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Calamagrostis foliosa  Cape Mendocino reed grass
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Calamagrostis foliosa

(Cape Mendocino reed grass)

A beautiful native grass offering a very useful size and form for the landscape. Growing one foot tall by two feet wide with beautiful arching mounds of blue-grey blades often highlighted with purple tones. Spring brings flower spikes on arching stems with tight silvery- purple heads that turn tawny with age. A natural for coastal climates with good drainage and moderate to occasional watering, where it will tolerate wind and salt spray.  In warmer interior sites it requires some shade and additional water.  Excellent as a specimen or in mass, in a rock garden, perennial border, meadow,  woodland margin or slope.  Deer resistant.
Calamagrostis foliosa x nutkaensis 'Little Nootka' reed grass
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Calamagrostis foliosa x nutkaensis 'Little Nootka'

(reed grass)

This robust, but elegant bunchgrass was discovered by Cal Flora as a chance cross between the Pacific and Mendocino reed grasses. A beautiful garden plant which inherited useful traits from both parents. It’s shorter and denser than the Pacific reed grass, with foliage reaching up to about 1 ½ ft. high, but still retaining the lush, broad, green leaves. One can see the influence of the Mendocino reed grass in the broader form, spreading up to 3 ft. wide. The tight grass flowers are generally held upright on prolific stalks which rise to about a foot above the foliage. Plant in full sun near the coast, but provide some afternoon shade in hotter areas. Somewhat drought tolerant once established, accepting moderate to occasional irrigation. Deer resistant.

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Calamagrostis koelerioides

(tufted pine grass)

An uncommon but widely distributed mid-sized native grass appearing in meadows and on rocky ridges throughout California.  The soft green leaves reach a height of up to 2 ft. tall and will slowly spread to create a small clump.  Narrow, feathery grass flowers reach 2 - 3 ft. high in summer and age to a pale tan color.  Since this grass is new to us and we don't know of any other nurseries who have grown it, we are uncertain of its requirements. Based on this species' habitat in nature, we would recommend providing it full sun to light shade and moderate to infrequent irrigation with excellent drainage.  Deer resistant.  
Calamagrostis nutkaensis  Pacific reed grass
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Calamagrostis nutkaensis

(Pacific reed grass)

A large handsome bunch grass from the coastal regions of Monterey County to Alaska that forms huge tussocks in open moist meadows and on coastal bluffs. It can also be found as an understory at the edges of coniferous forests. Wide green blades grow 2 - 3 ft. tall with flowering culms to 4 ft. Good background or accent plant for the woodland or meadow. Will take full sun in somewhat cooler areas. Best with some summer water and partial shade inland. Deer resistant.
Calamagrostis nutkaensis 'The King' Pacific reed grass
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Calamagrostis nutkaensis 'The King'

(Pacific reed grass)

Large, handsome, evergreen native bunch grass selected by Roger Raiche in the King Range on the North Coast. Big bold deep green foliage and robust form 3 - 4 ft. tall and wide. Flower stalks rise a foot or two above the foliage. Good background or accent for woodland or partly shaded meadow. Will take full sun in somewhat cooler areas. Best with some summer water. Deer resistant.
Calamagrostis ophitidis  serpentine reed grass
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Calamagrostis ophitidis

(serpentine reed grass)

This handsome native bunchgrass deserves special attention for its tidy, upright form and sturdy character. A rare and threatened species from serpentine areas along our central coast, serpentine reed grass performs well in full sun but may need afternoon shade in hot, inland locations. The leaves reach a height of between one and two feet with flower spikes rising up to three feet tall. Does best with decent drainage and moderate summer water. Deer resistant.
Calamagrostis rubescens  pine grass
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Calamagrostis rubescens

(pine grass)

Native to wooded areas throughout the West, this slowly spreading grass forms dense drifts excellent for naturalizing in bright shade. The foliage reaches a height of about 12 inches with narrow inflorescences rising another 12 inches or so. While drought tolerant, it enjoys an occasional watering. Works well under oaks.  Deer resistant.

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Calamagrostis stricta ssp. inexpansa

(slipstem reed grass)

  Attractive apple-green leaves and a tidy appearance make this mid-sized reed grass very useful for the native garden.  The broad leaves reach a height and width of about 2ft. with inflorescences rising another foot.  Plant in full sun to light shade and water regularly.  Very rare in Sonoma County and uncommon throughout Northern California.  Deer resistant.  
Calamintha nepetoides  calamint
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Calamintha nepetoides


 A pretty, little, non-spreading mint relative, forming a rounded shrublet of shiny, bright green foliage to around 1’ tall and about 2 ft wide. Covered with hundreds of tiny, pale blue, nearly white blossoms over a long period in summer. Good for full sun to light shade with moderate watering. Tolerant of clay soil. One of our bee magnets. Deer resistant.
Calliandra californica  red fairyduster, zapotillo
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Calliandra californica

(red fairyduster, zapotillo)

Clusters of bright red flower filaments, resembling little dusters, adorn this Baja California native for much of the year. The dainty, fern-like leaves are generally evergreen, though they are less ubiquitous in the winter. This mid-sized shrub reaches up to about 5 ft tall over time and spreads to 5 ft wide, forming a loose, rounded mound. Hummingbirds and butterflies favor the flowers on this unusual member of the pea family. Hardy to around 25 degrees. Plant in full sun to light shade and provide occasional to no irrigation once established. Said to be tolerant of clay soils, but will not like flooding.
Callirhoe involucrata  Wine Cups, Purple Poppy Mallow, Buffalo Rose
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Callirhoe involucrata

(Wine Cups, Purple Poppy Mallow, Buffalo Rose)

This North American native perennial has an abundance of common names, a testament to its appeal and its wide distribution across North America. Growing one foot tall and spreading 3 foot or more wide, this trailing plant has attractive, deeply lobed, palmate leaves. Late spring and early summer bring masses of showy, cup-shaped blossoms of magenta, adored by bees and butterflies. Plant in full sun with decent draining soils, where it will be drought tolerant once established. Useful as an accent or in mass, spreads but doesn't smother, looks great amongst rocks, bunchgrasses, perennials and shrubs and can spill over walls. Mixed reports regarding deer resistance. A Plant Select winner as well as a Plant of Merit from the Royal Horticultural Society. 
Calocedrus decurrens  incense cedar
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Calocedrus decurrens

(incense cedar)

Cinnamon colored bark and a distinctly conical form distinguish this lovely conifer known for its appealing woodsy scent. Bright green, scale-like leaves drape from the ends of branches in dense clusters with small, flattened cones.Native to rocky areas throughout California. Slowly grows to become a large tree not suitable for a small garden. Requires decent drainage and occasional deep waterings when young. Enjoys full to part sun.Striking when planted as a single specimen or when combined with broadleaved trees such as maples and oaks. Deer resistant.
Calochortus luteus  yellow mariposa tulip
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Calochortus luteus

(yellow mariposa tulip)

This showy mariposa lily offers vibrant, golden-yellow flowers, often with reddish brown markings at the base of each of the three petals. The upward facing, bowl-shaped flowers seem to hover over grasslands on stems reaching one to two feet tall. In early winter, grass like leaves emerge from the soil, followed by the butterfly-favored blossoms in late spring and early summer. Once the flowers are done, this native bulb will go dormant. Plant in full sun to light shade with well-draining soil. Allow to go completely dry in the summer. Said to be one of the easiest of the mariposa lilies to grow in gardens. 
Calochortus tolmiei  pussy ears
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Calochortus tolmiei

(pussy ears)

Description coming soon!
Calochortus uniflorus 'Cupido' large flowered star tulip
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Calochortus uniflorus 'Cupido'

(large flowered star tulip)

While many Calochortus are known to be challenging in the garden, this selection is quite easy and blooms in abundance! Blue-grey, iris-like leaves emerge in the winter, followed by soft lavender-pink, tulip-like flowers in late spring. After flowering they will go dormant. Plant in full sun to light shade. Very drought tolerant but will tolerate occasional irrigation. This rare species has a surprisingly wide-ranging distribution, from the coast to the mountains of Northern California. Attracts native pollinators.
Calycanthus occidentalis  western spice bush
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Calycanthus occidentalis

(western spice bush)

Native along streams, rivers and moist places in California. This attractive deciduous shrub is well worth growing. Bright green aromatic foliage with interesting maroon-red flowers in spring-summer that resemble small waterlilies and have a wine-like fragrance. Can be grown as a multi-stemmed small tree, trimmed hedge or left alone to become a large background shrub. 5 - 12 ft. tall and wide. Part-shade is ideal.  Tolerates full sun with lots of moisture in somewhat cooler areas.  Accepts full shade but will grow more slowly with a more open habit. Regular to moderate water. Somewhat deer resistant.
Calystegia purpurata ssp. purpurata  purple western morning glory
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Calystegia purpurata ssp. purpurata

(purple western morning glory)

Lush, slender-stemmed vine with gray-green heart-shaped leaves scrambles up, over, or through any support provided. From late spring through early summer the plant is decorated with trumpet-shaped blossoms ranging in color from white to pink to purple. This deciduous vine can grow up to 10 ft. tall and wide. Sun to light shade, most soils, moderate to occasional watering for best appearance. Native throughout the Coast Range of California.
Calystegia purpurata ssp. purpurata 'Palomarin' purple western morning glory
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Calystegia purpurata ssp. purpurata 'Palomarin'

(purple western morning glory)

Large flowers which open pinkish-white and darken to a rich lavender distinguish this selection which we discovered near Bolinas in Marin County. This vigorous, deciduous vine spreads quickly to climb over fences and shrubs with clasping stems and grey-green, arrow-shaped leaves. Reaches a height of up to 10 ft. or so and can spread at least as wide. In late spring and early summer, the morning glory flowers put on quite the display, opening at dawn and then closing at dusk. Does great in full sun but also enjoys a little shade, especially in hot, inland areas. Likes moderate irrigation but will become somewhat drought tolerant once established. Hummingbirds and native pollinators are drawn to the flowers. 
Camassia leichtlinii 'Alba' great camas
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Camassia leichtlinii 'Alba'

(great camas)

Sparkling spires of white, star-shaped flowers make this great camas selection a standout in the late spring garden. A long-blooming native of the Pacific Northwest that grows in full sun to part shade and can take moister soils than other bulbs. Floral racemes shoot up 2-3 feet out of low, slender foliage with concentrated blooms that are larger and showier than those of common camas. Goes dormant in mid summer, but will spread to form clumps over time. Provide moderate to occasional water through spring flowering season. Deer and gopher resistant.
Camassia leichtlinii ssp. suksdorfii  great camas
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Camassia leichtlinii ssp. suksdorfii

(great camas)

Similar to the common camas, but with larger, star-shaped flowers ranging in color from soft to dark violet-blue on stems up to 3 ft tall. Native to grasslands and moist meadows that dry out in the summer. Also found in open, well lit woodlands. Easy to grow in full sun to light shade in a variety of soil types, including heavy clay. Allow to go dry after seed is set, where it will go completely dormant. This eye catching beauty is appealing to bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. An excellent container plant and cut flower. Deer resistant.
Camassia quamash  common camas
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Camassia quamash

(common camas)

Camas lily is a beautiful native bulb, producing stunning displays of sky blue to violet-purple, star-shaped flowers. Found throughout much of the western United States, growing in moist meadows and grasslands that dry out in the summer. Important species to native peoples, who encouraged the bulb through fire management. Historical accounts describe fields of blue from the massive floral displays. Easy to grow in full sun to very light shade and tolerant of a wide variety of soils, including heavy clay. Long, slender leaves give way to erect racemes of blossoms, to 2 ft. tall in late spring. Allow to go dry once seed set commences. Dormant in the winter. An excellent container plant and cut flower. A favorite of bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Deer resistant.
Campanula prenanthoides  California harebell
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Campanula prenanthoides

(California harebell)

Plant description coming soon.
Campanula rotundifolia  harebell
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Campanula rotundifolia


This charming little perennial is found growing around the world in the Northern Hemisphere, including Northern California. Forms a basal mound of small, heart-shaped, green leaves with slender flowering stems rising to about a foot tall. Sweet, little, pendant, lavender-blue, bell-shaped flowers, bloom sporadically in the summer and into the fall. Grow in lightly shaded woodland settings with gravelly soils and regular moisture. Perfect rock garden, crevice or container plant. Bee pollinated.
Cardamine californica  milk maids
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Cardamine californica

(milk maids)

One of California's most widespread and earliest spring wildflowers, often beginning to bloom in the winter. Found in somewhat shady locations in a number of plant communities, this slender perennial has rounded basal leaves. Flower stems 10 inches to 20 inches tall are topped with four petaled flowers of pure white to soft pink. This sweet harbinger of spring is easy to grow given a little shade and winter rain. After flowering and setting seed it dies back to its roots where it goes dormant until next year's rains awaken it. Good under oaks.
Carex amplifolia  bigleaf sedge
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Carex amplifolia

(bigleaf sedge)

Plant description coming soon.


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