Fraxinus latifolia

  • Fraxinus latifolia  Oregon ash
  • Fraxinus latifolia  Oregon ash
  • Fraxinus latifolia  Oregon ash
Oregon ash

Fast growing hardwood tree, native to stream and river banks or other wetland habitats from San Diego to British Columbia. Growing 30 - 70 ft. tall, this deciduous tree has medium green compound leaves. Male and female flowers occur on separate trees and are not particularly showy. They bloom just as the spring foliage is leafing out. Fruits occur on the female trees and are paddle-shaped, single samara-style fruits in drooping clusters. Birds and mammals eat its seed, but probably used more as a nesting site for birds. Plant in sun to light shade with regular to moderate water.

Call to confirm current supply. Availability as of February 27, 2025:
We do not ship.

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