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Elymus californicus  California bottlebrush grass
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Elymus californicus

(California bottlebrush grass)

California bottlebrush grass is a tall robust grass with broad, bright green blades and nodding brushlike flower spikes. Uncommon in the wild it can be found in coastal counties on shaded banks and wooded areas, including redwood forests. Displays 3 - 6 ft. tall flower stalks with low foliage up to 1 ft. high. Provide moderate to infrequent irrigation. Deer resistant.
Elymus elymoides  squirrel-tail grass
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Elymus elymoides

(squirrel-tail grass)

A species of wild rye, this tough, native, widespread, perennial grass, sports distinctive seed heads with a bottlebrush or squirrel tail appearance. Super adaptable and willing to withstand a wide range of soil types and depths. Even tolerates serpentine soils. Able to make a living in full sun where it is extremely drought tolerant. Grows one foot to 18 inches tall with shimmering, purple-toned flower spikes that age to beige, bristly, seed heads. A dependable re-seeder, perfect for sunny, low water using landscapes and erosion control. Host plant for a number of butterfly and moth species including the woodland skipper. Deer resistant.
Elymus glaucus  blue ryegrass
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Elymus glaucus

(blue ryegrass)

A stiffly upright, clump-forming grass with blue-green blades, native to much of the western U. S.. The flowers form bristle-tipped, narrow, vertical spikes, rising 2-4 feet tall. Easy to grow and a strong reseeder for full sun to light shade. Summer water keeps plants green longer, but will go dormant with drought. This very adaptable grass is excellent for bank stabilization in challenging soils. Deer resistant.

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Elymus spicatus

(bluebunch wheatgrass)

Native to mountainous regions of the western US, where it lives in many plant communities. Grows to around 3 ft. tall with blue-gray blades and blooms in early summer. Narrow flower spikes have long awns that bend at right angles to the stem. Widely used in revegetation for its adaptability where it grows in many soil types, except for high alkalinity or excessive moisture. Plant in full sun to light shade, where it will be drought tolerant once established. Host to a number of butterfly and moth species. Deer resistant.  
Elymus (Leymus) condensatus 'Canyon Prince' giant ryegrass
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Elymus (Leymus) condensatus 'Canyon Prince'

(giant ryegrass)

A beautiful selection from the Channel Islands off Southern California. Distinctive for the lovely, broad, silver-blue blades 2 1/2 to 3 ft. tall with wand-like grass flowers reaching up to 2 feet above the foliage. Accepts sun to very light shade and moderate to little water. Tolerates heavy soil. Spreads by rhizomes to form striking silver drifts, but is vigorous and aggressive. Best to use where a large patch is desired or where it is contained, such as a parkway strip. Cut back in winter to rejuvenate and remove old leaves. Drought and deer resistant.
Elymus (Leymus) triticoides  creeping wild rye
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Elymus (Leymus) triticoides

(creeping wild rye)

Spreading, turf forming, perennial grass found in somewhat moist areas in many plant communities throughout California. An important restoration species, useful for holding soil and enhancing wildlife habitat value. Growing 2-4 ft. tall and spreading widely with an extensive network of rhizomatous roots which both hold soil and help prevent exotic weed establishment within their dense mats of roots and foliage. Slender blue-green blades are topped with narrow flower spikes 4-6 inches long. Excellent for seasonally moist bottom land and riparian areas where it can grow in full sun to light shade and tolerates many soil types. Will tolerate some drought in heavier soils. May spread too vigorously for small gardens.

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Elymus (Leymus) triticoides x 'Lagunita'

(creeping wild rye)

Discovered by grass expert and John Greenlee, who describes it as his personal favorite ground cover grass for meadow installations. Often this species has blue-grey blades and grows tall and floppy, but 'Lagunitas' grows just 10 - 16 inches tall, with rich green blades. This form rarely flowers and is quite adaptable to soil types and watering regimes. The ability to tolerate both wet and dry conditions makes it valuable for areas that seasonally flood like rain gardens. A vigorous spreader, especially when well watered, but is better behaved in dryer sites. Once established, can be maintained with one or two waterings a month, keeping it green and fire safe. Tolerates trimming to about 4 inches, possibly more. Grows in full sun to light shade. Host plant to the Woodland Skipper butterfly.
Encelia californica  bush sunflower
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Encelia californica

(bush sunflower)

Cheery yellow daisies with purplish-brown centers cover this sunflower from late winter all the way into summer, making it one of our longest blooming natives. The 2-inch-wide blossoms make for stupendous cut flowers and are loved by bees and butterflies. Goldfinches enjoy the seeds which follow. This somewhat short-lived subshrub features dark green, diamond-shaped leaves and reaches about 3 – 4 ft. tall, spreading a little wider. Should reseed if the spent flowers aren’t removed. Enjoys full sun to light shade and occasional to infrequent irrigation with decent drainage to look its best. Native to generally coastal areas in southern California. While not especially cold sensitive, it will freeze if the temperature gets down to the mid 20s.
Encelia californica 'El Dorado' bush sunflower
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Encelia californica 'El Dorado'

(bush sunflower)

Plant description coming soon.

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Epilobium 'Bert's Bluff'

(California fuschia)

A Las Pilitas Nursery selection, named for the founder, Bert Wilson. This California fuchsia sports grey foliage, growing 2 -3 foot tall and spreading. Blooming in late summer, the bright orange-red, tubular flowers are beloved by hummingbirds, but visited by bees as well. This cultivar is reputed as being particularly tolerant of a wide range of soil conditions and growing environments. Plant in full sun with occasional deep summer watering.
Epilobium  'Chaparral Silver' California fuchsia
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Epilobium 'Chaparral Silver'

(California fuchsia)

This California fuchsia that we obtained from another grower appears to be identical to our ‘Roger’s U. C. Hybrid’ - same lovely gray foliage 12 -18 inches tall, spreading, with narrow red tubular flowers that the hummingbirds love. Provide full sun to bright shade. Flowers best with occasional deep watering. Pruning plants down to a few inches in late autumn helps to rejuvenate them for the following year.
Epilobium  'Roger's U.C. Hybrid' California fuchsia
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Epilobium 'Roger's U.C. Hybrid'

(California fuchsia)

A California fuchsia that is upright in habit with narrow silver-gray foliage and slender trumpet-shaped blossoms of orange-red. Reaches a height of about 1 1/2 ft. and spreads easily. Very similar to the selections ‘Carman’s Gray’  and ‘Chaparral Silver’. Flowers best with occasional deep watering. Hummingbird favorite. Pruning plants down to a few inches in late autumn helps to rejuvenate them for the following year.
Epilobium  'Schieffelin's Choice' California fuchsia
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Epilobium 'Schieffelin's Choice'

(California fuchsia)

This California fuchsia grows close to the ground - 10 - 12 inches tall with arching flower stalks. Gray foliage makes a wonderful foil for the bright orangey-red tubular flowers which appear summer through fall. Believed to be a cross between E. septentrionale and E. canum. Provide full sun to very light shade. One of the more drought tolerant selections but flowers best with occasional deep watering. Hummingbird favorite. Pruning plants down to a few inches in late autumn helps to rejuvenate them for the following year. Perhaps more deer resistant than other California fuchsias.
Epilobium canum 'Bowman's Hybrid' California fuchsia
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Epilobium canum 'Bowman's Hybrid'

(California fuchsia)

This California fuchsia has distinctive narrow, olive-green foliage and an upright habit about 2-3 ft. tall and spreading widely. The orange-red tubular flowers are petite but profuse. Plant in sunny areas. Flowers best with occasional deep watering. Pruning plants down to a few inches in late autumn helps to rejuvinate them for the following year. Hummingbird favorite.
Epilobium canum 'Brilliant Smith' California fuchsia
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Epilobium canum 'Brilliant Smith'

(California fuchsia)

This California fuchsia grows 8 inches or so tall with wide green leaves. Especially large red tubular flowers appear in summer and continue into fall. 'Brilliant Smith' is one of the reddest California fuchsias. The habit of this plant can be improved with shearing in the winter. Flowers best with occasional deep watering. Hummingbird favorite.
Epilobium canum 'Calistoga' California fuchsia
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Epilobium canum 'Calistoga'

(California fuchsia)

Phil Van Soelen’s selection of California fuchsia from the Palisades east of Calistoga. Forms a spreading mat of unusually wide, fuzzy, gray leaves. The flowers are the typical hummingbird attracting orange-red trumpet shape and appear on stalks reaching up to 18 inches high. For sunny areas. Flowers best with occasional deep watering. Pruning plants down to a few inches in late autumn helps to rejuvenate them for the following year.
Epilobium canum 'Carman's Grey' California fuchsia
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Epilobium canum 'Carman's Grey'

(California fuchsia)

We love California fuchsias and have grown this cultivar for over twenty years. Valued for their beauty and important late season nectar source for hummingbirds, California fuchsias offer many forms and foliage colors. 'Carman's Grey' has gorgeous grey foliage which contrasts beautifully with the masses of orangey-red, tubular flowers, late summer and fall. The grey, narrow leaves form soft mounds 2 foot tall, spreading by underground rhizomes, 4 foot or so wide. Plant in full sun to very light shade where it is tolerant of many soil types, even heavy clay, drought tolerant, but best with occasional summer watering. Hummingbird magnet and bees use it too. 
Epilobium canum 'Catalina' California fuchsia
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Epilobium canum 'Catalina'

(California fuchsia)

An outstanding selection of California fuchsia growing 3 ft. tall or more. This may be the tallest cultivar available, sometimes reaching as much as 5 ft. tall. The foliage is silvery-gray with an abundance of large, brilliant orangey-red tubular flowers late summer through fall. This species from southern California is particularly drought tolerant. Hummingbird favorite. Flowers best with occasional deep watering. Pruning plants down to a few inches in late autumn helps to rejuvenate them for the following year.
Epilobium canum 'Cloverdale' California fuchsia
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Epilobium canum 'Cloverdale'

(California fuchsia)

This form of California fuchsia was selected by U.C. Santa Cruz Arboretum from along the Russian River north of Cloverdale. Low, slightly mounding fuzzy olive-green foliage with an abundance of orangey-red tubular flowers the hummingbirds love. Usually stays bellow one ft. in height. 'Cloverdale' is one of the most orange selections of California fuchsia. Plant in full sun. Flowers best with occasional deep watering. Pruning plants down to a few inches in late autumn helps to rejuvenate them for the following year.
Epilobium canum 'Coral Canyon' California fuchsia
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Epilobium canum 'Coral Canyon'

(California fuchsia)

This elegant and unusual form of the California fuchsia offers a prolific display of peachy-pink flowers, a departure from the more common orangey-red blossoms. The late-summer, autumn blooms are held on distinctly upright stems reaching 1 ½ ft. high above broader, bright green foliage. Unlike most native fuchsias, this selection is somewhat shy to spread, generally forming a rounded mound about 2 ft. wide. Enjoys full sun, but will benefit from a little afternoon shade in hot areas. Likes moderate to occasional irrigation. Hummingbirds and bees partake from the flowers. We must thank Cistus Nursery for discovering the parent plant on a high ridge above the North Fork of the American River.
Epilobium canum 'Everett's Choice' California fuchsia
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Epilobium canum 'Everett's Choice'

(California fuchsia)

A low, spreading form of Californica fuchsia staying below one ft. in height. Distinctive for its fuzzy, gray-green foliage with many scarlet tubular flowers from summer through to fall. Good for sunny areas, though tolerates light shade. Flowers best with occasional deep watering. Attracts hummingbirds. Pruning plants down to a few inches in late autumn helps to rejuvenate them for the following year.
Epilobium canum 'Garrison Canyon' California fuchsia
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Epilobium canum 'Garrison Canyon'

(California fuchsia)

This local selection of California fuchsia comes from the high banks of Rogers Creek, a seasonal creek in the hills above Mark West, in Sonoma County. Great for hot inland sites, this tough perennial forms a low, loose, floriferous mat over time. Orange-red tubular flowers bloom in abundance from early summer through fall.  Full sun to part shade with occasional deep watering in the summer. Hummingbird favorite. 

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Epilobium canum 'John Bixby'

(California fuchsia)

A Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden introduction, 'John Bixby' is a chance seedling of Epilobium 'Everett's Choice'. Forming a broad patch with a dense rounded form of grey-green foliage 12 -18 inches tall or more.  Showy, vivid red-orange tubular flowers put on a spectacular display from summer into fall and are highly attractive to hummingbirds. Vigorous perennial, spreading by underground rhizomes to form large colonies. Plant in full sun to light shade with occasional deep watering for best appearance. Cutting plants down after flowering rejuvinates them for the following year.  
Epilobium canum 'Liz's Choice' California fuchsia
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Epilobium canum 'Liz's Choice'

(California fuchsia)

This selection of California fuchsia features particularly large, trumpet-shaped, scarlet flowers atop stems reaching 3 ft. tall. The flowers, blooming from summer into fall, are a favorite of hummingbirds and bees. The lance-shaped leaves are a pewter green, providing a striking contrast to the brilliant flowers. It spreads over time to create small colonies. Trim plants down to about 4 inches in winter for vigorous, tidy growth the next year. Provide moderate to infrequent irrigation and full sun. This beautiful cultivar was selected by Milo Baker Chapter CNPS Fellow Liz Parsons.
Epilobium canum 'Marin Pink' California fuchsia
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Epilobium canum 'Marin Pink'

(California fuchsia)

California fuchsias are appreciated for their abundant tubular flowers that bloom in late summer and fall, predominantly in different shades of orange-red. This unusual selection has beautiful PINK tubular flowers produced on sage green mounds of foliage to about 2 ft. tall and spreading by underground rhizomes. Vigorous and easy to grow in full sun to very light shade. Touted as drought tolerant, they will survive dry conditions but will thrive with occasional summer water. Beautiful against a rock wall, in dry stream beds, or naturalistic plantings where they have some room to spread. Hummingbird favorite. Pruning plants down to a few inches in late autumn helps to rejuvenate them for the following year.


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