Our Plants
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Ranunculus californicus(California buttercup)Cheerful harbinger of spring, this western native grows in vernally moist sites in a number of plant communities throughout California. Easy to grow perennial, sports bright green succulent foliage topped with slender stems 1 to 2 ft. tall and wide. A profusion of shiny, bright yellow blossoms bloom freely until soil dries out. Goes dormant with drought, returning in spring, often reseeding. Full sun to light shade. Excellent early pollen and nectar source, attractive to bees and other beneficials.
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Ranunculus occidentalis(western buttercup)Native to open woodlands and meadows, this buttercup often occurs under deciduous oaks and buckeyes or on edges of forests. Perennial, with basal foliage, the flower stems rise 12 to 20 inches with bright yellow shiny petals. Has been surprisingly adaptable. Does fine with moderate summer irrigation, where it stays evergreen and long blooming. Once established can be allowed to go summer dry, where it will go dormant after setting seed, and returning with the winter rains.
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Rhamnus crocea(spiny redberry)An under-used evergreen shrub native to chaparral, woodland, and coastal-sage scrub communities in California. Spiny redberry can grow up to 6 feet tall and wider, but is typically in the 2 - 4 ft. height range, spreading to 6 ft. or more across. Small, leathery, dark-green ovate leaves give this tough shrub a delicate look once established. The flowers on both male and female plants are inconspicuous, blooming from late winter into early spring. Female plants produce sporadic, jelly-like red berries. Great for dappled light under oaks, or a dry, shady woodland slope with California fescue. Can tolerate more sun near the coast, but prefers afternoon shade inland. Drought-tolerant once established. Larval host for a multitude of butterflies and moths, including the pale tiger swallowtail butterfly, Ceanothus silk moth, and Hermes copper butterfly. Deer resistant.
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Rhamnus ilicifolia(hollyleaf redberry)A handsome evergreen shrub with small, dark green, leathery, serrated leaves. Found in the foothills and mountains of southern and central California, the Sierras and west of the Sacramento Valley up to 3,500 feet. Slow-growing, reaching 6-10 feet tall and wide, with a somewhat open, upright habit. Male and female plants are separate, producing inconspicuous yellow-cream flowers from spring into early summer. Female plants produce sporadic, gelatinous red fruits. Hollyleaf redberry can be planted in full sun to shade, but prefers a bit of relief from the afternoon sun in inland sites. It requires decent drainage and is drought-tolerant once established. Larval host for the pale swallowtail butterfly. Reportedly deer resistant.
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Rhododendron macrophyllum(California rose-bay)One of the glories of our coastal redwoods forests, this evergreen rhododendron features clusters of large flowers in the spring which can range in color from deep rose to pale pink. Native from the Big Sur Coast north to Washington. In the wild, this open branched, big leaved shrub can reach a height of 13 feet. Plants in the garden tend to be much smaller, not usually exceeding 8 feet with a slightly narrower width. While somewhat temperamental in cultivation, success can be achieved with dappled shade, well draining soil rich in organic matter and moderate to regular water. Deer resistant.
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Rhododendron occidentale(western azalea)A much sought after and admired native deciduous shrub found in moist places and stream banks in many plant communities throughout California. Leafs out in the spring with bright green foliage on a shrubby framework 3-6 ft. or more tall and wide. Glorious displays of fragrant azalea flowers in dense terminal clusters appear in late spring and can be pure white to pale pink often with yellow or orange markings. Needs decent light to bloom well but appreciates light shade, acid soils and regular water. Deer resistant
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Rhododendron occidentale x 'Irene Koster'A beautiful hybrid Rhododendron involving our western azalea, introduced by a Dutch nursery in 1895. This is a deciduous shrub with massive displays of sweetly scented funnel-shaped blossoms in late spring. The large showy trusses have flower buds with dark-pink stripes that open to a light rose-pink with a splash of yellow-orange on its upper petals. Grows 6 -8 ft. tall by 4 - 6 ft. wide in part shade with regular to moderate watering. Prefers humus rich acidic soils with good drainage. The fragrant flowers attract an array of pollinators including butterflies. Deer resistant. |
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Rhus aromatica(basket bush)An arching, mounding native shrub related to sugar bush and lemonade berry. Early spring brings a profusion of soft yellow flowers followed by orange-red fruits relished by wildlife. The leaves turn shades of yellow, orange and red in the fall. Plant in sun to light shade where it is drought, cold and heat tolerant. Useful addition to the naturalistic garden, as a shrubby groundcover, along seasonally moist streams, and for erosion control. Used by the native people for basketry.
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Rhus integrifolia(lemonade berry)This sturdy native shrub or small tree is highly valued for its evergreen foliage and as a source of food for birds, bees and butterflies. Round, serrated, leaves, flatter than those of the sugar bush, cover this plant from head to toe. In late winter to early spring, white to pink flower clusters emerge, followed by sticky, reddish fruits. Ranging in height and width from 4 to 20 ft., lemonade berry is very tolerant of pruning, either into a small tree or a low hedge. Cold hardy to about 20 degrees. Plant in full sun to part shade. Will be very drought tolerant once established. Fire resistant. Deer resistant.
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Rhus ovata(sugar bush)Handsome evergreen shrub native to dry slopes away from the coast in Southern California, Baja, and Arizona. A durable shrub thriving in hot, rocky conditions in full sun to part shade where it will be completely drought tolerant once established. Grows 4 - 10 ft. tall and wide. A profusion of dense flower clusters are rosy tinted in bud opening to white with a pinkish blush. Small reddish fruits follow that are coated with a sugary secretion that tastes lemony. Excellent subject for hot, dry inland conditions. Good for birds, bees and butterflies. Fire resistant. Deer resistant.
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Ribes aureum(golden currant)A vigorous deciduous shrub with masses of cheerful yellow blooms that appear in early spring. The light green foliage returns in late winter followed by delicate clusters of bright yellow tubular flowers that mature to a reddish-orange. Makes a wonderful addition to any habitat garden. Hummingbirds and bees adore the flowers, and the golden berries attract birds. Tolerates a variety of conditions from creeksides to dry woodland foothills to higher elevations - and even snow. Grows 6 to 8 ft. tall and wide. Where it finds water, it can spread by suckers, but is highly amenable to pruning. Adaptable to sun or shade, but does best with afternoon shade and moderate to occasional summer water.
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Ribes bracteosum(blue currant)Native from Mendocino County northwards, this deciduous shrub is distinctive for its long, upright inflorescences and large, shiny leaves up to eight inches wide. As many as fifty of the soft orange, saucer-shaped flowers can occur on a single stem in the spring followed by small blue fruits in late summer. In shaded, moist conditions the blue currant can reach a height and width of about six feet but can get larger in cool, wet areas along the coast. Combine with other plants of the redwood forest such as ferns, sorrel and wild ginger.
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Ribes californicum(California gooseberry, hillside gooseberry)Undemanding, winter blooming, deciduous shrub, native to Coast Range mountains of California, from Mendocino County south to Orange County. Excellent choice for habitat gardens, where it provides abundant flowers and fruits plus thorny, protective cover. Variable in size, this spiny shrub can grow 4 - 6 ft. tall and wide. The pendant flowers are tiny but numerous and charming on close inspection. The tubular flower parts are white and extend beyond the reflexed red sepals, and are highly attractive to hummingbirds and other pollinators. Red, bristly, globular fruits follow and are adored by birds. The bright green leaves often take on striking crimson colors in the late summer before going dormant with drought. Host plant to several butterfly species as well as the white-lined sphinx moth. Best with light shade and a little irrigation, though once established it is completely drought tolerant.
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Ribes cereum(wax currant)Description coming soon!
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Ribes divaricatum var. pubiflorum(spreading gooseberry)Native to coastal scrub, moist woods and shady canyons of the Pacific coast from British Columbia south through much of coastal California. This gooseberry is perhaps the most tasty of all of our native Ribes. The berries have the added benefit of being free of thorns. Forms an arching shrub 3-5 ft. tall and wide with thorns at the leaf nodes. The tiny flowers are composed of reddish sepals and white petals that dangle beneath the branches and are attractive to hummingbirds. The small, blue-black berries are relished by birds. Plant in light shade with some summer moisture. Will tolerate full sun near the coast. Useful as a barrier, hedgerow or habitat plant where it provides excellent food and thorny cover for birds.
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Ribes indecorum(white flowered currant)Native to Southern California chaparral and coastal scrub plant communities from Santa Barbara County to Northern Baja. This vase shaped deciduous shrub features thick, aromatic, scalloped leaves and grows 6 feet or so tall and wide. Small clusters of white flowers cover the stems in November and attract hummingbirds, bees and butterflies. The fruits that follow are very appealing to birds. Plant in sun to light shade. Little to no summer water is required once established. While this currant is often summer deciduous, a little extra water will help it to retain most of its leaves all year long.
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Ribes indecorum(white flowering currant)Description coming soon!
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Ribes malvaceum(chaparral currant)Chaparral currant is a tough and durable native shrub 4 to 6 ft. tall. This deciduous shrub will grow in full sun to light shade and is quite drought tolerant. Flowers early, often midwinter with dangling clusters of pink blossoms. Good early nectar source for hummingbirds. Berries attract many birds including grosbeak and mockingbirds.
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Ribes malvaceum 'Cupertino Rose'(chaparral currant)
Chaparral currant's flowers can range from white to pink to nearly red in color. This selection carries flower clusters that were the darkest to be found in this population from the foothills of the Santa Cruz Mts. west of Cupertino. The buds are dark pink and the dangling racemes when fully open read medium pink. Deciduous shrub 4-6 ft tall and wide with a very early bloom season often beginning in November, which provides an excellent early source of nectar for hummingbirds. The pendulous clusters of berries that follow are relished by birds. Tolerates full sun along the coast with some shade inland and occasional to little summer water.
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Ribes malvaceum 'Dancing Tassels'(chaparral currant)A dazzling selection by Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden from San Clemente Island. Blooming in winter over a long period with the longest dangling flower clusters we’ve seen in the species. Pendulous flower clusters are dusty pink in bud, opening to white and soft pink when fully open. Growing 6 ft. or more tall, this deciduous, vase shaped shrub has gray-green foliage with a pungent resinous fragrance. Peeling red-brown bark and clusters of blue-black berries add to its beauty and appeal. Chaparral currant blooms earlier and is more sun and drought tolerant than the popular pink flowering currant, Ribes sanguineum glutinosum. Plant in full sun to light shade with little to no water once established. An outstanding early nectar source for hummingbirds.
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Ribes malvaceum 'Rana White'(white chaparral currant)This unusual form of the chaparral currant has pure white flowers, not the typical pink flowers one normally sees. Forming an erect shrub of true green, aromatic foliage 6 ft. or more tall and wider. Winter and early spring bring short pendant racemes of the fragrant white flowers that are highly attractive to hummingbirds and pollinators. Clusters of sticky berries follow and are relished by birds. Though it will tolerate garden conditions, this currant is extremely drought tolerant once established. When allowed to go dry, this well-adapted species drops its leaves in late summer and leafs out again in late autumn. Moderate irrigation can make it almost evergreen. Plant in full sun to light shade. This species can be found throughout much of California in chaparral and on the edges of woodlands. Introduced by Rana Nursery.
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Ribes malvaceum var. viridifolium 'Ortega Beauty'(chaparral currant)Description coming soon!
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Ribes menziesii(canyon gooseberry)A gooseberry of low elevation forests, growing to around 5-8 ft. tall with an open, arching habit. Bright green scalloped leaves with pale undersides are set on spiny stems. The charming flowers are small but sweet, with maroon sepals and white petals dangling beneath the thorny branches offering nectar to hummingbirds. The spiny red fruits that follow are decorative and attractive to birds. Often found on the edge or in openings of forests, the canyon gooseberry does best with light shade. It is drought tolerant especially near the coast, though it appreciates occasional summer water. An excellent habitat plant that provides shelter and food for a wide variety of birds.
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Ribes nevadense(Sierra currant)Description coming soon!
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Ribes odoratum 'Crandall'(clove-scented currant)Native to the Midwest and high plains this shrub looks similar to our native Ribes aureum. Growing 4 - 6 ft. tall and wide with light green, lobed leaves on spineless branches. Fragrant yellow flower clusters have a spicy carnation-like fragrance and are followed by abundant and flavorful black fruits. The rich, sweet-tart fruits are similar to the European black currant and can be used in jams and jellies. Eye-catching red leaves in the fall. Plant in full sun to partial shade with moderate to occasional summer water.