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Toxicoscordion fremontii(Fremont's star lily)Description coming soon!
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Trautvetteria caroliniensis(false bugbane)From moist woodlands in mountainous areas of northern California comes this lush and verdant buttercup relative. Large, serrated, palmate leaves up to 8 inches wide spread densely across the ground on slender stems up to 1 ft. high. In summer through early fall, icy white flowers made up of thin filaments form flat topped clusters up to 5 inches wide. These delicate flowers sit atop stems reaching up to 2ft. high. Plant in moist areas with part to full shade. The leaves will die down in winter only to re-emerge in spring. While very rare in California, false bugbane is more common in other parts of the country. Our form comes from the Siskiyou Mountains of northern California.
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Trichostema 'Midnight Magic'(hybrid blue curls)An interesting hybrid introduced by Suncrest Nursery. A cross between the California native woolly blue curls (T. lanatum) and a Mexican species (T. purpusii), a pink flowering shrub thought to be extinct in the wild. The resulting hybrid forms a compact, rounded shrub 3-5 ft. tall with dark green, lightly aromatic leaves. Showy spikes of purple flowers with long curved stamens, bloom over a long period, late spring through fall, a delight to bees and hummingbirds. Plant in full sun with good drainage and moderate to occasional summer water. Hardy to around 25-30 degrees.
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Trichostema lanatum(woolly blue curls)Woolly blue curls is a much sought after evergreen shrub with pungent, dark green, narrow leaves and spectacular flower spikes. Grows up to 5 ft tall and often wider, and blooms over a long period. Blue-purple to pink flowers, covered in purple hairs with protruding, long, curving stamens are a sight to behold. Native to coastal scrub and chaparral communities from Monterey county to northern Baja. Requires full sun, good drainage and is drought tolerant once established. Avoid regular irrigation, fertilizer and organic mulches. Pollinated by hummingbirds and visited by bumblebees and butterflies. Deer resistant.
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Trientalis latifolia(star flower)Shade loving native perennial, inhabiting open woods from San Luis Obispo County to British Columbia. Forming small colonies from underground tuberous rootstock. Slender stems rise 6 inches tall with a whorl of neat leaves at the top of the erect stems. Dainty pink star-shaped flowers are suspended above the leaves on thread-like pedicels. Flourishes in loose, woodsy, acidic soils in lightly shaded areas. Thrives with the spring rains, then goes dormant in the summer dry period. A charming addition to the shade garden.
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Trillium chloropetalum(giant Trillium)The beautiful and distinctive giant Trillium is an elegant addition to the woodland garden.Native to coastal and interior open forests and woodlands of the San Francisco Bay Area and North Coast Ranges.Emerges in February with three broad leaves surrounding a leafless stem 10-18 inches tall. A single large flower arises directly from the whorl of leaves and can vary from white, pink, to maroon red. The leaves often have green or maroon mottling. After flowering it dies back to the ground. Prefers the dappled light of a woodland setting with humusy well drained soil and some summer moisture.
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Trillium ovatum(western trillium)Description coming soon!
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Triteleia hyacinthina(white brodiaea)One of the easier to grow native bulbs that adapts well to garden conditions. Native to vernally moist areas that become summer dry in the Coast Ranges, Central Valley and Sierra Nevada into southwestern Oregon. Slender flowering stems rise one to two feet above the narrow leaves, with umbels of white, star-shaped flowers with green centers. If happy, the corms will multiply, forming drifts among grasses and shrubs and in open woodland settings. Easy to grow in containers, where they can be stashed in the shade once they go dormant. Bee and butterfly favorite.
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Triteleia laxa 'Aquarius'(double-flowered Ithuriel's spear)Description coming soon!
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Triteleia laxa 'Corrina'(Ithuriel's spear)A beautifully dark flowered form of our Ithuriel’s spear, with flowers a darker blue-purple than the more common ‘Queen Fabiola’. The trumpet-shaped flowers form circular clusters at the top of slender stalks 12 to 18 inches high. This easy to grow bulb sends up slender, grass-like leaves in late winter followed by the striking flowers in late spring. Multiplies readily forming colorful drifts which mix well with grasses and smaller perennials. Tolerant of pretty much all soil types and can be allowed to dry out completely in summer when it goes dormant. Unlike most grassland bulbs, this species will also tolerate moderate irrigation. Plant in full sun to light shade. Attracts bees, butterflies and hummingbirds.
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Triteleia laxa 'Queen Fabiola'(Ithuriel's spear)Trumpets of bluish-purple blossoms make a dazzling display at the height of spring on this easily grown lily relative. The showy flowers rise up to 18 inches tall in dense whorls on slender stalks above grasslike leaves. The small bulbs increase rapidly to form small, colorful drifts. Give full sun to light shade. Tolerant of dry conditions but accepts occasional irrigation. Will go dormant by mid-summer but reemerges in early winter. Attracts bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Plant in openings between low, evergreen plants or in meadows with yarrow, California fuchsia and grasses.
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Triteleia laxa 'Rudy'(Ithuriel's spear)An interesting flower color variation of this easy to grow native bulb. Grasslike blades 12 - 18 inches tall produce flower stems with large clusters of showy, funnel-shaped, pale blue-lavender blossoms with a vivid violet stripe down the center of each petal. An eye catching addition to a naturalistic planting, in sun to light shade. A willing grower which will multiply if happy. Enjoys dry conditions once done flowering, but will accept some moisture. Good container subject. Attracts bees, hummingbirds and butterflies.
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Triteleia laxa 'Silver Queen'(Ithuriel's spear)A white form of Ithuriel’s spear?! We kid you not. You may be familiar with this species and its traditionally blue-purple, trumpet-shaped flowers perched in whorls atop stalks up to a foot tall. We now have a selection featuring soft white flowers. This native bulb sends up grass-like foliage in the winter followed by the charming flowers in spring and early summer. The bulbs multiply readily, forming small colonies over time. While it tolerates dry conditions in summer, it will also accept occasional irrigation, making it very useful in the garden. Enjoys full sun to light shade and will tolerate clay soil.
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Urtica dioica(stinging nettle)Found in moist woodlands and meadows throughout the state, stinging nettle is a habitat powerhouse. Growing at least 4’ tall and spreading vigorously to form large colonies, it's a great addition to any shady habitat garden or swale, where it stays moist throughout the year. Plant away from high traffic areas, as both the stems and foliage have small, stinging hairs that can cause skin irritation upon contact. This nettle has distinctive gray stalks, serrated leaves, and produces white, firework-like inflorescences that grow on stems in clusters throughout summer and early fall. Not only has it been used for centuries for a multitude of edible and medicinal purposes by indigenous tribes, it is also a larval host to several native butterflies including the painted lady and red admiral. Good cover for birds and small mammals.
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Vaccinium ovatum(evergreen huckleberry)A handsome evergreen shrub native to moist forests of the Pacific Coast. Leathery dark green leaves with new growth flushed bronzy-red. Small pinkish flowers in the spring are followed by delectable black berries prized in pies and jams. A slow growing shrub for shady situations or cool sun along the coast with moderate to regular water. Can grow 4 - 5 ft. tall and wide or as much as 8 ft. tall in especially prime locations given time. Flowers provide nectar for hummingbirds and bees, fruit for many species including humans. Fire resistant. Deer resistant.
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Vaccinium ovatum 'Scarlet Ovation'(evergreen huckleberry)A round of applause for this cultivar of the evergreen huckleberry, featuring an especially compact habit and stand out bronzy-red new growth. Forms a small, dense shrub, to only around 3 ft. tall and wide. The new growth in the spring is dependably fiery-red, contrasting beautifully with the neat, dark-green older foliage. Small, urn-shaped, pinkish-white flowers are rich in nectar and attract an array of pollinators, including hummingbirds. The small, dark-blue berries are tasty and enjoyed by wildlife and humans. Huckleberries can grow in full sun along the coast, but require some shade in hot areas. Moderate to regular summer water. Fire and deer resistant.
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Vaccinium ovatum (Inverness)(evergreen huckleberry)This Marin County selection of the evergreen huckleberry was chosen by landscape architect Ron Lutsko for its dense and compact habit. The leaves appear to us to be smaller than usual for this species and spaced more closely together. It has the classic, tasty huckleberries and blooms and fruits readily. Plant in part shade and provide regular to moderate irrigation. Will grow in full sun near the coast. While tolerant of somewhat shadier locations, evergreen huckleberries fruit best with adequate light. Fire resistant. Deer resistant.
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Vancouveria hexandra(northern inside-out flower)A useful ground cover for shady areas with delicate apple green, fern-like foliage and creeping rootstocks. Grows 6 to 12 inches tall and spreads slowly by underground rhizomes. Dainty, nodding, white flowers with reflexed petals give the impression of being turned inside out and can appear over a long period from April through June. This western native grows profusely in moist woodland conditions but tolerates dryish conditions once established. Competes well with tree roots too.
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Veratrum fimbriatum(fringed cornlily)From moist, coastal areas of Sonoma and Mendocino County comes this very rare lily relative. A cousin of the high mountain cornlily, this threatened species features large, pleated leaves which emerge in late winter and are followed in the autumn by icy-white flowers with fringed edges. After its long bloom period is over, the plant will go dormant through the winter. Surprisingly tolerant of shade, but will accept full sun along the coast with ample moisture. A choice plant for woodland gardens and will also thrive in a container. This plant is POISONOUS when consumed. Deer and gopher resistant.
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Verbena hastata(blue vervain)Plant description coming soon.
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Verbena lilacina 'De La Mina'(Cedros Island verbena)Verbena lilacina ‘De La Mina’ delights with dense clusters of rich lavender blossoms that are highly attractive to butterflies. Can bloom nearly year round along the coast, spring through fall elsewhere. Native to Cedros Island off of Baja, Mexico, ‘De La Mina’ was selected by the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden for its darker shade of lavender flowers. Generally cold-hardy to 25°F, the deliciously aromatic, evergreen foliage may need light trimming when subject to winter frost or extreme heat. Forms a lacy mound 1-2 ft. tall and 2-3 ft. wide. Plant in full sun with moderate to occasional summer water. Makes for an excellent border or container plant, and is reportedly deer resistant.
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Viburnum ellipticum(western viburnum)Loosely branched deciduous shrub 3-10 feet tall. Common in Washington and Oregon and rare in California where it can be found in chaparral and coniferous forests generally on north facing slopes. Soft reddish new growth makes way for the neat deep green oval leaves with a serrated edge. Small white flowers in terminal clusters followed by shiny black fruits which are enjoyed by birds. Attractive reddish fall color. Best with some shade and a little summer water. A candidate for the high banks of creeks, margins of wetlands or edges of forests.
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Viola adunca(Western dog violet)Native to both coastal and mountain plant communities, this violet can be seen locally blooming in coastal meadows and bluffs. Forms low-growing, slowly creeping, neat clumps of heart-shaped leaves. Sweetly fragrant, nodding, blue to purple flowers with white interiors and purple nectar guides bloom in the spring. This pretty little wildflower is visited by bees and other pollinators and is a host plant for a number of butterflies, some of which are rare and endangered. Grows in sun along the coast and light shade inland with moderate summer water. Can reseed if happy.
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Viola palustris(marsh violet)Native to moist environments in both coast and mountain plant communities of N. America and Eurasia. Rare in California, where it is found in the northern counties of Mendocino, Humboldt and Del Norte. Rounded to heart shaped leaves with shallow scalloped edges grow from basal rosettes and spread by slender rhizomes. The charming flowers bloom April through July and range from white through lavender in color with dark-purple nectar guides. Used by Fritillary butterflies as a larval food source. Easy to grow, this is not a violet for heavy shade, but prefers brighter locations with light shade and moist, but well drained soils.
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Vitex agnus-castus 'Sensational'(chaste tree)Vitex is a heat loving, summer-flowering, deciduous shrub or small tree 6-25 ft tall. The selection 'Sensational' sports especially long, showy flower spikes of lavender- blue blossoms in August, which attract a wide array of pollinators. A tough shrub that thrives in summer heat and full sun is drought tolerant but best with a little summer water. Deer resistant.