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Helianthus annuus  common sunflower
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Helianthus annuus

(common sunflower)

Native to much of North America, this is a wild California selection from the Central Valley just east of Lake Berryessa. A fast growing annual with coarse heart-shaped leaves and topped with an abundance of 3 inch flowers, with bright yellow petals and brown centers on branched stalks. An excellent habitat plant, providing nectar and pollen for a wide array of bees and butterflies as well as seed relished by birds. A highly variable species with a long history of uses and domestication. Plant in full sun where it is adaptable to soil types and watering regimes. Can manage in dryish conditions but best with moderate water, especially early in its growth.
Helianthus californicus  California sunflower
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Helianthus californicus

(California sunflower)

This giant, perennial sunflower is native to riparian habitats in openings with decent light. Dormant in the winter, spring brings rapid growth, with narrow, bright green leaves on tall stalks rising 7 feet or more above a root system which spreads widely. Summer brings many small, golden-yellow sunflowers on the branch tips which are quite dramatic in full bloom. Flowers attract bees and butterflies and the seeds are relished by birds. Perfect for stabilizing soil where there is some summer water and plenty of space. Once established it can take it dryish, but will flower better with water. An excellent cut flower.
Heracleum lanatum  cow parsnip
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Heracleum lanatum

(cow parsnip)

Big, bold, native perennial 3 - 8 ft. tall, is striking in mass or as a specimen. Forms a rosette of large lobed leaves followed by stout flower stems carrying large umbels of white flowers. Thrives in rich soils with some moisture. Full sun along coast, part shade inland. As a member of the carrot family (Apiaceae) the flowers are very effective at attracting beneficial insects. Larval food source for anise swallowtail butterfly.
Hesperocyparis forbesii  Tecate cypress
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Hesperocyparis forbesii

(Tecate cypress)

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Hesperocyparis macnabiana  MacNab cypress
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Hesperocyparis macnabiana

(MacNab cypress)

MacNab Cypress is native to dry, open, slopes, usually on serpentine, in chaparral and woodlands of Northern California. Fast growing tree or large shrub, 15 – 40 ft. tall, often with multiple trunks and a spreading crown, growing wider than it is tall. The pleasantly pungent, grey-green, foliage smells like gin and is arranged on flattened branches, giving it a somewhat lacey appearance. The bark is rough and furrowed and the cones are spherical and persistent. Plant in full sun with good drainage and little to no summer water once established. Deer resistant.
Hesperocyparis pygmaea  pygmy cypress
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Hesperocyparis pygmaea

(pygmy cypress)

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Hesperocyparis sargentii  Sargent cypress
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Hesperocyparis sargentii

(Sargent cypress)

This cypress makes its home in serpentine pygmy forests from Santa Barbara to Mendocino Counties. While often dwarfed in its native terrain, this species can grow quite happily off of serpentine and may reach up to 60 ft. tall. The small, dark-green, scale-like leaves form a bushy canopy against the gray-brown trunk. A good medium-sized tree for hotter inland areas, but will also tolerate coastal conditions. The sargent cypress can grow fairly rapidly, useful as a high privacy screen or wind break. Plant in full sun to light shade and water occasionally.  Will be very drought tolerant once established. Needs good drainage. Deer resistant.
Hesperoyucca whipplei  Our Lord's candle
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Hesperoyucca whipplei

(Our Lord's candle)

Bold and dramatic architectural accent plant native to southern California coast and mountains south to Baja. Forms a dense rosette of rigid silver-blue blades, 2 foot tall by 3 - 4 foot wide. Each blade has a VERY SHARP tip and careful thought should be given to its placement to avoid injury. Plants can take 3 to 15 years to bloom with impressive stalks rising 6 foot or more above the rosette with drooping, creamy white, bell shaped, fragrant flowers. The flowering rosette dies after blooming often being replaced by vegetative offsets. Best with good drainage in full sun to light shade. No water once established. Deer resistant
Heteromeles arbutifolia  toyon
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Heteromeles arbutifolia


Toyon is a handsome native evergreen shrub 6 - 10 ft. tall and wide (or more). Sun to part shade, drought tolerant. Clusters of lacy white flowers bloom in summer and areattractive to pollinators. Spectacular bundles of red berries are relished by birds and are a great winter decoration. Valuable as a specimen, screen, hedge or bank plant. Birds attracted to the fruit include the following species: Cedar waxwing, California towhee, spotted towhee, Western bluebird, robins, mockingbirds, bandtailed pigeon, waxwing and quail.
Heteromeles arbutifolia 'Davis Gold' gold fruited toyon
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Heteromeles arbutifolia 'Davis Gold'

(gold fruited toyon)

An interesting cultivar of the native toyon which bears bright golden yellow berries rather than the more common red-colored fruits. A handsome evergreen shrub 8 - 12 ft. tall and wide (or more). Sun to part shade, drought tolerant. Clusters of lacy white flowers bloom in summer and are attractive to pollinators. The showy clusters of orange-yellow berries are relished by birds and are great winter decoration. Valuable as a specimen, screen, hedge or bank plant. This selection is considered more disease resistant than most toyon.
Heterotheca sessiliflora ssp. bolanderi 'San Bruno Mountain' hairy false goldenaster
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Heterotheca sessiliflora ssp. bolanderi 'San Bruno Mountain'

(hairy false goldenaster)

Versatile and tough native perennial well suited for the rock garden front of the border or container plantings. Evergreen foliage forms low mats topped with bright yellow daisies in summer - fall. For sunny sites and dryish conditions. Flowers are appealing to bees and butterflies.  
Heuchera  'Canyon Duet' coral bells
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Heuchera 'Canyon Duet'

(coral bells)

A Santa Barbara Botanic Garden selection, part of their Quartet Series of hybrids. This charming, diminutive coral bells forms low, sturdy clumps of small rounded leaves slowly spreading to about 10-12 inches wide. Bi-colored flowers of dark pink and white rise 12 to 18 inches above the dense foliage in spring and early summer. Heuchera's require good light to bloom well but resent full sun, especially inland. Moderate to occasional water. Excellent small scale perennial for mixed border, edging or rock garden. Good container subject too.
Heuchera  'Lillian's Pink' coral bells
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Heuchera 'Lillian's Pink'

(coral bells)

An exceptional hybrid forming tidy mounds of foliage 12 - 18 inches wide. Topped with slender stems of shell pink flowers for a long period in the spring. Best with shade from the hottest sun and moderate summer water. Lovely in drifts. This species attracts hummingbirds.
Heuchera  'Old La Rochette' coral bells
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Heuchera 'Old La Rochette'

(coral bells)

Here is a wonderful, often hard to find Heuchera hybrid. Grows into robust clumps of rounded leaves to around 1 ft. tall and 1 - 2 ft. wide. 2 ft. tall flower stalks carry hundreds of soft pink blossoms in the spring, and often intermittently through the summer. Sturdy perennial for part shade and a little summer water. This species attracts hummingbirds.
Heuchera  'Rosada' coral bells
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Heuchera 'Rosada'

(coral bells)

Listed as one of U.C. Davis Arboretum’s “All Stars”, this heuchera hybrid is tough and dependable. Forms an attractive mound of evergreen foliage 10 - 12 inches tall. A  long display of tall flower stems covered with creamy-pink dainty bells begin in the spring and often continue into the summer. Best with part shade and moderate to occasional summer water. Attracts hummingbirds.
Heuchera  'Santa Ana Cardinal' coral bells
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Heuchera 'Santa Ana Cardinal'

(coral bells)

An outstanding hybrid that is vigorous and free flowering. Compact clumps of foliage topped with 2 ft. tall flowering stems with vibrant rose-red blossoms over a long period. Plant in cool full sun to light shade with moderate to occassional summer water once established. This species attracts hummingbirds.
Heuchera  'Wendy' coral bells
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Heuchera 'Wendy'

(coral bells)

One of the prettiest hybrids from Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Gardens. Large light green leaves, branched stems about 2’ tall carry hundreds of light pink, rather plump, blossoms in spring. Sun near the coast, part shade inland. Reasonably well drained soil and moderate to little water when established. This species attracts hummingbirds.
Heuchera cylindrica  roundleaf alumroot
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Heuchera cylindrica

(roundleaf alumroot)

Native to the northern mountains of California, the roundleaf alumroot is distinctive for its dense clusters of white to cream-yellow flowers held on vertical stems reaching 1 to 2 ft tall. Round leaves grow in tight mounds up to 8 inches high and 2 ft wide. Combine with pink Heucheras, Iris and small ferns for an attractive woodland display. Needs part shade and decent drainage. Attracts hummingbirds. Drought tolerant.
Heuchera glabra  smooth alumroot
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Heuchera glabra

(smooth alumroot)

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Heuchera hirsutissima

(shaggy haired alumroot)

This miniature alumroot is the perfect addition to the lightly shaded rock garden or along the edge of a path. Pinkish-white, dainty flowers sit atop short stems only about 4 inches tall in spring and summer. The little 2 inch mounds of dark green leaves slowly spread to form tiny drifts. Provide good drainage and moderate irrigation. An excellent plant for a rock crevice or container where it can be combined with Idaho fescue, Erigeron 'Olga' or leather fern. This species comes from the San Jacinto and Santa Rosa mountains of southern California. 
Heuchera maxima  Island alum root
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Heuchera maxima

(Island alum root)

Native to the Channel Islands, this is one of the most adaptable and vigorous of the alum roots, forming broad evergreen mounds of bright green folilage 1 - 1 1/2 ft. high. Maroon flower stems are 3 ft. high topped with pink blushed creamy flowers that have a slight green haze. Best with part shade and a little summer water, but will tolerate full sun close to the coast. Good for use under oaks. This species attracts hummingbirds.
Heuchera micrantha  alum root
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Heuchera micrantha

(alum root)

This is our common alum root which is usually seen on shady cliffs and roadbanks adjacent to forests. Easy to grow in garden situations. Forms low mounds of foliage topped with dainty white flowers on long stems. Likes moisture, but tolerates considerable drought and takes deeper shade than most Heuchera species. This species attracts hummingbirds.
Heuchera micrantha 'Martha Roderick' alum root
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Heuchera micrantha 'Martha Roderick'

(alum root)

Here’s a pink flowered form of the normally white flowered native alum root. Foliage forms handsome clumps topped with slender stalks 1 - 1 1/2 ft. tall of tiny pink flowers. Excellent in woodland setting for border, slope or rock garden. Drought tolerant but best with a little water. This species attracts hummingbirds.

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Heuchera pilosissima

(seaside alum root)

Native to the coast from Mendocino to Santa Barbara Counties, this perennial forms compact, evergreen clumps of light-green scalloped leaves. Stocky flower stems 12 – 16 inches long carry small white-pink flowers in early summer. Perfect in coastal areas where it can grow in sun to light shade and will be drought tolerant once established. Must have part shade and some summer water inland. Plant in mass for a nice ground cover in a woodland setting or in mixed plantings with shrubs and ferns. Attracts hummingbirds.    
Hibiscus lasiocarpos var. occidentalis (californicus)  woolly rose mallow
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Hibiscus lasiocarpos var. occidentalis (californicus)

(woolly rose mallow)

A rare species from wetland habitats in the Delta of the Central Valley, which are seriously threatened due to habitat disturbance and development. A large perennial growing 3 - 6 ft. tall with heart-shaped fuzzy leaves on sturdy stems and large showy white flowers with deep pink centers in the summer. Tropical looking and water loving this interesting herbaceous perennial grows best with summer heat. Plant in full sun to light shade with regular water. Tolerates heavy soils and seasonal flooding. Nice container specimen where its needs may be easier to meet.  


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