Ceanothus 'Julia Phelps'

  • Ceanothus  'Julia Phelps' California lilac
  • Ceanothus  'Julia Phelps' California lilac
  • Ceanothus  'Julia Phelps' California lilac
  • Ceanothus  'Julia Phelps' California lilac
California lilac

This much admired hybrid Ceanothus features a compact and bushy form, about 6 to 8 ft. tall and 8 ft. wide. Spectacular in spring when glowing dark indigo flowers cover the plant, accented by reddish buds. Small and crinkled dark green leaves provide an excellent backdrop for the richly colored flowers. Plant in full sun. Needs good drainage and summer drought once established. Does not do well in hot, interior climates. Very hard to distinguish from 'Dark Star', 'Julia Phelps' is somewhat larger. Shrubby Ceanothus provide seeds eaten by bushtits, mockingbirds, quail and finches, as well as cover for birds.

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