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Lasthenia californica ssp. macrantha(perennial goldfields)Native along the immediate coast of California and just into Oregon, where it forms low, tight mounds of deep green succulent foliage. Cheerful, bright yellow daisies bloom over a long period. Best in full sun with some sumer water and good drainage. Long blooming, open faced flowers are excellent sources of nectar and pollen for butterflies, bees and other pollinators. |
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Lathyrus vestitus(hillside pea, Pacific pea)From woodland to chaparral throughout much of the California coast ranges comes this charming sweet peat relative. Clusters of dainty flowers ranging in color from white to pink and lavender grace this evergreen vine in the spring, followed by clusters of small peapods. Plant along a fence or amongst shrubs where it will climb up to 8 ft. tall and wide. Provide light shade inland but will tolerate full sun near the coast. Drought tolerant once established but will also accept occasional irrigation. This vine is a host plant to the silvery blue butterfly and the arrowhead blue butterfly. |
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Lavandula angustifolia 'Alba'(white flowered English lavender)English lavender is native to the mountainous regions of southern Europe. This species is the traditional lavender, long used for it's essential oils. Forms a symmetrical, rounded shrub, with aromatic, grey narrow leaves, growing 3 ft. in height and spread, with flower spikes rising another foot or so above the foliage. This cultivar sports elegant, pure-white, flowers in spring and summer which are adored by honey bees, mason bees, carpenter and bumble bees. Butterflies and hummers like it too. Plant in full sun, with good drainage and moderate to occasional summer water once established. Deer resistant. |
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Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote Blue'(dwarf English lavender)A strain of the popular 'Hidcote' English lavender, which sports compact foliage and intense, velvety, dark lavender-blue flowers. The fragrant grey foliage forms a chubby shrub 12 - 18 inches tall by 2 ft. wide. The sweetly fragrant flowers bloom in late spring to early summer and are highly attractive to pollinators. Bees, butterflies and hummingbirds enjoy this plant but deer do NOT. Plant in sunny areas with good soil drainage, where it will be drought tolerant once established. |
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Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote'(dwarf English lavender)This dwarf lavender forms a chubby shrublet of grey, fragrant foliage 12 - 18 inches tall and wide. Spring and summer bring short flower spikes of rich violet-blue flowers that are highly attractive to bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Plant in full sun with good drainage and occasional water. Deer resistant. |
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Lavandula x intermedia 'Grosso'(lavender)This variety of lavender is planted widely in Europe for commercial harvest of the fragrant flowers. Forms a compact shrub of grey foliage, 2-1/2 ft. tall and wide, topped with long wands of violet-blue flowers in summer. Lavenders require conditions similar to rosemary, well drained soil and full sun to very light shade. Once established they are drought tolerant requiring occasional water. Very drought tolerant along the coast. The flowers are highly attractive to bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Deer resisitant. |
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Lavandula x intermedia 'Provence'(lavender)A very popular lavender variety which forms a rounded mound of gray-green foliage. The slender, fragrant, lavender-blue flowers appear in spring and summer on long, graceful stems. Grows 3 - 3 1/2 ft. tall. Lavenders are sun loving, drought tolerant shrubs, requiring good drainage and occasional summer watering. A bee favorite, especially honey and bumble bees. Butterflies and hummingbirds visit the flowers too. Deer resistant. |
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Lavatera (Malva) assurgentiflora(Island mallow, malva rosa)Light green, maple-like leaves with showy, rose-pink flowers with dark veination bloom over a long period from spring to fall. Native to the Channel Islands, this fast growing shrub will grow 10 ft. tall or more. Useful as a drought tolerant, wind resistant, fast growing screen or hedgerow plant, at its best in coastal environments. Inland needs some protection and periodic summer water. Pruning helps maintain a nice habit. Probably best in naturalistic garden designs. A favorite nectar source of orioles. |
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Layia chrysanthemoides(smooth tidy tips)Light up your plantings or containers with this cheerful, ANNUAL wildflower. Boasting clear, bright yellow daisies with pure white-tipped petals, providing a spectacular springtime display. Similar to the common tidy tips, this species is a little smaller, though the flower heads are equally large. Mostly found in the northern part of the state where it is native to vernal pools, grasslands, and valley bottoms, growing in heavy soils and full sun. Attractive to pollinators, especially butterflies. Birds relish the seeds. |
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Layia platygosa(tidy tips)Easy to grow native ANNUAL for open sunny areas. Wide distribution, from the coast to inland valleys, Mendocino County to Baja. Foliage grows 6-12 inches tall in lean soils and taller with more fertility. Cheerful, one inch, lemon-yellow daisies with pure white tipped petals entice bees and butterflies. Birds love the seeds. A knock out mixed with blues and purples of lupines or baby blue eyes. Does not need water once established. |
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Lepechinia calycina(pitcher sage)A super fragrant sage relative with a wide distribution in California’s coastal ranges. White to pale pink or lavender, open-mouthed, tubular flowers appear in late spring and early summer. Fuzzy, grey leaves clothe the plant all year but less densely in the winter. Can grow 2 - 4 ft. tall and wide with a rather lank form which can be improved with regular pinching. A fast growing perennial for sunny to lightly shaded areas with good drainage. Very drought tolerant once established. Attracts hummingbirds. Deer resistant. |
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Lepechinia calycina 'Rocky Point'(pitcher sage)An excellent form of a native pitcher sage selected by Tilden Botanic Garden. Features a more compact habit, growing 2 ft. or so tall by 4 ft. or so wide. Pale lavender, tubular flowers appear in spring and summer, drawing hummingbirds into the garden. The fragrant, felted foliage is basically evergreen but is less dense in the winter. Plant in full sun to very light shade and provide good drainage. Very drought tolerant once established and deer resistant. |
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Lepechinia fragrans(fragrant pitcher sage)This fragrant sage relative is endemic to Southern California, native to chaparral and woodlands of the Santa Monica and San Gabriel Mountains and the Northern Channel Islands. Softly hairy and strongly fragrant, this woody perennial grows around 4 - 5 feet tall and wide. Showy, lavender-purple, wide-mouthed, tubular flowers bloom in mid to late spring, attracting bumble bees and hummingbirds. Will thrive in full sun to light shade, where it will be drought tolerant once established. Pinching back foliage helps form a dense growth habit. Deer resistant. |
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Lepechinia fragrans 'El Tigre'(fragrant pitcher sage)A wonderful addition to the dry garden, this rare fragrant pitcher sage is native to the Channel Islands off of California but is quite happy in Sonoma County gardens. Forms a shrub 4 - 5 ft. tall, with soft lavender flowers in the spring hanging gracefully from slender, arching stems. The long, angular leaves are colored soft, gray-green and covered in white hairs. This selection was chosen for its more saturated flowers with darker calyces. Adored by hummingbirds and bees. Plant in full sun on the coast, but provide partial shade inland. Needs good drainage and is drought tolerant once established. Deer resistant. |
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Lepechinia hastata(pitcher sage)A bold and beautiful sage relative which grows 4’-6’ tall and slowly spreads to form a small thicket. Large, fragrant, grey-green leaves are an excellent foil to the reddish-purple flowers which appear on branch tips in summer and early fall. Great in the flower border or out in the “wild” part of the garden. Easy and tough. Full sun to light shade with moderate to occasional water. Looks best when cut to the ground after blooming is done. Attractive to hummingbirds. Deer don’t seem to eat it. |
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Lessingia (Corethrogyne) filaginifolia(common sandaster)This California native perennial often hugs the ground, spreading widely, it threads its silvery foliage decoratively among other plants. Bright lavender, yellow centered aster-like flowers give a summer long season of bloom. Provide full sun to light shade, some summer water and reasonable drainage. A nectar and larval food source for butterflies. Deer resistant. |
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Lessingia (Corethrogyne) filaginifolia 'Silver Carpet'(common sandaster)A variable species, this selection hails from the Big Sur Coast and was discovered by Carol Bornstein. Forms an attractive ground hugging mat 4 ft. or more wide. The gorgeous silver foliage is the perfect foil for the 1 inch lavender-pink daisies with yellow centers. Tolerates a wide range of conditions including full sun to light shade, drought and wind. Useful groundcover, meadow plant or spiller where its flowers are enjoyed by bees and butterflies. Best with some summer water inland. Deer resistant. |
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Lewisia cotyledon(cliff maids)Named for Meriwether Lewis, this attractive succulent is native to higher elevations in Northern California and Southern Oregon, typically granite outcrops. The flowers which usually emerge in spring and summer, can range in color from yellow to orange to pink to red. These frost hardy plants form evergreen rosettes, approx. 8 - 10” tall by a foot or so wide. Lewisias need very good, sharp drainage, are heavy feeders, and love a granite rock mulch. They like to be grown sideways, in rock walls, where their crown can drain any moisture away. Plant somewhat high in a fast draining mix and feed every now and then. Morning sun, afternoon shade is best inland. Water as you would any succulent, sparingly, and keep the crown high and dry. |
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Lewisia longipetala 'Little Peach'(cliff maids)Large flowers with long petals colored peachy apricot make this selection of our native cliff maids a knockout in the garden. Round clusters of narrow, succulent leaves form patches up to about 8 inches wide. The irresistible flowers emerge en masse from between the leaves on slender stalks up to about 10 inches high. A very long bloomer, beginning in spring and often re-blooming in summer. Works really well in a container with lean, fast draining soil, placed in bright partial shade. Water sparingly. For best results, mulch with granite chips and fertilize occasionally. Lewisias are native to the mountains of California and beyond, where they grow in rock cliffs. An excellent choice for the rock garden. |
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Lewisia longipetala 'Little Raspberry'(Truckee lewisia)The parent of this strain of Lewisias is found in rocky outcroppings of the Sierra Nevada Mts. Forms low, fleshy rosettes of tough evergreen leaves. Raspberry-red flowers bloom on short stems above the leathery foliage in the spring into summer and often again in the autumn. Requires good sharp drainage and rock mulch, but appreciates partial shade in hot summer areas. Perfect for rock walls, rock garden, containers and troughs. Water as you would any succulent, sparingly, and keep crown high and dry. This is not the plant for your perennial border, but it is easy to make happy in containers. |
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Ligusticum apiifolium(celeryleaf licorice root)We love members of the carrot family, with their flat-topped clusters of star-like flowers and excellent habitat value. This species is no exception, though it is rarely grown in nurseries. In spring the clear-white flowers appear in delicate umbels on slender stalks 2 - 4 ft. high. The ferny, bright-green foliage stays close to the ground, rarely reaching more than a foot tall. Occurs in the Coast Range from the San Francisco Bay Area northwards. You may find this species in full sun near the coast or in bright woodlands further inland. Needs decent drainage and occasional to infrequent summer water. |
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Lilium humboldtii ssp. humboldtii(Humboldt lily)From the mountains of northern California comes this dramatic, drought tolerant lily, reaching upwards of 10 feet tall in its native habitat of chaparral and open forest. Lowland gardeners can expect a height of 6 feet or so. Large, orange flowers with magenta spots form many stately tiers around the robust stalks with lance-shaped leaves climbing up the base in tidy whorls. Give this rare lily excellent drainage and withhold summer water. Plant in dappled shade. |
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Lilium humboldtii ssp. ocellatum(spotted Humboldt lily)Description coming soon. |
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Lilium pardalinum(leopard lily)An elegant and beautiful native from moist places and along stream banks in many plant communities from southern Oregon to southern California. A reliable species easily growing 4 ft. tall or more, slowly increasing its width over time. The Turk’s cap style flowers bloom in summer and are orange with red tips and maroon spots. Dies back to the ground in winter. Prefers fertile, well drained soils. Where summers are cool you can plant in full sun. Elsewhere plant in filtered sun, light shade or afternoon shade. Requires moderate summer water. |
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Lilium pardalinum 'Giganteum'(giant leopard lily)A towering lily reaching up to 7 feet tall with orange and crimson flowers 3 to 4 inches wide. Who can resist that! Believed to have been discovered along the Van Duzen River in Northern California and thought to be a natural cross between L. humboldtii and L. pardalinum. The large stalks are crowned in summer by layers of flowers up to 30 in number with whorls of large leaves ascending up the base. Forms colonies over time to dramatic effect. Plant in full sun near the coast but protect from the hot afternoon sun, inland. Needs moderate water but is intolerant of soggy soils. Tolerates drier soil than the typical leopard lily. |
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Lilium pardalinum (Gualala River)(leopard lily)The leopard lily is highly prized among plant collectors for its tall slender stalks with bright orange and crimson flowers peppered with maroon spots. This selection was discovered along the Gualala River by Roger Warner and features stupendously large flowers 4 – 5 inches wide. At maturity, one stalk can display more than a dozen flowers. The leaves are bright green and lanceolate, forming whorls around the stalk. These bulb-like plants emerge in early spring, bloom in summer and then go dormant in the autumn. Plant in brightly dappled shade. Provide decent drainage and moderate water. May tolerate infrequent irrigation once established but won’t bloom as vigorously. |
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Lilium pardalinum ssp. pitkinense(Pitkin lily)This is the local rare subspecies of the leopard lily, threatened by habitat loss, grazing, competition with Himalayan blackberries, and collecting. Ours are responsibly grown by scale division from seed grown parent plants. A beautiful turks cap lily with intense orange-red reflexed petals revealing maroon spots. Needs moisture until it's through flowering and protection from gophers. Bright shade or morning sun with afternoon shade is best. This species attracts hummingbirds and butterflies. |
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Lilium parvum(alpine lily, Sierra tiger lily)Description coming soon! |
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Limnanthes douglasii(meadowfoam)California native ANNUAL occurring in grasslands and vernal pools throughout California. Low growing, shiny green foliage is topped with a profusion of sweetly fragrant, cup shaped, bright yellow blossoms with white tips. An excellent choice for low, winter wet areas, drainage swales, retention basins or seasonally dry stream beds. Thrives in heavy soils where it often naturalizes. Plant in full sun to part shade with regular water through the growing season. Fabulous container plant too. Meadowfoam is excellent for encouraging native pollinators, bees and butterflies. |
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Limnanthes douglasii ssp. nivea(snowy meadowfoam)California native ANNUAL occurring in grasslands and vernal pools throughout California. Low growing foliage is topped with a profusion of sweetly fragrant, small white flowers with purple-pink veins on the petals. An excellent choice for low, winter wet areas, drainage swales, retention basins or seasonally dry streambeds. Thrives in heavy soils where it often naturalizes. Plant in full sun to part shade with regular water through the growing season. Good in containers too. Native wildflowers are excellent for encouraging native pollinators. |
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Limnanthes douglasii ssp. sulphurea(Point Reyes meadowfoam)Pure yellow flowering form of meadowfoam, rare in the wild but easy to grow in the garden. This native ANNUAL favors seasonally moist areas in full sun. Low growing foliage is topped with a profusion of pure yellow, cup-shaped, fragrant flowers. Useful in low areas, drainage swales, retention basins or seasonally dry stream beds. Thrives in heavy, water retentive soils. Wonderful in containers too. Meadowfoam is excellent for encouraging pollinators and other beneficial insects. |
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Limonium californicum(sea lavender)Native to coastal areas throughout much of the state, this beautiful statice relative produces clusters of small, lavender-purple flowers on slender stalks up to 18 inches tall. Low rosettes of semi-succulent, dark green leaves provide an excellent contrast to the airy inflorescences. Plant this marsh native in full sun with regular to moderate water. Thrives in wet conditions with poor drainage. Excellent for bees and butterflies. Makes a wonderful dried flower. |
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Linum lewisii(Western blue flax)A profusion of sky-blue, five petaled, shallowly cupped blossoms flower in late spring and into summer. Growing 12 to 18 inches tall with slender stems and narrow leaves. Can be short lived but often reseeds. A lovely filler, whose true blue flower color seems to go with everything, and the fine foliage contrasts nicely with a variety of leaf colors and shapes. Plant in full sun with moderate to infrequent summer water. Deer resistant. |
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Lobelia cardinalis(cardinal flower)Cardinal flower is native to wet places throughout much of North America. A hummingbird favorite with show stopping, intense scarlet-red tubular flowers on erect terminal spikes in late summer. Growing 2 - 3 ft. tall by 2 ft. wide, this clump-forming perennial has dark green, serrated leaves. Tends to be rather short lived, but is a strong re-seeder. Prefers areas with constant moisture and cool sun to part shade, affective in moist areas of woodland gardens, meadows, pond edges, and rain gardens. Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies, but is resistant to deer browse. |
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Lobelia dunnii var. serrata(blue lobelia)Water loving perennial native to creek sides and other wet places in Southern California. Growing one foot tall and spreading vigorously by rhizomes with clusters of soft blue, one inch flowers in summer. Best with regular water and part shade. A perfect addition for a shady water feature, moist meadow or container planting. The flowers are highly attractive to butterflies of all sorts and are visited by hummingbirds. Winter dormant. Deer resistant. |
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Lomatium californicum(California lomatium)Native to lightly shaded banks or brushy slopes, this interesting native forms clumps of beautiful, ferny, blue-green leaves. The foliage has a pungent celery flavor and grows 1 ft. or so tall. The yellow-green flowers form broad umbels that reach up to 3 ft. high. Good for brightly lit woodlands that go summer dry. Plant with Heucheras, California fescue and Iris. A larval food source for the Anise Swallowtail butterfly. |
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Lomatium dasycarpum(lace parsnip)Native to chaparral, grassland and open woodland throughout much of California, this dainty little member of the carrot family produces flat-topped clusters of fuzzy flowers, yellow in bud and creamy-white when open. The fern-like leaves are gray-green and hairy. Blooms in early spring. A larval food source for the Anise Swallowtail butterfly. Needs well-drained soil and full sun to part shade. Do not water once established. Summer dormant. |
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Lomatium dissectum(fernleaf biscuitroot)This carrot relative features clusters of small burgundy or yellow flowers held in round clusters in open umbels. Tall, slender stalks up to 4 ft high support the blossoms above broad, finely dissected leaves. Pollinators love the flowers and the anise and indra swallowtail butterflies depend on the leaves as a food source for the developing caterpillars. Grows throughout much of California in hot, inland areas. Plant in full sun to light shade and provide little to no water once established. Needs excellent drainage. A rarity in nurseries. |
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Lomatium utriculatum(common lomatium)Plant description coming soon. |
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Lonicera ciliosa(western trumpet honeysuckle)Native to north slopes, creeks and river banks from very northern California to British Columbia and Montana. Lovely blue-green, oval-shaped leaves on rapidly growing woody stems will clamber up any support it can find. Terminal flower clusters with narrow, trumpet-shaped, orange flowers are adored by hummingbirds. Red translucent fruits follow that are relished by birds. Plant in cool sun to moderate shade with regular water. Possibly deer resistant. |
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Lonicera hispidula(California honeysuckle, hairy honeysuckle)This native honeysuckle is often seen climbing over shrubs on the edge of woodlands where its roots are shaded and its foliage is sun drenched. The trumpet-shaped flowers range in color from rosy-pink to pink and white and feature prominent yellow stamens emerging from their mouths. They form clusters which decorate the tips of the vining branches and are attractive to bees and hummingbirds. The high point is the drooping clusters of luminous red berries in late summer which are beautiful to behold and provide a feast for birds, especially orioles. A drought tolerant vine but would appreciate occasional deep summer watering. Considered by some to be deer resistant. |
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Lonicera involucrata(twinberry)An interesting native shrub that grows along streams and other moist places. The tubular, red and yellow flowers are borne in pairs on bright red bracts and are hummingbird favorites. Two black shiny fruits follow the flower and are very showy set against the red bracts, making them attractive to birds. Reaches 6 - 10 ft. tall and wide, this neatly branched shrub loses its leaves in the winter. A great addition to the habitat garden in full sun to light shade with regular to occasional deep summer water. Orioles love the fruits. Needs afternoon shade in hot, inland areas. Deer resistant. |
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Lotus (Hosackia) formosissimus (gracilis)(coast lotus)A low growing native perennial found in seasonally moist meadows, ditches and seeps along California's coast, north to British Columbia. Small, neat leaves form a pretty, low ground cover spreading up to 2 ft. wide. Pea-like flowers have a bright yellow upper petal and deep pink lower petals which bloom in the spring then sporadically through the summer. Plant in full sun to light shade with regular moisture. Makes a nice container plant, too. Flowers visited by bees and other pollinators. Thought to be the larval food source for the possibly extinct lotus blue butterfly. |
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Lupinus albifrons var. albifrons(silver bush lupine)A popular California native lupine growing to around 3 ft. tall and wide. Beautiful silver foliage with intense blue-purple flower spikes in the spring. To thrive, this lupine needs full sun to very light shade and excellent drainage. Little to no water once established. Vulnerable to snail and slug predation. An excellent species for native pollinators and a larval host for several species of butterflies. Deer resistant. |
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Lupinus albifrons var. collinus(prostrate silver lupine)A beautiful low growing form of the silver bush lupine. Forms a mat of gorgeous silvery foliage 12 inches or so wide with spires of rich blue flowers rising 12-18 inches tall in the spring. Plant in full sun to very light shade with well drained soil. Flowers attract a wide array of beneficial insects, especially bees of all types. Drought and deer resistant. |
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Lupinus albifrons var. douglasii(Douglas' silver bush lupine)This variety of the popular silver bush lupine has the same wonderful wands of blue-purple flowers in spring and summer but also features larger, silvery leaves covered with fine hairs. The plant itself is also larger, reaching 3 – 5 feet in height. This variety grows from Marin County down to the Channel Islands. Plant in full sun with excellent drainage and little to no summer water once established. A nectar species for native bumblebees and hummingbirds. This is a butterfly host plant for several blues, hairstreaks and the northern cloudy-wing. Deer resistant. |
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Lupinus arboreus - blue flowered form(blue bush lupine)Native to coastal areas from Sonoma Co. down to Southern California, the blue bush lupine is distinctive for its grand size (reaching up to 6 ft. tall) and racemes of scented, blue and white flowers. The showy blooms which appear in spring and continue into summer are an excellent nectar source for native bees and hummingbirds. Various butterflies use this species as a larval host plant. The seeds are enjoyed by birds. Grow in full sun with good drainage and occasional to no irrigation once established. Not suitable for areas which get very cold in the winter. Not suitable for Mendocino Co. northwards where it can invade natural areas. Deer resistant. |
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Lupinus arboreus - yellow flowered form(yellow bush lupine)Native to coastal plant communities from Sonoma County south to Ventura County. Showy, fragrant, clear-yellow flowers in long, dense spikes in mid spring and into summer. A fast-growing, floriferous shrub, 3-6 ft. tall and wide. Excellent choice for coastal areas in full sun with good drainage. Not suggested for gardens in coastal Mendocino County due to its ability to quickly naturalize and take over fragile plant communities. Drought and wind tolerant. Lupines have great habitat value, offering nectar for pollinators and nourishing seeds for birds. Great for hummingbirds and a larval food source for various butterflies. Deer resistant. |
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Lupinus latifolius var. parishii(canyon lupine)A moisture loving lupine that grows along streambanks and throughout woodlands in central and southern California. A lush perennial, growing 3-4 feet tall and wide, with foot long flower spikes of scented, pink to lavender flowers in late spring-early summer. The large, dark green leaves create a bold texture beneath the slender flower stalks. Plant in lightly shaded conditions with some summer water. Dies back to the ground in winter. Attractive to bees and hummingbirds. Deer resistant. |
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Lupinus nanus(sky lupine)This beautiful ANNUAL lupine can be seen on grassy hills, open slopes and fields, often casting a blue haze of color from a distance in the spring. Low growing, 6 - 20 inches tall and wide, with wonderfully fragrant, rich blue flowers with white markings. Prefers full sun, lean and well drained soils with minimal supplemental watering. Contrasts beautifully with California poppies, providing the classic, blue and gold displays of spring. Attractive to a myriad of pollinators and a larval food source for a number of butterfly and moth species. Deer resistant. |
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Lupinus nanus - Pacific Pink(pink sky lupine)Unusual, soft pink flowers distinguish this seed strain of the iconic California sky lupine, the traditionally blue flowered, ANNUAL species which blankets grasslands throughout California in the spring. The blossoms sit in whorls on upright stems above dissected, palmate leaves. This low plant reach 6 – 20 inches tall and wide, combining nicely with low, native perennials and grasses. Enjoys well-draining soil in full sun to light shade. Reseeds fairly readily if exposed soil surrounds the plants. Attractive to a diverse array of pollinators and a larval food source for a number of butterfly and moth species. Deer resistant. |
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Lupinus polyphyllus(bog lupine)The bog lupine is known for its tall flower spikes of blue to purple or sometimes pink, reaching up to 5 feet tall from a bed of large, dark green leaves about 18 inches in height. This species is the dominant parent used in many popular hybrid lupines. Native to moist places from the San Francisco Bay area northward along the coast and in mountainous places in the interior. Prefers full sun along the coast and dappled shade inland. This lupine tends to go winter dormant. Snails and slugs find lupines especially tasty when young. Needs regular water. One can create a wonderful meadow by planting the bog lupine with other moisture loving species such as lady ferns, umbrella plant and seep monkeyflower. Deer resistant. |
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Lupinus sericatus(Cobb Mountain lupine)A rare species from Sonoma, Lake and Napa Counties, this lupine forms a low, wide mound of gorgeous, broad, silver leaves with thick, 12 inch spikes of mauve-pink to violet flowers in spring. Requires full sun to very light shade and good drainage. Do not water much once established. Lupine flowers attract a wide array of insects, especially bees. Deer resistant. |
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Lupinus stiversii(harlequin lupine)A striking ANNUAL lupine, endemic to California, with a disjunct distribution in the Sierra foothills and separate mountain ranges in Southern California. Instead of the more typical blue or purple flowers, this lupine sports beautiful, bicolored flowers of yellow and pink, on low foliage 6 - 10 inches tall. Grows in open, exposed areas, in full sun with good drainage, and is extremely drought tolerant. Blooms in the spring and offers excellent pollinator value, attracting a variety of insects, and a larval food source for a number of butterfly and moth species. Deer resistant. |
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Lupinus succulentus - Rodeo Rose(pink arroyo lupine)Description coming soon! |
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Luzula parviflora(small-flowered woodrush)This tidy native woodrush forms grass-like clumps 8 - 10 inches tall and a little wider with broad, bright green leaf blades. The small yellowish flowers occur on the tips of arching flowering stems in late spring. Occurs over a wide range of the Western U.S. and up into Canada, across and down into the northeastern states. Perfect for the woodland garden with moderate moisture. Will seed around if the conditions are right, but we have not found it to be weedy. Deer resistant. |
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Lyonothamnus floribundus ssp. aspleniifolius(Santa Cruz Island ironwood)A rare and beautiful evergreen tree from Santa Cruz Island off of the Southern California coast. Fernlike, pinnately divided, shiny, dark-green leaves adorn this fast growing tree which can reach 20 to 50 ft. tall and 15 to 20 ft. wide. Late spring brings large flat-topped clusters of creamy-white flowers on this unusual rose family member. Peeling, reddish-brown bark adds to the interest of this single or multi-trunked tree, which can be used in small groves or as a striking specimen. Plant in full sun to partial shade with moderate to infrequent water. Cold hardy to about 15 degrees. Pollinating insects and birds are attracted to the flowers. |