Current Availability

Plants have been selling very rapidly. Please call ahead to check availability. Plants can be purchased before they are ready.

We take a field inventory every few weeks from February through December. We last updated our inventory on February 27, 2025. Availability fluctuates wildly in our small nursery; it's always best to call to check current supply. Prices subject to change.

Please Note: We do not do mail order and we do not ship plants.

This list reflects retail prices. Landscape and Nursery professionals will need to establish their wholesale status with us to purchase at wholesale prices.


Botanical name Common Name Notes Native 4in 5in 1g 5g
Ribes menziesii canyon gooseberry Y 14 @ $15.00
Ribes sanguineum v. glutinosum 'Heart's Delight' pink flowering currant Y 25 @ $15.00
Ribes sanguineum v. glutinosum 'Tranquillon Ridge' pink flowering currant Y 22 @ $15.00
Ribes sanguineum v. sanguineum 'King Edward VII' red flowering currant young Y 181 @ $15.00
Ribes speciosum fuchsia-flowered gooseberry 103 young Y 112 @ $15.00
Ribes viburnifolium Catalina perfume Y 1 @ $6.50 1 @ $15.00
Ribes x gordonianum currant N 18 @ $13.50
Romneya coulteri matilija poppy young Y 35 @ $15.00
Rosa californica California wild rose Y 35 @ $15.00
Rubus leucodermis blackcap raspberry Y 29 @ $13.50
Rubus parviflorus 'Dr. Stasek' double-flowered thimbleberry young Y 68 @ $13.50
Rubus spectabilis salmonberry young Y 23 @ $13.50
Rudbeckia glaucescens waxy coneflower Y 23 @ $12.50
Salix eastwoodiae mountain willow SALE: 50% off gallons Y 6 @ $13.50
Sambucus mexicana (nigra ssp. caerulea) blue elderberry young Y 92 @ $15.00
Schoenoplectus (Scirpus) acutus var. occidentalis tule Y 23 @ $12.50
Sequoia sempervirens coast redwood gallons young Y 90 @ $13.50 6 @ $36.00
Sequoiadendron giganteum giant sequoia Y 10 @ $13.50 10 @ $36.00
Silene laciniata ssp. californica cardinal catchfly young Y 20 @ $6.50
Sisyrinchium bellum blue-eyed grass young Y 50 @ $12.50
Sisyrinchium bellum 'Stripey' variegated blue-eyed grass Y 25 @ $6.25
Sisyrinchium californicum yellow-eyed grass Y 48 @ $6.25
Stipa (Nassella) cernua nodding needlegrass Y 1 @ $6.25
Stipa (Nassella) lepida foothill needlegrass Y 20 @ $6.25
Stipa (Nassella) pulchra purple needlegrass Y 3 @ $12.50
Symphoricarpos albus var. laevigatus snowberry Y 45 @ $13.50
Symphyotrichum (Aster) 'Little Carlow' aster dormant N 17 @ $12.50
Symphyotrichum (Aster) oblongifolium x 'Raydon's Favorite' aromatic aster dormant N 4 @ $12.50
Tanacetum bipinnatum (camphoratum) dune tansy Y 11 @ $14.00
Tellima grandiflora fringe cups young Y 2 @ $6.25 40 @ $12.50
Teucrium chamaedrys germander N 48 @ $6.25 14 @ $12.50
Thalictrum fendleri v. polycarpum meadow rue young Y 55 @ $6.25 56 @ $12.50
Thuja plicata western red cedar Y 11 @ $36.00
Trillium chloropetalum giant wakerobin young Y 14 @ $15.00 10 @ $25.00
Trillium ovatum western trillium young Y 7 @ $16.00
Triteleia hyacinthina white brodiaea Y 13 @ $6.50
Triteleia laxa 'Aquarius' Ithuriel’s spear Y 27 @ $6.50
Triteleia laxa 'Corrina' Ithuriel’s spear Y 171 @ $6.50
Triteleia laxa 'Queen Fabiola' Ithuriel’s spear Y 93 @ $6.50
Triteleia laxa 'Rudy' Ithuriel’s spear Y 30 @ $6.50
Triteleia laxa 'Silver Queen' white Ithuriel’s spear Y 54 @ $6.50
Urtica dioica common nettle Y 21 @ $6.25 7 @ $12.50
Vaccinium ovatum evergreen huckleberry young Y 431 @ $15.00 22 @ $41.00
Veratrum fimbriatum fringed cornlily Y 27 @ $14.00
Vitis californica x 'Roger's Red' California grape Y 48 @ $13.50
Vitis girdiana desert grape Y 68 @ $13.50
Woodwardia fimbriata giant chain fern SALE: 50% off 4” Y 8 @ $7.50 42 @ $15.00
Wyethia angustifolia narrow leaf mule ears Y 107 @ $12.50
Wyethia glabra smooth mule ears Sonoma County source Y 32 @ $6.25 57 @ $14.00
Wyethia helenioides gray mule ears gallons young Y 40 @ $9.00 19 @ $14.00
