high and wide) or small tree with charming birch-like leaves set against silver-grey bark. Small, honey-scented flowers appear in spring followed by seeds with intriguing silky, curled, feather-like tails. The open habit contrasts nicely with evergreen shrubs or rock walls where its pleasing silhouette can be seen. Flowers are attractive to bees. Mountain mahogany is one of those rare native shrubs which can easily be pruned for narrow garden beds. Grows on dry slopes in chaparral or at the edges of woodlands. Provide full sun to light shade. It is surprisingly adaptable to diferent water regimes, from moderate irrigation to no water once established. Somewhat deer resistant.
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Cercocarpus betuloides var. blancheae(Island mountain mahogany)This rare and beautiful variety of our native mountain mahogany offers larger, birch-like leaves with fuzzy and whitish undersides. The highly useful from generally reaches 8 – 15 ft. tall, but only spreads to about 6 ft. wide, making it ideal for narrow locations where a screening, evergreen, fast-growing bush is needed. Small, disk-like, creamy flowers appear in the spring, followed in summer by seed pods with hairy, grey tails which curl upwards, giving the plant a silver halo. Over time, the trunks are covered in a smooth, grey bark. The Island mountain mahogany typically grows much more rapidly than our local variety and is tolerant of moist or dry soils once established and part shade to full sun. Heat isn’t an issue. A great candidate for a container, where it is very amenable to pruning.
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Cercocarpus ledifolius(curl-leaf mountain mahogany)Large shrub or small, multitrunked, evergreen tree, 6 - 30 ft. tall, native to arid mountains of the western US. Often takes on a gnarled, picturesque form depending on the conditions it is growing in. Adapted to dry, rocky slopes where it weathers drought, extreme heat and cold, wind and snow. Slow growing, densely branching, with dark green, leathery leaves with curled under edges and silvery undersides. Trunks develop beautiful, red-brown bark with silvery new growth. The flowers are similar to our local mt. mahogany species, small, greenish- yellow, smelling of honey, and attractive to pollinators. The fruits are long, silvery, plumes that glow when back lit. Plant in full sun to light shade with good drainage where it will blend well with other dryland shrubs and perennials and requires little input. Fixes nitrogen. Interesting container or bonsai subject.
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Chamaecyparis lawsoniana(Lawson's cypress)Plant description coming soon.
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Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Nidiformis'(dwarf Port Orford cedar)A very unusual and hard to find form of the native Port Orford cedar. Nidiformis is Latin for “having the form of a nest”, an apt descriptor for this dwarf with dense growth and graceful, cascading branches. The delicate, finely dissected foliage is grey-green with hints of blue, providing an excellent contrast to large-leaved, dark-colored perennials. Very slow growing, usually forming a low mound a few ft. high and several ft. wide. Needs good drainage and moderate to infrequent irrigation. Enjoys full sun near the coast, but wants some afternoon shade in hot climates. Good in a container.
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Chilopsis linearis(desert willow)A graceful, summer-blooming, deciduous shrub, native to desert washes where it grows in gravelly soils and intense heat. Forms a large, multi-branched shrub or small tree reaching up to about 15 ft. tall with narrow, willow-like leaves. Terminal clusters of showy, trumpet-shaped flowers in summer come in shades of white, to pink and purple that attract hummingbirds and butterflies. Long, bean-like pods follow and hold on into winter. Enjoys hot climates with plenty of sun, decent drainage and occasional to moderate water. Avoid cool coastal conditions and heavy wet soils. Grows fast when happy with no pest or disease problems, demanding little. A great option for along sidewalks.
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Chlorogalum angustifolium(narrowleaf soap root)You may be familiar with the common soap plant and its tall stalks of delicate white flowers. But this unusual, diminutive species of soap root is much smaller, only reaching 1 – 2 ft. high. Rarely offered in nurseries, this species has short, narrow leaves which are not wavy like the common soap plant. Grows in dry grassland and open woodlands in the northern Sierra foothills and coast range. Enjoys full sun to light shade and no additional irrigation once established. Tolerates clay. The seed for these plants came from Windsor and was generously given to us by Vicki Wilson.
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Chlorogalum pomeridianum v. pomeridianum(soap plant)Known for their large, fibrous bulbs historically used by indigenous peoples and early settlers for soap, food and to stupefy fish. Long, wavy-margined leaves form a rosette in winter followed in late spring by tall, airy flower stems bearing small white flowers that open in the late afternoon and evening. Great in naturalistic settings in full sun to light shade. Needs to go summer dry once established. Larval food source for the Western Brown Elfin butterfly.
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Chrysolepis chrysophylla var. chrysophylla(golden chinquapin)Description coming soon!
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Chrysolepis chrysophylla var. minor(bush chinquapin)Description coming soon!
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Cirsium occidentale(cobweb thistle)A beautiful NATIVE and NON-WEEDY thistle. Forms a rosette of gray woolly and spiny leaves the first year. A BIENNIAL, flowering occurs the second year with tall, narrow spikes of showy maroon-red to pink flowers with cobweb hairs on the bracts. A striking plant, usually reaching 4 - 6 ft tall when blooming, for sunny areas with good drainage and low to no irrigation. An excellent addition to the habitat garden where it attracts bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Butterflies such as the painted lady and the mylitta crescent depend on cobweb thistle as a larval food source. Deer resistant.
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Clarkia amoena ssp. whitneyi(Whitney's Clarkia)Nearly extinct in the wild, this beautiful ANNUAL was found in coastal communities in Mendocino and Humboldt Counties. Growing 3 ft. tall and wide, the branched leafy stems are topped with a long succession of 3 inch cup- shaped flowers. The large flowers are light lavender-pink with whitish areas at the base of the petals. Clarkias make excellent garden plants needing very little and giving much in return. Plant in full sun to light shade, as a filler among trees or shrubs, in mixed flower border or meadow planting. A little water while flowering will extend their show. Good container subject too. Excellent cut flowers. Seems to be deer resistant. Attractive to bees and butterflies.
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Clarkia rubicunda(ruby chalice clarkia, farewell to spring)Showy and floriferous, with gorgeous, cup shaped blossoms of silky, pink-purple petals featuring a dark red center with a long bloom from late spring into summer. This endemic, ANNUAL wildflower grows in openings of woodlands and chaparral near the coast, mostly in the central part of state. Grows 2-ft. tall or more in full sun with low water needs. Tolerant of heavy soils, the exuberant blossoms attract bees, butterflies and moths, including Sphinx moth species. Performs well in containers and is an excellent cut flower too. Deer resistant.
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Clarkia williamsonii(Fort Miller fairyfan)The incredibly showy flowers of this native ANNUAL will take your breath away in late spring and early summer. The large, lavender-pink, papery flowers feature deep, burgundy-red brush strokes and cheery white centers. Plants form a loose mound about 1 ½ ft. around. Butterflies and other pollinators love Clarkias. Native to the Sierra foothills, where it grows in full sun to light shade. Plants enjoy moisture while they are developing in the winter and spring, but are accustom to hot and dry summers. Needs decent drainage. Reseeds readily, as long as there is exposed soil nearby. Deer resistant!
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Claytonia sibirica(candy stripe, Indian lettuce)This native perennial with white to pink candy-striped flowers seeks shady, moist conditions. Our form is from Sonoma Coast and has particularly pink flowers. Related to miners lettuce, candy stripe produces dark green, succulent, edible leaves in low rosettes. Blooms over a long period beginning in spring and will frequently reseed. A sweet, spreading, low ground cover for a shady area with regular moisture. A charming and colorful addition to the forest garden, combining beautifully with ferns, wild ginger and false Solomon’s seal.
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Clematis integrifolia(bush clematis, Mongolian bells)This clematis, from central Europe, Russia and China, only grows a few feet tall and doesn't climb like most of its relatives in the genus. It has an upright, spreading habit and can grow 1 - 3 foot tall and 2 - 3 foot wide. Can be staked to stand erect or allowed to go its natural way, mounding and weaving itself among other perennials and shrubs. Lovely, bell-shaped, flowers in summer are followed by attractive silvery seed heads. Blossoms can be blue, rose or white. Plant in full sun to very light shade with regular water. Flowers are attractive to bees, butterflies, hummingbirds and the seeds favored by songbirds. Foliage is toxic and bitter and not eaten by deer or rabbits.