Crataegus gaylussacia

  • Crataegus gaylussacia  Klamath hawthorn
  • Crataegus gaylussacia  Klamath hawthorn
  • Crataegus gaylussacia  Klamath hawthorn
  • Crataegus gaylussacia  Klamath hawthorn
Klamath hawthorn

Klamath hawthorn occurs in seasonally wet meadows or borders of forests in northern California. A large deciduous shrub or small tree 6 - 20 ft. tall with reddish-brown bark and formidable thorns. Small, white flowers in flat topped clusters in late spring are followed by red fruits that ripen to black. The fruits are highly attractive to birds. A slight fall/winter chill can turn the leaves a brilliant orangey-red. Plant in full sun to partial shade with regular to moderate water. This shrub tends to sucker and could be encouraged to form a thicket. It is also amenable to pruning, and can be trained into a slender tree. This is our most common, local native hawthorn., and until recently was once thought to be C. douglasii.

Call to confirm current supply. Availability as of February 27, 2025:
We do not ship.

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