Our Plants

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(elegant tarweed)
(false lily of the valley)
(fat false Solomon's seal)
(slim false Solomon's seal)
(chaparral bush mallow)
(fremont's bush mallow)
(Jones's bush mallow)
(Santa Lucia bush mallow)
(wild cucumber, California manroot)
(coast man-root, wild cucumber)
(California melic grass)
(Geyer's oniongrass)
(woodland melic)
(small-flowered melicgrass)
(Torrey's melic)
(sticky monkeyflower)
(yellow sticky monkeyflower)
(rock bush monkeyflower)
(Santa Susana monkeyflower)
(scarlet monkeyflower)
(mountain coyote mint, mountain pennyroyal)
(serpentine coyote mint)
(coyote mint)
(green coyote mint)
(pine muhly)
(deer grass)
(Sierra sweet bay)
(Pacific wax myrtle)
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