Acer circinatum

  • Acer  circinatum  vine maple
  • Acer  circinatum  vine maple
  • Acer  circinatum  vine maple
  • Acer  circinatum  vine maple
  • Acer  circinatum  vine maple
  • Acer  circinatum  vine maple
vine maple

Deciduous shrub or tree 5 to 20 ft. tall, native to moist woods and streambanks in the coastal mountains of northern California to British Columbia. Attractive in all seasons: bare reddish twigs in winter, delicate lobed leaves in spring and summer, and good color in autumn. Wonderful in the woodland setting, under tall conifers where its fall color will stand out. A natural with ferns and other woodland plants that receive dappled to part shade and regular to moderate summer water. Can be espaliered too.

Call to confirm current supply. Availability as of February 27, 2025:
We do not ship.

1g 5g
53 @
17 @