Asplenium trichomanes

  • Asplenium trichomanes  maidenhair spleenwort
  • Asplenium trichomanes  maidenhair spleenwort
  • Asplenium trichomanes  maidenhair spleenwort
maidenhair spleenwort

This small fern is found in rocky habitats almost worldwide, though uncommon in California, where it is found only in Del Norte County.  Tiny, dark green, oval leaves line the black stems of this diminutive evergreen fern. The narrow fronds form short tufts under 8 inches tall that spread slowly.  Easy to grow, this little cutie is perfect for tucking into a shady rock garden, wall or container planting.  Best in gritty, well drained soils with regular to moderate summer irrigation.  Deer resistant.

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