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Clarkia amoena ssp. whitneyi

(Whitney's Clarkia)

Nearly extinct in the wild, this beautiful ANNUAL was found in coastal communities in Mendocino and Humboldt Counties. Growing 3 ft. tall and wide,  the branched leafy stems are topped with a long succession of 3 inch cup- shaped flowers.  The large flowers are light lavender-pink with whitish areas at the base of the petals.  Clarkias make excellent garden plants needing very little and giving much in return.  Plant in full sun to light shade, as a filler among trees or shrubs, in mixed flower border or meadow planting. A little water while flowering will extend their show.   Good container subject too.  Excellent cut flowers.  Seems to be deer resistant.  Attractive to bees and butterflies.
Clarkia  rubicunda  ruby chalice clarkia, farewell to spring
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Clarkia rubicunda

(ruby chalice clarkia, farewell to spring)

Showy and floriferous, with gorgeous, cup shaped blossoms of silky, pink-purple petals featuring a dark red center with a long bloom from late spring into summer. This endemic, ANNUAL wildflower grows in openings of woodlands and chaparral near the coast, mostly in the central part of state. Grows 2-ft. tall or more in full sun with low water needs. Tolerant of heavy soils, the exuberant blossoms attract bees, butterflies and moths, including Sphinx moth species. Performs well in containers and is an excellent cut flower too. Deer resistant.
Clarkia williamsonii  Fort Miller fairyfan
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Clarkia williamsonii

(Fort Miller fairyfan)

The incredibly showy flowers of this native ANNUAL will take your breath away in late spring and early summer. The large, lavender-pink, papery flowers feature deep, burgundy-red brush strokes and cheery white centers. Plants form a loose mound about 1 ½ ft. around. Butterflies and other pollinators love Clarkias. Native to the Sierra foothills, where it grows in full sun to light shade. Plants enjoy moisture while they are developing in the winter and spring, but are accustom to hot and dry summers. Needs decent drainage. Reseeds readily, as long as there is exposed soil nearby. Deer resistant!
Claytonia sibirica  candy stripe, Indian lettuce
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Claytonia sibirica

(candy stripe, Indian lettuce)

This native perennial with white to pink candy-striped flowers seeks shady, moist conditions. Our form is from Sonoma Coast and has particularly pink flowers. Related to miners lettuce, candy stripe produces dark green, succulent, edible leaves in low rosettes. Blooms over a long period beginning in spring and will frequently reseed. A sweet, spreading, low ground cover for a shady area with regular moisture. A charming and colorful addition to the forest garden, combining beautifully with ferns, wild ginger and false Solomon’s seal.
Clematis integrifolia  bush clematis, Mongolian bells
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Clematis integrifolia

(bush clematis, Mongolian bells)

This clematis, from central Europe, Russia and China, only grows a few feet tall and doesn't climb like most of its relatives in the genus. It has an upright, spreading habit and can grow 1 - 3 foot tall and 2 - 3 foot wide. Can be staked to stand erect or allowed to go its natural way, mounding and weaving itself among other perennials and shrubs. Lovely, bell-shaped, flowers in summer are followed by attractive silvery seed heads. Blossoms can be blue, rose or white. Plant in full sun to very light shade with regular water. Flowers are attractive to bees, butterflies, hummingbirds and the seeds favored by songbirds. Foliage is toxic and bitter and not eaten by deer or rabbits. 
Clematis lasiantha  chaparral clematis
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Clematis lasiantha

(chaparral clematis)

This deciduous native vine climbs over shrubs and trees in full sun to part shade. Produces a wealth of one inch, creamy-white flowers in spring and summer followed by large fluffy attractive seed heads. Use clematis to adorn a pergola or archway, or to train up trees or other structures. Plant in full sun to light shade. Little water once established. Generally deer resistant.
Clematis ligusticifolia  virgin's bower
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Clematis ligusticifolia

(virgin's bower)

Native to riparian areas where the vining stems will climb and weave their way up and over shrubs and trees. Large masses of fragrant, small creamy-white flowers bloom in summer. Beautiful, silvery, feather-like fruits follow and are as attractive as the blossoms. The intricately divided leaves on long stems can climb 20 - 30 ft. Full sun to light shade with regular to moderate summer water. Deciduous. Generally deer resistant.
Collinsia heterophylla - Sierra Form  purple Chinese houses
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Collinsia heterophylla - Sierra Form

(purple Chinese houses)

A striking form of a native annual wildflower found in open woodlands in much of California. The open lipped flowers are stacked in tiers, and said to look pagoda-like. In this Sierra form from Tuolumne County, the upper and lower lips are dark purple with a light central patch with scarlet nectar guides. This charming woodlander is best in bright shade, in edges and openings, or under oaks, where it blooms from mid spring to early summer. Grows around 2 ft. by 2 ft. When happy it will reseed and those seedlings will require no irrigation. A bee and butterfly favorite.
Comarostaphylis diversifolia  summer holly
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Comarostaphylis diversifolia

(summer holly)

Looking something like a toyon but closely related to manzanita, this handsome evergreen is a useful landscape subject. Native to chaparral communities near the coast in Southern California where it usually grows on north facing slopes. Growing slowly 6-15 ft. or more tall with shredded red bark and shiny dark green foliage. Creamy-white urn-shaped flowers in racemes bloom March-May are attracive to hummingbirds and pollinators. The dark-red rough textured fruits in summer are enjoyed by many kinds of birds. Grow as an upright shrub or with selective pruning can be trained into a small tree. Useful as a specimen, background screen or informal hedge in full sun to light shade with good drainage. Will except summer water only with good drainage and is drought tolerant once established.  
Cornus glabrata  browntwig dogwood
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Cornus glabrata

(browntwig dogwood)

The bluish-white fruits of this species are reputed to be especially good for attracting birds. Small creamy white flowers appear in spring on subtly beautiful arching branches. A type of stream dogwood, it forms thickets with time, 6 - 10 ft. tall. Deciduous. Prefers moisture and some shade. Western tanager and warblers eat the flowers. Grosbeak, Northern oriole, flickers, spotted towhee, Western bluebird, robins, mockingbirds, bandtailed pigeon, waxwing and quail eat the fruits. A great plant for stream restoration.
Cornus nuttallii  Pacific dogwood
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Cornus nuttallii

(Pacific dogwood)

Spectacular native tree with pleasing horizontal branching, gorgeous white flowers, handsome fruits and good fall color.  An elegant specimen tree though notoriously challenging in cultivation. Easiest to grow within its native range. Dislikes poor drainage, fertilizing, pruning, and injury to the tender bark.  Drought tolerant in shady, cool situations but enjoys occasional to moderate water in fast draining soils. Once established it can become a show stopping specimen in a wooded garden, under high branching trees, along stream courses and slopes with eastern or northern exposure. Birds relish the red fruits.      
Cornus sericea  western redtwig dogwood
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Cornus sericea

(western redtwig dogwood)

Redtwig dogwood is a spreading shrub growing 6 ft. or more tall, forming broad thickets along creeks and rivers. The beautiful red stems stand out in the winter landscape once they loose their leaves in the fall. Flat topped flower clusters are creamy white and are followed by clusters of white fruits. Often takes on nice fall color before loosing its leaves. Plant in full sun to light shade with regular to moderate watering. Does great on heavy clay soils and is a very good soil stabilizer. An excellent habitat plant where it provides food and cover. The fruits are very popular with birds. At the nursery, bluebirds and mockingbirds compete aggressively for the fleshy white fruits. 
Cornus sericea 'Flaviramea' yellowtwig dogwood
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Cornus sericea 'Flaviramea'

(yellowtwig dogwood)

This thicket-forming dogwood is grown for its beautiful yellow stems most admired in the winter season when it’s leafless. Thrives in moist places in full sun to light shade. Small creamy white flowers in flat topped clusters appear in spring. Grows 6 ft. tall and spreads with time to form an attractive drift. The white fruits are loved by birds.
Cornus sericea 'Hedgerow's Gold' redtwig dogwood
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Cornus sericea 'Hedgerow's Gold'

(redtwig dogwood)

A striking selection of redtwig dogwood, discovered near the Deschutes River in Eastern Oregon and introduced by Hedgerows Nursery. The large leaves of soft green have a broad, irregular, bright golden edge. In autumn the leaves turn an attractive ruby color. Forms a thicket that easily reaches 6 ft. tall by 6 ft. wide. The red stems stand out in the winter landscape after the leaves have fallen. Flat topped cluster of white flowers appear in spring and are followed by small white fruits enjoyed by birds. Best with regular water, good light and protection from the hot afternoon sun.
Cornus sericea ssp. occidentalis 'Tomales Bay' western redtwig dogwood
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Cornus sericea ssp. occidentalis 'Tomales Bay'

(western redtwig dogwood)

This selection of the native creek dogwood is from Tomales Bay, Marin County, where it forms broad clumps 6 ft. or more tall and wide. The beautiful red stems stand out in the winter landscape. Flat topped flower clusters are creamy white followed by small white fruits. Good fall color. Plant in full sun to light shade and give regular irrigation. Western tanager and warblers eat the flowers. Grosbeak, Northern oriole, flickers, spotted towhee, Western bluebird, robins, mockingbirds, bandtailed pigeon, waxwing and quail eat the fruits.

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Cornus sessilis

(black fruit dogwood)

Native to moist ravines and stream banks of the coast ranges and the Sierra Nevada Mts.. This deciduous shrub or small tree grows 5-10 ft. or more tall and wide. Beautiful shiny, jade green leaves with prominent lateral veining decorate the graceful green barked stems. Small, yellow flowers appear early as it leafs out in the spring and are followed by oval fruits. Fruit color changes as it matures from greenish-white to yellow, red and finally shiny black which attract a wide range of fruit eating birds. Foliage can take on pretty tones of yellow and red in the autumn. Thrives in moist shady locations, but will grow well with just part shade and moderate to occasional summer water once established.
Corylus cornuta ssp. californica  western hazelnut
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Corylus cornuta ssp. californica

(western hazelnut)

Western hazelnut is a handsome, open, multi-stemmed shrub native to forests from Santa Cruz northwards in the Coast Range, and from Sequoia northwards in the Sierra foothills. Winter deciduous with decorative dangling catkins in winter. The soft, somewhat hairy leaves turn yellow in the fall. Small amounts of tasty nuts are produced in late summer and are relished by wildlife and people. Part shade with some moisture, but will tolerate fairly dry conditions once established. Usually grows 6 - 10 ft. tall. Somewhat deer resistant.
Crataegus douglasii  western hawthorn
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Crataegus douglasii

(western hawthorn)

Western hawthorn occurs in wet meadows or borders of forests in northern California. A large deciduous shrub or small tree 6 - 20 ft. tall with reddish-brown bark and formidable thorns. Small white flowers in flat topped clusters in late spring are followed by red fruits that ripen to black. The fruits are highly attractive to birds. Plant in full sun to partial shade with regular to moderate water. This shrub tends to sucker and could be encouraged to form a thicket. Or, amenable to pruning, it can be trained into a slender tree.
Cynoglossum (Adelinia) grande  Pacific hound's tongue
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Cynoglossum (Adelinia) grande

(Pacific hound's tongue)

From woodlands throughout Northern and Central California comes this alluring bluebells relative. Dainty flower clusters ranging in color from periwinkle blue to lavender appear on slender stalks in the spring. The leaves are what gives this plant its name: grey-green and tongue-shaped, emerging in the winter from basal roots. Plant in bright shade and don’t water once established. Needs decent drainage. Once this plant goes to seed it will go dormant, re-emerging in late winter. A great accent plant for under the dry shade of deciduous oaks.
Danthonia californica  California oatgrass
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Danthonia californica

(California oatgrass)

California oatgrass is a native bunchgrass found throughout mountains and coast ranges in both open and partly shaded areas. Forms dense leafy tufts with flower stalks of nodding spikelets to 1 1/2 ft. tall. Not to be confused with the invasive alien wild oats, this native makes a good basic grass for a meadow planting. Withstands trampling and traffic. Good for soil stabilization. Sun to very light shade. Little to no summer water once established. Deer resistant.
Darmera peltata  umbrella plant, indian rhubarb
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Darmera peltata

(umbrella plant, indian rhubarb)

Native to mountain streamsides of Northern California and Oregon. A spectacular plant for pond, stream, moist woodland, or anywhere there is regular moisture and lightly shaded conditions. The lovely pink flower clusters on tall naked stems are the first to emerge in the spring. Next the very large bright green round leaves on sturdy stalks unfurl, reaching a height of up to 4 ft.. The foliage turns yellow in the fall and dies back to chunky rhizomes in the winter. A bold and beautiful flowering and foliage plant. Does well in containers too. 
Darmera peltata - dwarf form  umbrella plant, indian rhubarb
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Darmera peltata - dwarf form

(umbrella plant, indian rhubarb)

This is a surprising dwarf form of the moisture loving umbrella plant. The normally large round leaves of this species are dramatically reduced in height and width in this novel selection. Only about 1 1/2 ft. tall with leaves 8 - 10 inches wide. Deep pink flower clusters, unusually dark for the species, emerge on slender stems in spring and are soon followed by the bright green leaves. The foliage turns yellow in the fall and dies back to chunky rhizomes in the winter. A nice compact alternative for the smaller garden with part shade and regular moisture. Does well in containers. 
Delphinium nudicaule  red larkspur
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Delphinium nudicaule

(red larkspur)

In late winter and spring, scarlet flowers with elongated tails perch on upright stalks, usually not more than 3 ft tall. The green, lobed leaves which form a low mound above the ground have a distinctive pale patch in their centers. This native makes its home on summer-dry slopes throughout much of Northern California and parts of Central Ca., inhabiting bright, open woodlands and rocky road cuts. Needs good drainage and little to no irrigation in the summer. While it can grow in a fair amount of shade, it blooms best under a bright, dappled canopy. A favorite of hummingbirds and butterflies. All parts are poisonous if ingested.
Delphinium trolliifolium  Columbian larkspur
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Delphinium trolliifolium

(Columbian larkspur)

Towers of dense, blue purple flowers reaching up to 4 ft high make this one of our most striking native larkspur. The robust stalks rise above elegantly cut leaves featuring an appealing matte finish. The new leaves emerge in winter after a summer/fall dormancy, followed by the stunning floral display in early spring. Native to the northwest corner of our state, where it grows in oak woodlands, bright, coniferous forests and coast chaparral. Enjoys moisture in the winter and spring, but should be allowed to go somewhat dry in the summer when dormant. Provide light shade away from the coast. Attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds. All parts are poisonous if ingested.
Dendromecon harfordii  island bush poppy
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Dendromecon harfordii

(island bush poppy)

A beautiful and much sought after shrub native to California’s Channel Islands. Growing 6 - 10 ft. tall with bluish-gray foliage and a showy display of brilliant yellow poppy blossoms - spring into early summer, with scattered flowers throughout the year in mild climates. Requires full sun, good drainage, and little to no irrigation once established.


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