Ceanothus x delileanus 'Topaz'

  • Ceanothus x delileanus 'Topaz' ceanothus

This non-native ceanothus is one of the French hybrids, similar to Ceanothus 'Gloire de Versailles'. They are the result of crosses between a Mexican species (C. coeruleus) and C. americanus from the eastern U.S.. In Europe they are espaliered for cold protection and tend to be fully deciduous. Here they can be grown as free-standing summer blooming pyramidal shrubs growing to 6 ft. tall and wide. The flower color is richer than 'Gloire de Versailles', a frosted blue or light indigo. Provide sun to light shade and moderate to infrequent irrigation. A hard pruning in late fall will encourage stronger flowering and keep a more compact form.

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