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Salvia  sonomensis 'Greenberg Gray' Sonoma sage
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Salvia sonomensis 'Greenberg Gray'

(Sonoma sage)

We named this wonderful gray-leaved form of the Sonoma sage for Katherine Greenberg who had it growing in her beautiful Lafayette garden. This striking species forms a ground hugging carpet of leaves with charming, blue-purple flowers in late spring on stems up to 6 inches tall. Bees, butterflies and hummingbirds love the blossoms. Needs lightly dappled shade and excellent drainage with little to no water once established. Great under manzanitas. Deer resistant.
Salvia sonomensis 'Hobbit Toes' Sonoma sage
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Salvia sonomensis 'Hobbit Toes'

(Sonoma sage)

An interesting selection of Sonoma sage from the Cuesta Grade in San Luis Obispo County.  A compact grower forming a flat mat of gray leaves covered with soft white hairs. The blue-violet flowers spikes are darker than many of our local forms and make a beautiful display in late spring, a favorite of bees and hummingbirds. This fragrant ground cover tolerates heat and drought and requires good drainage with only occasional to no summer watering once established. Will grow in a variety of exposures but often seems happiest with a bit of light shade. Deer resistant.
Salvia sonomensis 'John Farmar-Bowers' white-flowered Sonoma sage
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Salvia sonomensis 'John Farmar-Bowers'

(white-flowered Sonoma sage)

Thanks to Kent Calkins for sharing this unique form of sonoma sage he found growing on his property in the hills above Santa Rosa. Instead of the usual lavender-blue flowers, this plant has creamy white flowers on 6 inch stalks above the ground hugging mat of aromatic foliage. A wonderful native groundcover which requires good drainage and performs best with light shade. Water plants to get established - very drought tolerant, will NOT tolerate regular summer water. Deer resistant. Attracts bees and hummingbirds.
Salvia spathacea  hummingbird sage
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Salvia spathacea

(hummingbird sage)

A wonderful native sage, endemic to California where it is found at low elevations of the Coast Ranges from San Bruno Mountain in the north to Orange County in the south. Fragrant, fruity foliage spreads by creeping rhizomes to form handsome mats. Flower stems rise 2 - 3 ft. above the leaves carrying many large ball-like clusters of magenta flowers that the hummingbirds adore. Does best in cool sun or part shade in hot areas. Drought tolerant, but looks best with occasional summer water. This species attracts hummingbirds. Deer resistant.
Salvia spathacea 'Avis Keedy' yellow-flowered hummingbird sage
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Salvia spathacea 'Avis Keedy'

(yellow-flowered hummingbird sage)

An interesting yellow-flowered form of the normally magenta flowered hummingbird sage, introduced by the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden. Discovered in an oak woodland in Santa Barbara County, this cultivar has unusual lemon yellow petals that fade to creamy white and are backed by lime green bracts. Forms the usual fragrant, spreading mat of large leaves topped with three foot tall flower stalks with distinctive whorls of flowers in the spring. Best with part shade unless directly along the coast and an occasional summer watering to keep it going through the summer. Without summer water will go summer dormant reviving with the rains. A bee and hummingbird favorite. Deer resistant.
Salvia spathacea 'Las Pilitas' hummingbird sage
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Salvia spathacea 'Las Pilitas'

(hummingbird sage)

A very LOW form of the fragrant hummingbird sage, selected and introduced by Las Pilitas Nursery. Ground hugging foliage spreads to form handsome mats 3 - 6 ft. wide. Flower stems rise 18 inches above the foliage with ball-like clusters of magenta flowers which are bee and hummingbird favorites. Best with light shade and occasional summer water. Deer resistant.

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Salvia spathacea 'Powerline Pink'

(hummingbird sage)

This selection of the wonderful native hummingbird sage is notable for its size. It stands 3 ft. tall before it flowers, and its flowering stalks can add another 3 ft. to the height. Fragrant, fruity foliage spreads by creeping rhizomes to form handsome mats. The flower stems carry many large ball-like clusters of magenta flowers that the bees and hummingbirds love. Does best in cool sun or part shade in hot areas. Drought tolerant but looks best with occasional summer water. Deer resistant.
Salvia x 'Dara's Choice' sage
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Salvia x 'Dara's Choice'


Selected by Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, this native hybrid sage forms a dense, dark green, mounding groundcover 1.5 ft. tall by 3 – 4 ft. wide. The aromatic foliage is topped with wands of soft lavender-blue flowers on small whorls in the late spring to early summer. In hotter climates, light or part shade is preferred, where it will be quite drought tolerant once established. A more refined native sage which combines well with iris, California fuchsia and grasses. Adored by bees and hummingbirds but not eaten by deer. 
Sambucus mexicana (nigra ssp. caerulea)  blue elderberry, Mexican elderberry
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Sambucus mexicana (nigra ssp. caerulea)

(blue elderberry, Mexican elderberry)

Our native blue elderberry, often seen on banks above rivers and streams, or even on somewhat drier slopes. A fast growing deciduous shrub or small tree 8 to 25 ft. tall with pinnately divided leaves. Creamy yellow flowers appear in late spring in flat-topped clusters, followed by blue berries. High on the birds’ favorite list! Ripe berries feed many species of birds. Moderate to infrequent summer water.
Sambucus nigra 'Black Lace' cut-leaf black elderberry
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Sambucus nigra 'Black Lace'

(cut-leaf black elderberry)

Intense purple-black, finely cut foliage adorn this beautiful and easy to grow shrub. Growing 8 ft. by 8 ft. in full sun to light shade with regular to moderate water.  A great landscape shrub, striking specimen, screen or border plant as well as a good container subject. Summer brings soft-pink flowers in flat topped sprays that contrast beautifully with the gorgeous foliage. The clusters of small purple fruits that follow are attractive to birds. Amenable to artistic pruning or annual shearing to keep in scale, best done after bloom so not to lose next years flowers.
Sambucus nigra 'Laciniata' cut leaf elderberry
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Sambucus nigra 'Laciniata'

(cut leaf elderberry)

A beautiful cut leaf elderberry. Graceful, airy and finely dissected deep green foliage. Large flat topped sprays of white flowers become black shiny berries. Will grow easily to 10 ft. or more. Prune to desired height. Plant in sun to light shade with moderate to occasional watering. Flowers enjoyed by pollinators, berries relished by birds.
Sambucus racemosa  red elderberry
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Sambucus racemosa

(red elderberry)

Red elderberry is native to moist areas along the coast. Shrub or small tree 6 - 18 ft. tall. Bright green foliage and pretty white flowers in pyramidal clusters followed by bright red berries. The fruits are relished by birds but are reputed to be POISONOUS to humans. Cool sun, light shade and moisture. High on the birds’ favorite list! Ripe berries feed many species of birds.
Sambucus racemosa 'Alamere Lavender' red elderberry
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Sambucus racemosa 'Alamere Lavender'

(red elderberry)

Plant description coming soon.
Schoenoplectus (Scirpus) acutus var. occidentalis  common tule, giant bulrush
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Schoenoplectus (Scirpus) acutus var. occidentalis

(common tule, giant bulrush)

Also called giant bulrush, this large bold plant can form massive colonies on the edges of wet areas. Native to freshwater marshes, lakes and stream banks throughout lower elevations in California and much of North America. Vertical, thick, round, leafless stems grow 12 to 15 ft. tall and spread underground. In large landscapes it can be used as a pond or riparian plant where it will form dense thickets. Can be grown in containers for smaller gardens, set just below water level for a dramatic vertical accent. Plant in full sun with regular water. Provides good habitat for wildlife.
Scrophularia californica  beeplant or figwort
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Scrophularia californica

(beeplant or figwort)

Native to open places of the coastal scrub and woodlands where it can form large colonies in moist areas. Grows 2 to 3 1/2 ft. tall and wide in cool full sun to light shade. Pretty purplish-red new growth matures to deep green. The flower spikes carry many small open-mouthed maroon-red flowers followed by attractive seed stalks which are nice in dried flower arrangements. This prolific nectar producer attracts all sorts of pollinators including bees and hummingbirds. Larval food source for the Chalcedon Checkerspot and Common Buckeye butterfly. Birds relish seeds.
Scrophularia californica green-flowered form green-flowered beeplant or figwort
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Scrophularia californica green-flowered form

(green-flowered beeplant or figwort)

An interesting color form of the normally maroon flowered figwort. Seed was collected from a site in northern Santa Cruz county that has wonderful yellow-green flowers. The open-mouthed flowers are small but profuse. Native to open places of the coastal scrub and woodland where it can form large colonies in moist areas. Grows 2 to 3 1/2 ft. tall and wide in cool full sun to light shade. Larval food source for the common checkerspot butterfly.
Scutellaria  'Violet Cloud' skullcap
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Scutellaria 'Violet Cloud'


Plant description coming soon.
Scutellaria californica  California skullcap
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Scutellaria californica

(California skullcap)

A charming perennial native to gravelly soils of low and mid elevation mountains of Northern California where it grows on the edge of woodlands and chaparral communities. Leaves are arranged oppositely on erect stems less than one foot tall. The very sweet, small, creamy-white snapdragon-like flowers occur in pairs at the leaf axils. Spreads by underground rootstocks to form colonies. In our nutritious water retentive soils has spread quite vigorously, in dryer leaner soils less so. Plant in full sun to light shade. Drought tolerant but would appreciate a little summer water.
Scutellaria suffrutescens  pink Texas skullcap
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Scutellaria suffrutescens

(pink Texas skullcap)

Sturdy, compact, long blooming perennial growing less than 6 inches tall by 15 inches wide. Deep green foliage and dense growth habit make a tidy foil for the profusion of small rosy- pink snapdragon-like flowers over a long period spring-summer. Highly attractive to pollinators and hummingbirds. Plant in full sun to light shade with occasional water.  Drought and heat tolerant. Deer tolerant too.
Sedum divergens  Pacific stonecrop
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Sedum divergens

(Pacific stonecrop)

This is a little beauty. Mat-forming and evergreen, this succulent is native to California north to Alaska. Tolerant of wet winters, the shiny round bead-like leaves turn a dark red in full sun. Stays compact and slowly spreads, 2 - 4 inches tall, reaching about 18 inches in diameter. Blooms starry yellow flowers in summer. Great in rock gardens, planters, useful as an edge plant. Adapts to many soil types. Fully hardy and drought tolerant once established. We have this planted in our trough in front of the greenhouse.
Sedum spathulifolium  Pacific stonecrop
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Sedum spathulifolium

(Pacific stonecrop)

A mat forming native succulent often seen on rocky cliffs and shady banks in California’s Coast Ranges and Sierra Nevada north to British Columbia. Small, spoon-shaped leaves form flat rosettes where bright yellow star-like flowers appear in late spring and early summer. A natural for the rock garden or container plantings where they are best with part shade. Very drought tolerant.

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Sedum spathulifolium 'Cape Blanco'

(common stonecrop)

A mat forming, western native succulent, often seen on rocky cliffs and shady banks in California’s Coast Ranges and Sierra Nevada north to British Columbia. Small, spoon-shaped leaves form flat rosettes where bright yellow star-like flowers appear in late spring and early summer. The cultivar 'Cape Blanco' was selected along the Oregon coast, for its chalky-white foliage. A natural for the rock garden or container plantings where they are best with part shade. Very drought tolerant.  
Sedum  spathulifolium 'Elephant Rock' Pacific stonecrop
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Sedum spathulifolium 'Elephant Rock'

(Pacific stonecrop)

This distinctive form of our native stonecrop was discovered on Elephant Rock near Dylan Beach and introduced by Mostly Natives Nursery.Especially large grey-green spoon shaped leaves form luscious mats of flat rosettes.Jewel-like yellow flowers arise in the spring on stalks reaching about 6 inches tall.Excellent small scale ground cover for the well-drained garden in partial shade.Water occasionally once established.Good container subject too.  
Sedum spathulifolium 'Purpureum' Pacific stonecrop
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Sedum spathulifolium 'Purpureum'

(Pacific stonecrop)

This distinctive form of the Pacific stonecrop features purple leaves which turn particularly dark in the winter. Bright yellow flowers are produced in late spring and early summer on short stems up to 4 inches high. This mat forming succulent grows in rocky crevices and shady banks in California’s Coast Ranges and Sierra Nevada north to British Columbia. The small, spoon-shaped leaves form flat rosettes. Needs excellent drainage and some shade, especially in the afternoon. A natural for the rock garden or container plantings where its diminutive nature can be appreciated. Very drought tolerant.
Sedum spurium 'John Creech' stonecrop
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Sedum spurium 'John Creech'


A durable semi-evergreen, hardy groundcover, suitable for pathways, rock gardens, and as a bank cover. ‘John Creech’ is a particulary low and tight form of S. spurium that grows 2 inches tall and spreads to a foot wide, then slowly creeps in a noninvasive manner. Its dense habit tends to keep weeds from poking through. Topped by purplish-pink flowers in summer that attract butterflies. Plant in well drained soil. Looks best with occasional summer water. Somewhat drought tolerant. Named for Dr. John Creech, of the U.S. National Arboretum, who discovered the plant in Siberia. Supposedly deer resistant.


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