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Artemisia californica 'Canyon Gray'(prostrate California sagebrush)An unusual prostrate form of our coastal native sagebrush, forming a loose, nearly flat mat of finely cut, silvery, fragrant foliage around 4 ft. wide. Useful as a bank cover or for the top of a retaining wall where it can cascade over the edge. Combines beatifully with ceanothus, buckwheats and iris. Should be cut back from time to time to keep dense. Enjoys full sun to light shade and is very drought tolerant once established. Deer resistant.
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Artemisia californica 'Montara'(California sagebrush)Selected by Roger Raiche at Montara Ridge in San Mateo County. Forms a mound of finely cut fragrant foliage to around 2 ft. tall by 3 ft. (or more) wide. Requires full sun with decent drainage and is drought tolerant once established. Occasional summer water helps retain fresh look. Thrives in coastal environments. Deer resistant.
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Artemisia douglasiana(mugwort)Mugwort is native to many plant communities where there is at least some year round moisture: streams and riverbanks, road cuts, ditches, and moist meadows. A stout, rhizomatous perennial with aromatic foliage that is green on top and silvery beneath. The flowers are small and not particularly showy. The foliage is beautiful and fragrant with a long history of medicinal uses. Plant in sun to light shade where it will grow 3 ft. tall and spreading to form a colony. Well watered plants can grow even taller. Provides excellent cover and seeds for birds. Deer resistant.
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Artemisia pycnocephala(sandhill sage)Plant description coming soon.
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Artemisia pycnocephala 'David's Choice'(sandhill sage)An exceptionally fine selection of a coastal native. Forms a dense silky mound of silvery foliage 4 - 6 inches tall and up to 2 ft. wide. The floppy flowering stems rise a foot above the foliage and are interesting but not real showy. Shear back for longer life. Sun and drought tolerant. Deer resistant.
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Artemisia pycnocephala 'Dr. Seuss'(sandhill sage)In deference to this selection’s whimsical form, we have named it in honor of the children’s author who truly embodies “whimsical”. Soft, silvery, ferny foliage slowly spreads across the ground on woody branches with unusually tall flower stalks reaching up to 3 feet in height. As the stalks arise, the base is thickly covered in the showy foliage, getting narrower as it approaches the flower buds, giving the plant its unusual form. The small flowers are pale yellow and open in late spring and into summer. Provide good drainage and plant in full sun to light shade. Deer resistant.
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Artemisia suksdorfii(coastal mugwort)Rhizomatous perennial with sturdy upright stems of whitish-gray felted foliage. Native to coastal California where it grows in seasonal drainages near the ocean. Growing 1 1/2 ft. to 3 ft. tall and spreading to form small colonies of beautiful wooly foliage with a pleasant sage scent. The tiny flowers are not particularly showy but are attractive to pollinators. Useful in informal gardens for sunny areas with some summer moisture. Probably best in areas with some coastal influence. Cut to the ground annually to freshen and make room for new spring growth. Deer resistant.
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Aruncus dioicus(goat's beard)Native to stream sides and moist woods from Mendocino County, California north to Alaska. A bold and showy perennial looking like a giant astilbe. Forms dense clumps of finely divided foliage with arching, feathery plumes of white flowers 3-5 ft. tall in summer. Requires regular moisture and part shade where it makes a striking specimen or accent plant in the woodland garden. Dies back to its roots in winter. The frothy flower plumes attract an array of tiny little pollinators and the seed heads on female plants are an important food source for birds. Said to be deer resistant.
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Asarum caudatum(wild ginger)Native to the deep shade of forest floors, this evergreen perennial forms a handsome low groundcover. The large, deep green, heart-shaped leaves appear to hover over the ground, creating a lush, almost tropical effect. The unusual flowers which nestle under the leaves are normally maroon, but occasionally white, with long spidery tails. Thrives in the deep shade under redwoods, competing well with the aggressive roots and dense duff. The ginger scented leaves are deer resistant.
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Asarum caudatum 'Alba'(white-flowered wild ginger)An interesting form of the native, shade loving wild ginger. Calling the flowers white is a stretch, they are more of a wasabi-green rather than the usual maroon color of the species. The intriguing long tailed flowers are hidden beneath the glossy heart shaped leaves and would need to be planted on a wall, slope or container to make them easier to view. Wild ginger prefers shade and moisture where it will form a low spreading groundcover.
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Asarum marmoratum(marbled wild ginger)Plant description coming soon.
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Asclepias cordifolia(heart leaf milkweed)Description coming soon.
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Asclepias eriocarpa(Kotolo milkweed)More diminutive than showy milkweed at 1-3 feet, this long-blooming species has similar broad, greyish leaves and creamy, pink-accented flower clusters. Like other milkweeds, it is a larval host for the monarch butterfly. A great choice for habitat gardens in dry, sunny areas, providing nectar for a wide array of pollinators from late spring into fall. Usually found in rocky soils throughout parts of Southern California and in foothill areas north of the San Francisco Bay. Spreads to form colonies with minimal supplemental water. Deer resistant.
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Asclepias fascicularis(narrowleaf milkweed)Our most common native milkweed is found in meadows and on the banks above ponds. Its flowers are held in umbels of a pale mauve color. They form at the top of 1 - 3 ft. tall slender stems that die back in winter to a perennial rootstock. Its wandering roots form small colonies. Drought tolerant, it prefers seasonally moist soils and likes moderate water in the garden. The narrow leaves are the preferred larval food for the Monarch Butterfly. Full sun to part shade. Unlikely to be bothered by deer.
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Asclepias speciosa(showy milkweed)Bold and beautiful native milkweed that forms a large patch of tall stems with broad pale green leaves. Fragrant clusters of pinkish-purple flowers, followed by interesting seed pods. Spreads by underground shoots. Great in semi-dry naturalistic plantings. Host to Monarch butterflies. Deer resistant.
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Asplenium trichomanes(maidenhair spleenwort)This small fern is found in rocky habitats almost worldwide, though uncommon in California, where it is found only in Del Norte County. Tiny, dark green, oval leaves line the black stems of this diminutive evergreen fern. The narrow fronds form short tufts under 8 inches tall that spread slowly. Easy to grow, this little cutie is perfect for tucking into a shady rock garden, wall or container planting. Best in gritty, well drained soils with regular to moderate summer irrigation. Deer resistant.
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Aster x frikartii 'Monch'(aster)A particularly fine hybrid from the 1920’s, valued for its long display of clear lavender-blue daisies on stout, upright foliage, to around 2 ft. tall and wide. Easy to grow in full sun with good drainage and regular to moderate water. A wide variety of bee species visit this perennial, foraging for nectar and pollen. Attractive to butterflies too. Its long bloom period, May through October, make it a wonderful color accent and a powerhouse in the pollinator garden.
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Aster (Eurybia) radulinus 'Gilliam Creek'(rough-leaved aster)This charming woodland aster makes its home in bright, dryish woods from the Channel Islands all the way up to the Oregon border and into the northern Sierras. Normally a shy, dainty little forest dweller, this selection from Sonoma County is far more robust, featuring large clusters of white-petaled daisies with white centers which turn yellow with age, and finally a deep maroon. Flower stalks reach up to 2 ft. high, much taller than is typical for the species. Serrated, deep green leaves form a high mat on this slowly spreading ground cover. An excellent plant for dry, woodland gardens, but will also tolerate moderate irrigation. One of the few excellent pollinator plants for the lightly shaded garden.
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Astragalus nuttalii var. nuttallii(ocean bluff milkvetch)Plant description coming soon.
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Athyrium filix-femina(lady fern)Native to much of North America, lady fern grows in moist shady places. The newly emerging fiddleheads in the spring are particularly attractive. The graceful, delicate looking fronds grow 4 foot or more tall by 2 - 3 ft. wide. Lovely in a forest setting, as a background plant, or around a pond. Goes dormant in the winter. Plant in full to part shade with regular water.
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Athyrium filix-femina 'Minutissimum'(dwarf lady fern)A miniature form of the lovely lady fern, growing up to one foot tall and two feet wide. Forms compact mounds of finely divided light green fronds. Perfect for the small spaces, rock gardens or containers. A vigorous and hardy fern needing only shade and moisture to thrive. Dies back to the ground in the winter. The new unfurling fiddleheads adds charm in the spring. Deer resistant.
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Atriplex lentiformis(quail bush)This native bird favorite is a tough and useful shrub with beautiful silvery gray foliage. Growing 5 ft. or more tall and spreading widely, quail bush is valued for its ability to deal with difficult sites where it tolerates wind, salt spray, saline and alkaline soils. A terrific habitat plant, providing food and cover for a wide array of birds and mammals. Native from the coast to the desert. Excellent for erosion control and is fire resistant. Benefits from annual shearing and occasional aggressive pruning to rejuvenate. Plant in full sun with occasional to little summer water.
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Atriplex lentiformis 'Naomi'(quail bush)Quail bush is a large evergreen shrub with attractive silver-gray foliage, native to salt flats, desert scrub and coastal areas of California, the Southwest US, and Northern Mexico. A tough shrub tolerant of poor, saline, or alkaline soils, often used in restoration or large plantings that can accommodate its size and spread. Excellent in dry gardens, hedgerow plantings and for erosion control where it grows quickly and is extremely drought tolerant once established. Growing 5 - 7 foot tall and wide, it can be clipped to keep dense and in bounds. 'Naomi' is a female selection of this dioecious shrub, selected for its allergy resistance due to the lack of pollen. Plant in full sun to light shade with moderate to little or no summer water once established.
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Baccharis 'Centennial'(coyote bush, desert broom)This tough evergreen is a hybrid between coyote bush, Baccharis pilularis and desert broom, Baccharis sarothroides and is extremely heat and drought tolerant. Growing 3 - 4 foot tall by 4 - 5 ft. wide with a mounding growth habit. An excellent choice for low maintenance areas, useful for erosion control on slopes and tough sites where it requires full sun and little water once established. Being a female selection, it produces small, inconspicuous creamy-white flowers followed by fluffy seeds. Good habitat plant offering cover for animals, nectar for pollinators and seeds for birds. Deer resistant.
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Baccharis glutinosa (douglasii)(marsh baccharis, false willow)This native perennial is a powerhouse for pollinators, luring small butterflies, predatory wasps and other beneficial insects to its dense, white, flat-topped, nectar rich flower heads. Found in wetland and riparian habitats such as salt marshes and stream edges along the coast and interior valleys of California. An erect perennial, growing 3 ft. or more tall, with long, lance-shaped, resinous, leaves and spreading by rhizomes. Blooming in late summer to early fall, the flowers lack petals and are dioecious, with male and female disc flowers occurring on separate plants. Plant in full sun to light shade with moderate to regular water. Deer resistant.