Our Plants
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Melica harfordii(woodland melic)A lovely and useful grass native to dryish slopes and canyons of coniferous forests from central California to British Columbia. Forms a loose vertical clump with slightly arching stems 2 to 4 ft. tall. The delicate, narrow flower spikes add a sparkling effect to the woodland garden. Useful in lightly shaded plantings, where it is drought tolerant especially in cooler areas like western Sonoma County. It would benefit from occasional water during the dry season in warmer regions. Adds a nice vertical touch, as a specimen or in mass. Deer resistant.
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Melica imperfecta(small-flowered melicgrass)Native to dry hillsides, chaparral and open woodlands of southern and central California. This dainty native perennial grass grows 1 - 3 ft. tall in flower with narrow, glossy leaves at its base. The slender flower panicles provide a delicate effect, starting out cream and aging to beige. Grows best in cool sun or part shade and responds to some irrigation. Goes dormant if allowed to go summer dry once established, turning green with the winter rains. Useful for lightly shaded meadow plantings and stabilizing slopes. Deer resistant.
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Melica torreyana(Torrey's melic)At its best in winter and early spring, this little northern California bunchgrass is a perfect mound of soft green blades. In full bloom it can reach 1 - 3 ft. tall, followed by typical melic fruit resembling small brown rice grains held close to the stem. Grows in sun and shade in nature, but performs best/longest in the garden in part shade. Will go semi-summer dormant with drought, but will be evergreen with some moisture. Deer resistant.
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Mimulus (Erythranthe) cardinalis 'Santa Cruz Island Gold'(monkeyflower)An interesting color form of a streamside native found on Santa Cruz Island. Rather than the usual scarlet tubular flowers, this monkeyflower has golden orange blossoms with a band of yellow with red dots at the base of the petals. Plant in sun to part shade with regular water. Perfect beside a pond, stream or water feature. Does well in containers too. Trim as needed to keep tidy. A hummingbird favorite.
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Mimulus (Erythranthe) lewisii - dark flowered form(Lewis' monkeyflower)From cold streams in the Cascade Mountains comes this particularly dark flowered form of Lewis' monkeyflower. Trumpet-shaped blossoms with flared mouths are colored a deep, rich rose-pink, unlike the paler Sierra form. Reaching up to a foot tall and spreading to form small clumps, this moisture-loving monkeyflower enjoys part-shade and decent drainage. Hummingbirds love the flowers. Plant with sedges, blue lobelia and false bugbane for a colorful woodland display filled with texture. Great in a container.
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Monardella macrantha 'Marian Sampson'(scarlet coyote mint)A choice native perennial forming low mats of fragrant dark green shiny leaves. Mid to late spring brings spectacular heads of scarlet tubular flowers which are hummingbird magnets. Well suited for rock garden or container use where good drainage can be provided along with occasional summer water. Appreciates light shade in hot regions. The cultivar ‘Marian Sampson’ is a vigorous and disease resistant selection, but still likely to be short lived, lasting 2 to 4 years. Fantastic accent plant which is deer resistant and attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds.
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Monardella odoratissima(mountain coyote mint, mountain pennyroyal)Description coming soon!
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Monardella purpurea(serpentine coyote mint)A locally rare and more refined version of our common coyote mint, often with darker flowers, colored purple. Mature plants typically stay under a foot tall, but will get a little wider. Leaves are narrow and dark green, lining burgundy-tinged stems. While native to serpentine soils, it does well in most soils with good drainage. Plant in full sun to part shade and water infrequently. A great, rarely offered native for rock gardens or smaller areas, where butterflies and bees will enjoy the summer blossoms. Deer resistant.
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Monardella villosa(coyote mint)Plant description coming soon.
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Monardella villosa 'Soulajule'(coyote mint)Smaller than our cultivar 'Russian River', this coyote mint reaches a height of about 10 inches with fragrant leaves and dense heads of lavender-pink flowers in late spring and summer.Forms small colonies over time as the branches touch the ground and root.Best in full sun though light shade is helpful inland.Will enjoy occasional irrigation once established but does not require it.Attracts bees, butterflies and other beneficials and is deer resistant.Discovered near Soulajule Reservoir in Marin County.
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Monardella villosa ssp. franciscana 'Pomo Canyon'(coyote mint)This low growing, dense selection of our native coyote mint was discovered near the mouth of the Russian River. Large, round, deeply veined leaves colored dark blue-green give this groundcover a lush appearance. In summer, soft lavender flowers which look like pincushions cover the plant. Reaches a height of up to 12 inches and spreads fairly quickly to form drifts. Provide full sun to light shade and moderate to infrequent irrigation. A stellar plant for bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Coyote mint is not a true mint and won’t spread invasively by roots. Deer resistant.
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Monardella villosa ssp. franciscana 'Russian River'(coyote mint)Our own selection of coyote mint from a rocky slope along the lower Russian River. Although Monardella is sometimes difficult in cultivation, this plant has proven to be vigorous. Grows 12 to 18 inches tall with ball-like clusters of pinkish-purple above the fragrant evergreen foliage. Good for a dry sunny site. Attracts bees and butterflies. Deer resistant.
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Monardella villosa ssp. villosa 'Mark West'(coyote mint)This sweet little coyote mint hails from the dry, inland hills above the Mark West watershed in North East Santa Rosa. It is more compact than the ‘Russian River’ selection, mounding to about 1’ high and spreading to 3’ across. The aromatic foliage is a light minty green, and the round lavender-pink flower heads bloom from late spring through summer. Best with a bit of protection from the hot afternoon sun, this coyote mint is great to tuck under a large, upright, drought tolerant shrub, such as manzanita or Ceanothus. Drought tolerant once established, but blooms best with occasional deep soaks. Needs good drainage. Like other coyote mints, it is a butterfly and native bee magnet. Deer resistant.
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Monardella viridis(green coyote mint)A pollinator magnet! Found in inland Sonoma County, and in Lake and Napa Counties, on hot, dry, rocky slopes, green coyote mint entices the senses with its minty, sage-like aroma, small, pointed, ovate, green-gray foliage, and its saturated lavender inflorescences that bloom in summer. Growing to 4’ across, this low mounding woody perennial prefers decent drainage and a bit of relief from afternoon sun in hotter, inland sites. The flowers are especially attractive to native bees and butterflies. Deer resistant and drought-tolerant once established.
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Muhlenbergia capillaris(pink muhly)This beautiful grass is grown for the stunning haze of purple-pink flower panicles in late summer. Clumping grass 2 - 3 ft. tall, native to southeastern U.S. Best in full sun with some summer water. Cut back late winter to encourage fresh new growth. Deer resistant.
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Muhlenbergia dubia(pine muhly)A half size version of the popular deer grass, Muhlenbergia rigens, with many of its attributes - only smaller. Evergreen foliage 12 - 18 inches tall. Narrow flower spikes on erect stems to 3 ft. tall. Adaptable, plant in full sun to light shade, little to moderate summer water. Heat and drought tolerant. Deer resistant too.
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Muhlenbergia emersleyi(bull grass)A handsome grass that forms dense mounds of gray-green blades about 2 ft. long. The showy flowers rise another foot above the foliage and are purplish-gray and dense. Useful as a specimen or in groups. Full sun, light shade, decent drainage. Tolerates heat, cold, wind, and drought. Deer resistant.
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Muhlenbergia lindheimeriChoice evergreen grass with beautiful blue-gray blades that have a graceful arching habit to around 3 ft. tall. Purplish flower spikes rise another 1 - 2 1/2 ft. above the foliage. Prefers full sun with good drainage with moderate to little summer water. Has performed well on our mounded up clay soil with very little summer water. Deer resistant. |
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Muhlenbergia rigens(deer grass)With its graceful, arching habit and tall, attractive seed stalk, this versatile, adaptable native grass is a striking addition to any garden. Forms a tidy, dense clump 3 ft. tall and 3-4 feet wide, making it useful as a specimen and also wonderful planted in mass. Remains mostly evergreen with occasional summer water, but can be periodically chopped down to spur fresh growth. Plant in full sun to light shade. Tolerates moist or dry soils and performs well in clay. Its extensive root system makes it an excellent for soil stabilization. Good habitat value offering seeds for songbirds and is a larval food source for a number of butterflies species. Deer resisitant.
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Myrica hartwegii(Sierra sweet bay)From Sierran streambanks comes this sweet bay, a cousin of our local wax myrtle. Rare in nature, this deciduous shrub can reach a height and width of up to 5 ft. Soft, lance-shaped leaves of gray-green flank the stems. Small red flowers appear in the spring. Enjoys dappled shade and good drainage. Requires regular irrigation. Plant with indian rhubarb, western columbine and ferns for a taste of the mountains in your own garden. Thought to be deer resistant.
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Myrica (Morella) californica(Pacific wax myrtle)Native evergreen shrub with clean looking shiny foliage 15 ft. or more tall. Useful screen, clipped or informal hedge or even trained as multi-trunked small tree. An adaptable plant for sun to light shade, with moderate to occasional water. Its waxy berries attract flickers, robins and finches. Fairly deer resistant.
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Nemophila menziesii(baby blue eyes)Description coming soon!
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Nemophila menziesii - Frosty Blue(baby blue eyes)An interesting seed strain of the charming, ANNUAL baby blue eyes. Found in many habitat types throughout California, this beauty has long been in cultivation. The slender, succulent, lobed leaves grow 4 - 6 inches tall, spreading and spilling about 1 ft wide. The "Frosty" in the name refers to the silvery color to the foliage, which contrast nicely with the profusion of gorgeous, bright, baby-blue blossoms. Spectacular in drifts, where it can spill and cascade, at the front of a garden bed, in meadow plantings, rock gardens or in containers. Plant in full sun to light shade where it is early to bloom during the cool of spring. Hot weather triggers seed production. The large black seeds are relished by birds. Reseeds readily.
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Nepeta x fassennii 'Blue Wonder'(catmint)An aromatic and floriferous perennial, native to the Caucasus, Turkey and Iran, with grey foliage and abundant, deep blue, nectar-rich flowers. Forms a spreading mound, around 1 foot tall and 18 inches wide. Plant in full sun to light shade with good drainage and moderate watering. Useful color spot, off and on, spring through fall, when sheared back once flowers fade. Attracts bees, hummingbirds and butterflies. Deer and rabbit resistant.
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Neviusia cliftonii(Shasta snow-wreath)Shasta snow-wreath is a rare species not know to science until 1992. Endemic to Shasta County, California, often on limestone embankments, in moist shady areas, this deciduous shrub grows to around 6 ft. tall spreading by underground rootstocks. Looking something like ocean spray or a delicate ninebark, heart shaped leaves with toothed edges are alternately arranged on the slender branches. The flowers are a starburst of white anthers in early spring surrounded by green petal-like sepals. A lovely addition to a woodland planting where it thrives in light shade with some summer water.